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  1. B

    How many of you are capable of taking rejection?

    That's my question. We've read all the posts in this forum and most of the time, we stress that confidence is the key to success. That's the thing............. Even a confident man is afraid of rejection. I've seen some of them walking away after rejection feeling ashamed of themselves...
  2. B

    When a Girl Insults You....

    I really like this post!!!!! It's way too wonderful..... EVERYONE HERE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS NECESSARY TO GET EVEN WITH GIRLS WHO INSULTED YOU. It doesn't matter why do you have to do that but you do that because your ego is way so important that it must not allow anyone to even try...
  3. B

    Ten Commandments of Getting Even

    Say whatever you like, but revenge is still sweet As long as you don't get your @ss into trouble, then I guess you dont have to worry so much about the f*cking revenge thing. Anyway, I believed that I am sure I did not buy the wrong books which are sold on the internet. It seems that the...
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    Ten Commandments of Getting Even

    Cut the brakelines???? Sorry you got the wrong guy If getting even is not something which is suppose to be done, then why on earth are there books about revenge which are sold at The revenge which are taught in the books are VERY will turn your enemies life...
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    Ten Commandments of Getting Even

    You guys should read some of his books sometime Although some of you may think getting even is not right, for those who feel like getting back at your enemies, feel free to read the tips and books written by George Hayduke. Everyone knows that he is the master of revenge and has the meanest...
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    Ten Commandments of Getting Even

    This text was taken from the book Make 'em Pay by George Hayduke. If you are a truly spiteful person and like revenge this book is for you. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF REVENGE. 1. Thou shalt not trust, nor confide in, anyone...
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    What are some sharp comebacks for her insulting remarks?

    It always get to me because I can't control my reactions I could just leave her alone but it happens that each time when I am insulted by someone, I am not able to give them back a piece of their own medicine. And that is the reason why I regret for not insulting them at the moment and end up...
  8. B

    What are some sharp comebacks for her insulting remarks?

    A girl said this to me a few days ago : Girl : Oh my god, look at the way you dress. Your clothes are nice but it doesn't look good on you. Only good looking guys will look good on your outfit. BW : Argh shut the f*ck up....and mind your own business. Girl : HAHA :D BW : Im going out...
  9. B

    what is 'the system'?

    Re: Re: what is 'the system'? Why don't you mind your own f*cking business than worrying about other people's life? It's completely his business if he wanna make chicks wet, or make them so horny until they wanna rape the hell out of him and it is also none of your business.!! :rolleyes:
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    what is 'the system'?

    It will trust me Have faith, that's what Doc Love said after you've purchased his The System. He will submit a long a letter to explain this when his book arrived.
  11. B

    what is 'the system'?

    Will you please STFU? You're a senior Don Juan and you shouldn't be asking Panther to keep his mouth shut cause he has his rights to say whatever he feels that will benefit gabriel. Why are you being such a pathetic moron giving instructions to someone else to obey? Just tell me who the...
  12. B

    I got beaten up by her brothers because I stood her up

    OHHHHHHH! Anyone who has self respect knows that getting back at them is the best solution. No one said that they're going to be killed. They're just going to get beaten up the same as what they've done to me. And using a little bit of brains, everyone knows that I am not warranted for...
  13. B

    I got beaten up by her brothers because I stood her up

    Don't get back at them?? But they beat me up. I was thinking of hiring some gangsters to go over and teach the girl and her brothers some lesson. I never thought she is going to ask her brothers to beat me up cause I didn't expect her to act like a little kid who just can't take it if someone...
  14. B

    I got beaten up by her brothers because I stood her up

    This girl started it but she can't win the game and resort to aggression. I called this girl to ask her out last week and she agreed to meet me for dinner. However she stood me up on purpose. So this time, I asked her out and stood her back on purpose and she got mad. Not only that, she asked...
  15. B

    What does it mean when someone says "You're a stalker stalking girls"

    I still don't understand.! What is a stalker by the way?
  16. B

    What does it mean when someone says "You're a stalker stalking girls"

    Yeah, what does it mean. I've heard of it many times but have no idea what stalking is all about? :X Sigh
  17. B

    How to prevent girls from seeing through what we're doing?

    To the guys out there It's not about Interest Level and etc. It's about testing her if you could find out if she's lying or not just to fulfill my curiousity...... That's why I use a conundrum on her.......... Anyway, if you guys have better ways of using it, feel free to contribute your...
  18. B

    How to prevent girls from seeing through what we're doing?

    Oh I that's how IntermediateDonJuaner acts. Did I really sound like him?? In case you're confused, let me clear this up with you. I am not IntermediateDonJuaner....... Fair enuf??
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    How to prevent girls from seeing through what we're doing?

    Who's IDJ?? I don't know anybody called IDJ. Who is it??