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  1. B

    How to avoid hazing from people?

    Ever remember like those times in high school? We have the class clown, the joker, the avid party goer, the loner and etc. Right now since I have been isolated, I am now the loner. Basically, I have been acting like a doormat before this trying to please people all the time so I will not get...
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    How to avoid hazing from people?

    Girls seem to practise what I seemed to see from high school. In high school, competition is very keen. Students haze each other and things turn ugly. So there's this b|tch who tried to act in such a b|tchy way, so I told her off that day. And now, she started to give me the silent treatment...
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    Being accused several times in office because of chick competition

    I think that's his intention What Im afraid is that he will continue to accuse me in future if anything else is reported missing. In other words, he is trying to look for trouble with me and make my life miserable in the workplace. What can be done if I take this matter up to the management...
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    Being accused several times in office because of chick competition

    This is my current problem now.! There is this guy in office who always seem to compete with me in whatever I do. Doesn't matter if it is work, social life and etc and the worst is when it comes to women. He seemed to be engaging in a competition with me in the workplace by trying to...
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    How to forget the past and move ahead?

    I'm very tired, exhausted and depressed...... I just don't know what to do .! I have been isolated too long......... How miserable it is to live such a life? It is so meaningless. So I heard people said helping out others make you feel good so I volunteered in a hospital to help others out in...
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    How to forget the past and move ahead?

    So you guys wanna listen to my story? Well, let us begin the depressed story Throughout highschool and college, I am not likable to other people. I was all alone all the time. Nobody joins me......So here it comes Friday night and Saturday night and it's 11.00 p.m, everyone is out with their...
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    How to forget the past and move ahead?

    Is it that easy? It's easier said than done.! I am so obsessed with whatever they have done until even after years, I still couldn't forget it. I even have thoughts of going back to give them a piece of their own medicine to make them suffer. But according to a book I read "How to deal with...
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    How to forget the past and move ahead?

    That's it.!!!! That's my question!! I want to know what can I do to forget about the past. I kept on getting stuck into the past. I cannot forget what others have done wrong to me and I keep on getting into a kind of obsession and getting angry for years. I can still remember those...
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    she thinks shes fat.... (how do i play off that?)

    This guy is hilarious! Rolling on floor laughing out loud & laughing my @ss off!!!!
  10. B

    Hmm........getting even and not letting them know about it?

    Who is IntermediateDonJuaner IntermediateDonJuaner???? Who is that?? Is IntermediateDonJuaner a person who has the same beliefs as I do?? Man, I really need to talk to IntermediateDonJuaner if I have a chance
  11. B

    Hmm........getting even and not letting them know about it?

    Some people just don't know what is self respect Anyone who has integrity and is man enough knows, that getting even is the best way to solve thing. On top of that, swallowing what others have done wrong to you is stupid and childish, stupid and childish and have no place on DJ discussion...
  12. B

    Hmm........getting even and not letting them know about it?

    It looks like some of you didn't understand my question My question is very simple and you dont have to answer anything else The question is this : To let them know you're getting even on them or don't let them know.? That's all! I was just wondering why some of you divert the topic and...
  13. B

    Hmm........getting even and not letting them know about it?

    I was just wondering here, I read some tips over the internet and I come across articles which talked about getting even against those who have done you wrong. I understand that, but the question now is whether we should let our enemies know that we are the ones who are exacting revenge...
  14. B

    What should I do when I have a controlling gf and cant dump her cause of her bros

    Those books were confiscated when they arrived at the custom. So I don't have them. DARN IT!!!!! Otherwise, I would have got them earlier.......
  15. B

    What should I do when I have a controlling gf and cant dump her cause of her bros

    Yes, I'm an idiot . Keep the tape, then wait till her psychotic assh0le inbred brothers call you up, taperecord that too, after the bro iss done shouting at you because he's mad the goat isn't putting out anymore, play back to him the psycho sisters words. I did that today. I played back...
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    What should I do when I have a controlling gf and cant dump her cause of her bros

    Give me a break guys! Yes it's true I am chickensh|t. If I ditch her and her bros come over and beat me up, what can I do? I have talked to some of my friends about it and they said it's best if I disappear for a long time. Because if I get beaten up. there's nothing I can do here, even a...
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    What should I do when I have a controlling gf and cant dump her cause of her bros

    They threathen to frame me up Here's what they said : If you are going to dump her, then you go to jail. We will lodge a police report saying that you tried to beat,molest and rape my sister when she refused to f*ck with you. And we'll be the witnessess to the situation. How's that?
  18. B

    What should I do when I have a controlling gf and cant dump her cause of her bros

    I made a mistake for not analyzing her correctly from the beginning. She is one of the most inflexible girl and every time we're out on a date, I have to do whatever she wants. She even controlled my life completely and dont allow me to hang out with my buddies. Each time I argue with her, she...
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    When a Girl Insults You....

    HAHAHAHA! LOLZ. That was funny! ROFLMAO :D
  20. B

    How many of you are capable of taking rejection?

    I hate rejection!!!!! I hate what others will think of me if I am rejected. I dont want to look like a chump in front of everyone. Surprisingly, I dont get all pissed off when I am rejected for a job. I applied 30-40 applicatons and I got about 6-7 interviews. And even if I managed to get...