What should I do when I have a controlling gf and cant dump her cause of her bros

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Legolas, there is absolutely NO REASON for this guy to continue to waste time on this group. All of this talk about being an AFC to get her to dump him, or trying to get her to leave him for another guy, or befriending her brothers... all of that, is nothing more than throwing good time after bad.

What we're dealing with here is a guy who is in a bad situation, knows exactly what he needs to do to get out of it (leave), but is too chickensh*t to do so, so he blames his inaction on outside forces. He needs to learn that HE, and no one else, is in control of his life.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Hire some Puerto Ricans that have machetes and tell them to slice off the heads of your girlfriend and her bros and bring their heads to you. They won't bother you again!!!

Say "bring their heads to me" in a deep voice and as a king would say it - sitting in a chair with a stern yet sincere face and gazing straight ahead of you! Do this like yul brener in the movie the ten commandments!
I wanted to add -- make sure that you are sitting in a big overszed chair that signifies and commands a grandeur status above your authority (especially if you are a small guy) - this will emphasize the seriousness of your threat!


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Give me a break guys!

Yes it's true I am chickensh|t.

If I ditch her and her bros come over and beat me up, what can I do? I have talked to some of my friends about it and they said it's best if I disappear for a long time. Because if I get beaten up. there's nothing I can do here, even a police report won't work because her bros told me that there aren't any witnesses to prove that they're the ones who beat me up. They would wait until I am out and ambushed me into an isolated area. :-(

Oh no...... :(
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Take the above advice I gave you! If there are no puerto ricans where you live then hire mexicans - they are just as good with machetes - i'll take no offense. OR

Yyou could do what they did to 'scarface' at the end of the movie and hire about 100 unshaven long-haired south americans who are desperate for employment and have them ramsackle your g/f's house and take them by surprise.

Heck, I don't care - just use some guys with spanish ancestry that have fixations with sharp long things!


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Fayetteville, AR
Fvckin' $hit man, you are losing respect from everyone here with this bull$hit. Ditch the girl, then deal with the bros. Seriously, file a police report for terroristic threatening or something. You need to unfvck your situation right now. Or hey, don't dump her, just ignore her. Could that work? Don't let her come over, don't return her calls, keep her out of your life. Ignore the brothers. If you see them following you or if they come to your house, call the police or go to a police station. Simple as that. Only you can get yourself out of this fvcked up situation.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2003
Reaction score
United States
First of all let me say I did not read the whole post just some of it.

Be a man, don't call the police. Break up with the girl then find out where the bro's live if you don't know already and take a baseball bat to there f4cking heads. Seriously, be a f4cking man, enough of this sissy crap. Does it not bother you that the bro's threatened you? Take action, deal with them and get rid of that b1tch.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2003
Reaction score
United States
Re: Give me a break guys!

Originally posted by BornWinner
Yes it's true I am chickensh|t.

If I ditch her and her bros come over and beat me up, what can I do? I have talked to some of my friends about it and they said it's best if I disappear for a long time. Because if I get beaten up. there's nothing I can do here, even a police report won't work because her bros told me that there aren't any witnesses to prove that they're the ones who beat me up. They would wait until I am out and ambushed me into an isolated area. :-(

Oh no...... :(
AHHH I can't believe I'm reading this!!! Again like I said buy a baseball bat if you don't own one and bash there heads in. You should fear no man, for no man is better than you, it's as simple as that. Where does anyone come off threatening YOU? Have you no self respect, they are NO BETTER THAN YOU.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Re: Re: Give me a break guys!

Originally posted by FitnessGuy
AHHH I can't believe I'm reading this!!! Again like I said buy a baseball bat if you don't own one and bash there heads in. You should fear no man, for no man is better than you, it's as simple as that. Where does anyone come off threatening YOU? Have you no self respect, they are NO BETTER THAN YOU.
Damn fitness guy -- are you puerto rican? I say use knives - they are a better force than a blunt object such as a bat and it feels differently to be sliced than pounded (no one likes their throat cut - hell i got hit over the head many times but, I hate blades on my skin (sensitive skin))- and machetes looks more menacing - to each his own. I say this is a job for RAMBO!!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
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MY reality
That would be funny if he took a baseball bat to one of their heads, and then he got arrested for it. Wait, no it wouldn't.

Just listen to Wubbman's advice, unless you want to be on the next episode of Cops.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Why don't you buy some books on how to frame ppl for crimes and use it on them. As a matter of fact, haven't u used your revenge books on these ppl yet?


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
This is so freaking stupid. Why are you listening to her brothers' word for how the police would treat this? Newsflash: THEY'RE NOT ON YOUR SIDE! A POLICE REPORT WILL ACCOMPLISH YOUR PURPOSES. They trying to intimidate you into doing what they want, and you're letting it happen.

1. Stop talking to the brothers. You're obviously telling them what your plans are and giving them the opportunity to lie to you more and to come up with new schemes to make you think it's unsafe to leave.

2. Go talk to the police. Tell them the exact situation. Make sure they know that her brothers both threatened to lie about you hurting her sister and they threatened to assault you. Tell them you're going to break up with the girl tomorrow, and you wanted all of this recorded just in case they fulfill their threats.

3. Go break up with the girl. You've wasted enough time with this controlling b****, please don't lose anymore of your life. It's not all her fault. It's obvious from these posts that you're too willing to let others control you, for example her brothers. Going AFC on her won't do anything, because that's what you already have done. Do it by phone if necessary, and let her brothers know you already went to the police. This will prevent them from taking any actions, because they don't want to go to jail.

The cops and prosecutors are very intelligent, and have seen it all before. The raping story will be an obvious lie because of no physical evidence. There's no way to make that story believeable. If they assault you, they'll go to jail because there will be evidence, especially if you informed the police of the threats beforehand. It doesn't matter if if they catch you somewhere isolated. You go back and report it, and show them the bruises. Any pain that they inflict without marking you, will be less than you're in by staying in this relationship.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
What a psychotic ƒucking b!tch. Before I begin, I'd like to ask, how old are you and how old is she? Now, what you need to realize is that this is not your girlfriend, its some psychotic ƒucking hater. This b!tch has issues and she needs a rude awakening. This is what you do, you dump her, call the cops about the threats from the bros, and if they ƒuck with you... get a restraining order against them. This is one stupid ƒucking family and you should sever all connections with them, that simple.

5 Reasons to Dump a B!tch:

1. Makes ultimatums.
2. Acts jealous.
3. Threatens you or physically abuses you in any way.
4. Gets between you and your dreams.
5. Verbally abuses you.

This list goes on but, BornWinner, this b!tch violated every single last one of them. its clear: she NEEDS TO GO. If you let this go on you're not only ruining your prime years being chained to this filth, but you are going to give yourself some emotional problems later. Especially what considers guys threatening you (and women too).

If I get physical threats, I have a group of friends who I know will back me up in a fight, I met m closest group of friends at our Tae Kwon Do School so you can bet we all got our ways. But if you don't have some physically capable friends to back you up, or do but they are disloyal or just puss!es deep down inside. I'd suggest the legal path:

Get into a fight with the b!tch, its clearly not hard, all you have to do is ignore one of her primadonna demands, record the fight with a taperecorder. Keep the tape, then wait till her psychotic assh0le inbred brothers call you up, taperecord that too, after the bro iss done shouting at you because he's mad the goat isn't putting out anymore, play back to him the psycho sisters words. Then call the cops and get a ƒucking restraining order against Billy-Bob, April-May June, Earl Jones, and their father-slash-brother. They assault you, put them away. These people are all psychotic and ƒucked up. I'd have no qualms about ƒucking them hard, especially after everything they've done to you so far.

Edit: Quick posted some damn good advice (right above this post)
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Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Fayetteville, AR
Give us an update, BornWinner. Please tell us you took control and threw the b!tch and her bros to the curb.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score





Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by white_hype



Do you have a spacebar key? On my keyboard its this long white wide key that allows for spaces between words. Or.maybe.your.computer.did.not.come.with.a.working.keyboard. In that case, I am sorry.

And maybe this is a bullsh!t story, who knows. Maybe everything here is bullsh!t, and Pook is a girl and Fingers a virgin and Player_Supreme a white little red-haired kid with pimples. We really don't know anything here. But its good to hear this. And I know of two cases where guys had obsessive/controlling girlfriends. In one case the girl actually beat the guy when she was mad (big guy too, strong like a bull, could hold his own against anyone), the guy never dared do anything about it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
spacebar was broken but thanks for your concern

all im saying is you cant live your life scared like a little b1tch all thetime... you have to assess the situation and do something about it

whats next? "i want a raise but im afraid my boss will get mad at me for asking and fire me"this kind of WAHHH im scarred crap pisses me off when he could easily fix this

pook/player might not be who they say they are but who cares? they givegood advice and help people out so i dont give a sh1t who they are in reality, fake or not


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Take the above advice I gave you! If there are no puerto ricans where you live then hire mexicans - they are just as good with machetes - i'll take no offense. OR

Yyou could do what they did to 'scarface' at the end of the movie and hire about 100 unshaven long-haired south americans who are desperate for employment and have them ramsackle your g/f's house and take them by surprise.

Heck, I don't care - just use some guys with spanish ancestry that have fixations with sharp long things!
hire some haitians instead.......we will work for half the price of spanish and the job will get done without the bloodshed. Just ask them to throw coconuts at the girl till she forgets who u are. and for the bros get them to do some voodoo to turn there minds into zombies.

case closed:D