What should I do when I have a controlling gf and cant dump her cause of her bros

b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
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If I was up your ass you'd know
don't dump her, LJBF her ass! That way you won't have to worry about the brothers cuz you will still be her boy friend, just not her boyfriend. case closed.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Wubbman
What does that mean?
les jus b friends


Aug 14, 2003
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Yo Momma 's Snatch
Fight them . WTF? you wanna live forever?


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Yes, I'm an idiot

. Keep the tape, then wait till her psychotic assh0le inbred brothers call you up, taperecord that too, after the bro iss done shouting at you because he's mad the goat isn't putting out anymore, play back to him the psycho sisters words.

I did that today. I played back the recording to her brothers when they were at my house today. I told them that their threat isn't going to work since I've recorded their sister's words. As I dialed 999, they whacked me up and broke the tape recorder. They pulled out the tape and told me that's the end of it........That's nothing you can do now and since you're whacked as well, you have no evidence to show to the cops. Enjoy :mad:

Since I have no options anymore, I guess getting a gun is better. Do you think I should I do that?


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2001
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The Netherlands
If you are such a moron NOT TO MAKE A COPY OF THE TAPE you deserve to be bvttfvcked by the brothers. Have fun with bubba mate!!


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2004
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Melbourne, Australia
All this big macho talk about machetes and baseball bats... there is a small problem with shooting someone - you tend to get caught and I am under the impression that punishments (at least in your country) aren't particularly lenient.

How is it physically possible to be in a relationship with someone you are afraid of, can't talk to, and don't want to be with?

It seems pretty clear that you are essentially not 'with' this girl anymore, and for good reasons. Have you told her that you are only her boyfriend in name, and because you are being threatened by her brothers? surely if she's such a controlling b*tch then she probably will be angry that her brothers are interferring with her life. Talking straight with someone tends to be the best method of getting them onside. Or you could just try continuing in this so-called relationship, and just not giving her what she wants until she gets fed up with it and leaves herself.

I don't know what other advice to give here because this situation seems so ridiculously outlandish. Why on earth did you let the situation get like this in the first place?
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Ok bornwinner, all jesting aside, I thought this situation was a joke, but now I see you are serious and I don't want a DJ to die on my watch!

Tel them that you are not an idiot and that you have made copies of the tape and gave it to people that you know and they'll hand it over to the police if something happens to you, also tell them you filed a report with the police and they heard the tape (make sure to file a report today!!!!)

Ask the police if you can get a license to get a gun because your life is being threatened.

Or move to another dwelling and change your phone number and only give it to family member and make sure you tell the phone company to keep it private.

Do you have any friends whose house you could stay at until this blows over?

Do not do not do not talk to these people again!!!!!

If you get a gun - whatever you do - don't tell them you have one!!!! They'll just shoot you in the back instead of beating you up.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
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,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Originally posted by BornWinner
I did that today. I played back the recording to her brothers when they were at my house today. I told them that their threat isn't going to work since I've recorded their sister's words. As I dialed 999, they whacked me up and broke the tape recorder. They pulled out the tape and told me that's the end of it........That's nothing you can do now and since you're whacked as well, you have no evidence to show to the cops. Enjoy :mad:

Since I have no options anymore, I guess getting a gun is better. Do you think I should I do that?
Wow, so you invited her brothers who threatened to beat you up over to your house for cookies and milk? And then you TELL them you recorded their sister's words. You're just asking for an asswhooping aren't ya?

Oh yeah, get a gun, that's the best way to resolve a conflict.

Good job, genius. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
all those books on revenge and you didn't know to make another copy of your blackmail material??


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Fayetteville, AR
Damn Bornwinner, what the ****?!?! Why were they in your house!!?? You need to break off all contact with these people. Don't let them in!! What the **** is wrong with you!?? Of course you need to make copies. Go to the police and definatley file a report. This situation is ****ed up partly by you. Let this be a lesson to you. Don't let these ******* people push you around. Why the **** would you let them into your house!!!?

Buy a gun if you want (a pistol is best for home defense) but keep in mind, that unless they threaten your life or make what you percieve as a threatening jesture (coming into your house against your will, trying to hurt you) and you are out of options (ie, running away), shooting (and killing) one of them is murder, or man slaughter at least. And for certain, learn how to use the gun when/if you get it. Don't take it out of the box and expect to do what you see in movies. In this situation, I really don't think a gun would benefit you that much. For certain, go to the police. That is a must. If you still feel threatened, then it is up to you whether or not to buy a weapon, no one else can make that decision for you. And if you do buy one, for ****'s sake, don't tell them you have it!

But yes, if they force their way into your house, you are well within your right to self defense to brandish a gun, and, if they persist, shoot them with the intent to stop them, not to kill them (though shooting someone in the chest normally has that effect). If they do come into your house again, call the police. They are the next best thing to a gun, even though they take awhile to respond.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Those books were confiscated when they arrived at the custom.

Originally posted by wolfie
all those books on revenge and you didn't know to make another copy of your blackmail material??
So I don't have them. DARN IT!!!!! Otherwise, I would have got them earlier.......
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
you can still lie and tell them you have back-up tapes - they don't know this - at least keep them guessing!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Originally posted by BornWinner
. Keep the tape, then wait till her psychotic assh0le inbred brothers call you up, taperecord that too, after the bro iss done shouting at you because he's mad the goat isn't putting out anymore, play back to him the psycho sisters words.

I did that today. I played back the recording to her brothers when they were at my house today. I told them that their threat isn't going to work since I've recorded their sister's words. As I dialed 999, they whacked me up and broke the tape recorder. They pulled out the tape and told me that's the end of it........That's nothing you can do now and since you're whacked as well, you have no evidence to show to the cops. Enjoy :mad:

Since I have no options anymore, I guess getting a gun is better. Do you think I should I do that?

Oh my ƒucking god. By playing them back at them I meant over the phone, not in front of them!!!! Jesus Christ!!!!!!! You shoulda had a copy, and you shoulda gone straight to the cops. Born, where do you live, I know some guys who can do the trick and you'll never have to worry about these faggots again (I'm not talking about killing... I'm talking about intimidation).


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
quite an interesting situation you have here...

ok well after reading everything ... well most of it... i have come with the conclusion that killing, injuring the brothers is not a smart idea since u are trying to get out of that relationship with that girl... think about it... right now urr incarcerated because of her and u wanna get a gun!? fvck might as well go into a cop station and pull the gun out genius... so realise that injuring them or hurting them is going to put YOU in a prison full of horny old men and well i dont think it's worth it just to break up with your GF...

i've been in a similar situation where some girl has tried to send some gang after me... fvck all happened i'm still alive and well and i've never seen any gang after my as$!

A few little observations...

Number one YES YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE MORON (as MVPlaya put it) for playing the tape in front of them without an extra copy! pure genius! idiot...

Number Two .... AFCism will not work... she's having too much fun by the looks of it using you

I guess the only thing you can do are these things:

1) Ignore her! Say you're too busy to go out with her or have her come over! if SHe comes over uninvited she is technically trespassing and people can get arrested for that and you can get your precious restraining order (how about that huh? a broken up relationship in writing!) if her brothers then retaliate and go to your house get a restraining order on them too

2) RECORD some more evidence (although right now the brothers have probably told her not to say anything that could be seen as evidence and she's probably more cautious) of her brothers speaking to you or her speaking to you or whatever... DO IT OVER THE FONE!!! and make back-ups!

3) tell her that u hate her and u never want to see her again.. i dont knwo something like that but dont verbally abuse her!

other than that try to come up with something constructive... not destructive... you dont want to send your own ass to jail because of some girl and her over-protective brothers

good luck


New Member
Dec 29, 2003
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This post has got to be some made up sh!t. Your girlfriends 3 brothers are making you go out with her, thats some Jerry Springer sh!t man.

Instead of suggesting some normal course of action(too boring), why dont you just invite them over to your place while you are re-enacting the Buffalo Bill scene from "The Silence Of The Lambs". When they see you, dancing about nude with your todger tucked between your legs muttering "wanna fvck me" to a mirror, they will run a mile leaving you well alone.
