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  1. B

    Caring too much about what others think?

    I seem to have low self esteem sometimes. I believed that I care too much about what others think about me. I feel that whenever there is a kind of accomplishment, I don't deserve the reward. Probably I've been told by others that I'm not that worthy. How do we get rid of feelings of low self...
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    How to be street smart when out with women?

    What a pathetic fool you are Again and again you keep on using some kind of cheap shots in your questions and answers. You're now being on your worst because you're copying other people's words to fire them back. Look at your reply to entropy. How weak is it? Perhaps you want me to give you...
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    How to be street smart when out with women?

    This is getting interesting and boring at the same time Your struggle to win in this argument doesn't make you look good. Why not you come up with something else better instead of throwing all cheap shots at me? It doesn't work at all and you wanna try to claim someone else a LOSER?. Come...
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    How to be street smart when out with women?

    Why are you struggling so hard to attack others? Haven't you notice that you're being a shallow minded creature as I've said earlier which is why you wanna act overaggressive because you can't score tails. GROW UP DUDE! Why are you finding fault with everything? First you find trouble...
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    How to be street smart when out with women?

    Aren't you describing yourself that well? TO EBACH, I've known a few guys who are the same age, background and etc like me. In other words, they're the same like me. Now I believed you can understand this so far, right? I hope I dont need to lower my IQ . :) Since we've started working...
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    How to be street smart when out with women?

    Nice IDEA! Anyone who has brains knows that mirror hitting is hardly a crash and is nothing serious. Dirtheart said this so right and I couldn't agree more with him. Afterall, I did wave my hand to apologize. Only a shallow minded creature will become overly aggressive for such a small...
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    How to be street smart when out with women?

    At the traffic light, there was a car in front of me. Otherwise...... I would have run the red light, friend. It seems that I was unlucky that night to have a car blocking me at the red light, and I was the second car on it. DAMN!
  8. B

    How to be street smart when out with women?

    Were they just trying to intimidate me? Is that possible during that time? All the kicks at the door, tearing off the plastic mirror, kicking the number plate behind my car and etc? Was that all pure lies about trying to whack me up and if I step out of my car during that time, will I get to...
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    How to be street smart when out with women?

    In my country, we dont sell guns. Too bad I've thought about your idea and I've come to think that a toy gun in my car might help to frighten some of these creatures away if I happened to come across situations like this one in future. Ever wonder what a toy gun will do in such...
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    How to be street smart when out with women?

    Apparently speaking, I was out on Saturday night two days ago with this girl. There was a heavy traffic at the place I am visiting because there's a club nearby. So while I was taking a left turn into one of the streets, a car came from in front blocking my way. So it's either me or the other...
  11. B

    Anyone ever read the book Influence : The psychology of persuasion" from Cialdini?

    I have the book with me now So far, I've read a little of the book until the reciprocation chapter. But I don't see how this could be applied to women when DJING. For example, buying women a lot of gifts, taking them to expensive dinners will not make her feel obligated to be your GFS. So I...
  12. B

    Anyone ever read the book Influence : The psychology of persuasion" from Cialdini?

    Yeah, did any of you read it before? How do you find it? Does it help you in scoring with women? Give your feedbacks. Thanks
  13. B

    How to argue with the girls and win?

    It's true we're being tested So how do we past the test? Since they wanna test if we're a man or a mouse, then we gotta show them that we're man. Got it? Should I quit this argument and let them win, they will probably think Im a weak person (A mouse) and I will get passed by. Isn't it...
  14. B

    How to argue with the girls and win?

    Are there any ways to beat them in their own game if they get out of place? Probably put them back into their own place. Or make them shut up and leave you alone without argueing with you again when you start to speak????
  15. B

    How to argue with the girls and win?

    Human Beings are born with brains but some don't use it There's a saying "If a man doesnt know he doesn't know, leave him alone" "If a man doesn't know he knows, then make him aware of it" "If a man knows he doesnt know, then teach him" These quotes mentioned it well. Now...
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    How to argue with the girls and win?

    Anybody who has "intelligence" knows that argueing is nothing serious and does not require mental evaluation because argueing is not a sickness. If this is so difficult to understand, then I guess it's time for mental evaluation because it is not normal to have such kind of low intelligence :p
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    How to argue with the girls and win?

    That's my question. I've come across some girls who like to argue and start irritating me around, therefore I would like you guys to give me some techniques to win in any arguments. Some of them seem to like arguing so I am gonna beat them in their own game and make the people around me...
  18. B

    How to handle silent treatment given by others?

    Oh yeah, how to you feel if people give you the silent treatment? I don't know why I was given the silent treatment. It seems that they just simply don't talk to you unless you talked to them. Somehow they just don't want to talk to you. And apart from that, they shared the same cliques of...
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    How to handle silent treatment given by others?

    What are we going to do if we are given the silent treatment from someone? It seems that they deliberately ignore you and asked their friends to do the same too. How do we get out of it if we're given the silent treatment? And worst out of the worst, how can we get even with them? I...