How to argue with the girls and win?


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
Anybody who has "intelligence" knows that argueing is nothing serious and does not require mental evaluation because argueing is not a sickness. If this is so difficult to understand, then I guess it's time for mental evaluation because it is not normal to have such kind of low intelligence
Your basis for my lack of intelligence is that I made a joke? Or is it that you want to take things out of the context they are in, twist them until you can make yourself look all big and cool, and be happy with yourself? *shrugs*

Either that or you're trying some really lame C+F thing on me, in which case I'm going to have to tell you I'm not that way. Tough luck.



Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, Ma
Originally posted by BornWinner
Anybody who has "intelligence" knows that argueing is nothing serious and does not require mental evaluation because argueing is not a sickness. If this is so difficult to understand, then I guess it's time for mental evaluation because it is not normal to have such kind of low intelligence :p
Look its not a matter of low intelligence. It's a matter of a complex issue that is only understood on a deeper level or through experience. People do things for emotional reasons ESPECIALLY women. In a relationship, dating, meeting a girl you are constantly being tested to see if you are man or mouse. Girl's effectively use the arguement issue to show if you are a man or mouse. The easier they affect your emotional state the weaker they know you are.

We gave you the answer. Listen to what we are saying we know our ****. Unless you want to learn the hardway as girl after girl passes you by because of this ****. There is maybe a .01% of girls that have male type brains and debate/argue without ulterior motive. But those are nerdy ones that usually are buried in labratories and book and have the fun level of a brick wall. Most of them are lesbians.

nuff said


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
It's true we're being tested

Originally posted by Jvesti
Look its not a matter of low intelligence. It's a matter of a complex issue that is only understood on a deeper level or through experience. People do things for emotional reasons ESPECIALLY women. In a relationship, dating, meeting a girl you are constantly being tested to see if you are man or mouse. Girl's effectively use the arguement issue to show if you are a man or mouse. The easier they affect your emotional state the weaker they know you are.

We gave you the answer. Listen to what we are saying we know our ****. Unless you want to learn the hardway as girl after girl passes you by because of this ****. There is maybe a .01% of girls that have male type brains and debate/argue without ulterior motive. But those are nerdy ones that usually are buried in labratories and book and have the fun level of a brick wall. Most of them are lesbians.

nuff said
So how do we past the test? Since they wanna test if we're a man or a mouse, then we gotta show them that we're man. Got it? Should I quit this argument and let them win, they will probably think Im a weak person (A mouse) and I will get passed by. Isn't it? :confused:


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, Ma
Re: It's true we're being tested

Originally posted by BornWinner
So how do we past the test? Since they wanna test if we're a man or a mouse, then we gotta show them that we're man. Got it? Should I quit this argument and let them win, they will probably think Im a weak person (A mouse) and I will get passed by. Isn't it? :confused:
That's perfectly understandable you are thinking that way. But this is on a higher level of complexity than most issues. As you know a lot of this stuff doesn't make rational sense at first glance but on a deeper level is where it makes sense.

First of all for your question about "letting them win". An argument/debate is NOT about who is right with a female. It's about who owns who's reality.

Disengaging in an arguement with a female is not giving up. It's about not giving a ****, because a leader alpha male is ALWAYS right. He doesn't need to be told by a submissive how it is. It's like a private questioning a general's decisions in the army. You gotta earn your stars to even be remotely close to the generals rank. And he's still the guy that makes the decision. He might ask like 2 questions to maybe hear what the high ranking soldier is saying. BUT HE DOESN"T NEED TO PROVE HE IS RIGHT TO HIM even though he might have nearly as much power as him. Get it yet?

That is the equivalent to a 60/40 male /female relationship or a 51/49 relationship. That ain't happening, only after years upon years of trust and time has been built.

A good general knows the private is out of line. He won't hear the private for a second because he knows the private has earned NO stars. YOU ARE THE GENERAL OF YOUR REALITY. He owes no explaination to the private. After he notices the private talking he'll put em in the privates place by, ignoring or ordering the private to stop talking, or "This conversation is over".

Women want a leader who is solid in their conviction. They don't want a mouse who wavers in their conviction and is open to having their reality changed by someone lower. GET IT????

Who cares if you persuade her in anyway. It doesn't matter. It's your reality, not hers. You are the dominant one that runs the show, you don't need to persuade her because what you say goes, not what she says.

You get it? I'll be glad to go more in depth with it if you want.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
The only way to win a fight with a woman is NOT to get into it. Either tell her "I'm not going to be drawn into your angry rants." or "Let's just agree to disagree on this subject, because I will not fight about it."

Even if you do manage to WIN an argument there will fall out. It's called resentment. She'll be mad at you for making her look foolish or weak. She'll reatliate by saying things like. "You're always right so you decide where we go for dinner!" "What's the matter Mr. Perfect? Did YOU forget something?" "Oh let's ask BornWinner, Born Winner knows EVERYTHING! Don't you dear?"

Winning the battle doesn't mean winning the war. Even if you win the argument, you still loose. Don't fight! Just walk away.