How to be street smart when out with women?


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Nice IDEA!

Originally posted by Ebach
You're a bunch of fruitcakes. First you hit his car, then you run off without offering a solution, then you complain about them wanting to beat your ass off. Admit it, you're a *****. With your attitude, you'll never be streetsmart and you'll always be the scared ***** that you are.

I had my mirror hit by some retarded moron but he offered to pay. Otherwise I was going to call the cops on him, have his insurance skyrocket and whatever else I can do. The guy offered 40 bucks and I took it. We resolved it like two men. If he'd tried to run it would've been much more serious. You're lucky those were probably drunk and didn't catch your plate number or you would've been in serious trouble trying to run after an accident. Yes mirror hitting is an accident. I've had my car hit on a few occasions and the guy ran off without me seeing him. I had to pay to have it fixed. That means, if I see someone hit my car without trying to offer some kind of resolution, I'll beat the **** out of them. Yes, I'll get overly aggressive because of you being a retard and hitting people's cars. It's that simple. I get tired of smartesses who think that they can outsmart the next person. Trust me, I've been through a lot of **** because of other people's mischiefs and I'll make sure you get what you deserve.
Anyone who has brains knows that mirror hitting is hardly a crash and is nothing serious. Dirtheart said this so right and I couldn't agree more with him. Afterall, I did wave my hand to apologize. Only a shallow minded creature will become overly aggressive for such a small issue and think he should make others get what they deserve.

You said you paid to fix your car. Well, how bad was it? You didn't describe your situation in details. I guess it is badly damaged and is not the same as my situation. In such cases like mine, it is not warranted to pay for it because there is no damage at all. Even if I am going to pay for it, the most Im going to pay for that bastard (shallow minded as well I guess) is RM5.00. :rolleyes: . I believed what I've said here is very reasonable to understand for everyone unless they're shallow-minded. :rolleyes: :D

On top of that, I had made a police report that night and the police did not mention anything related to me being wrong here. Those lame creatures that night deserved to be arrested as what the police says. Too bad they got away this time. If they were hit by another driver next time and got caught by the police, I would enjoy seeing those creatures sitting in the jail rotting. Serve them right BECAUSE of their shallow mindedness. :p


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
LOL!!! o man this story had me rolling in tears...brings back memories


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by xomel
hah, i drive a turbod sports car too!
97 GST pushing 16psi on 16G, downpipe, mbc, exhaust, fuelpump, intake


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone who has brains knows that mirror hitting is hardly a crash and is nothing serious. Dirtheart said this so right and I couldn't agree more with him.
You're both spoiled brats. Nuff said... It's serious for people who don't get their money from mommy and daddy.

Afterall, I did wave my hand to apologize.
Whoa, you hit a man's car and you waved to apologize. Should he give you a reward for that?

Only a shallow minded creature will become overly aggressive for such a small issue and think he should make others get what they deserve.
Really? Says who? Your spoiled parents? LOL! There are some things people never learn... just look at Bush! He can't wipe his own ass but he's the president of the US! His daughters are the biggest pigs I've ever seen. Your thought patterns are not much different from theirs.

You said you paid to fix your car. Well, how bad was it? You didn't describe your situation in details. I guess it is badly damaged and is not the same as my situation.
It wasn't bad. The guy came in my lane, simple scratched the mirror (some paint was left on my mirror) and he paid for it. No damage done. He scratched it and he paid for it. Same case as yours.

In such cases like mine, it is not warranted to pay for it because there is no damage at all. Even if I am going to pay for it, the most Im going to pay for that bastard
Oh, your cases are special. No one gets cases like yours. Pay the man and shut the **** up.

(shallow minded as well I guess) is RM5.00.
Oh so the previous comment was addressed at me. Moooo--kaay..

. I believed what I've said here is very reasonable to understand for everyone unless they're shallow-minded.
No, what you said is typical of a spoiled rich kid (usually shallow minded) who think he's the ****. He ****s his pants though when he gets to live outside his parents house. Also, you should implant this into your dumbass head, YOU SCRATCH, YOU BUY! GOT IT? OK GOOD. That's the real world baby. Make sure I don't catch you mirror hitting me and running off... it was done a few days ago and if I was there to see who did it... let's just say I would've splashed all my testosterone on their forehead.

On top of that, I had made a police report that night and the police did not mention anything related to me being wrong here. Those lame creatures that night deserved to be arrested as what the police says. Too bad they got away this time. If they were hit by another driver next time and got caught by the police, I would enjoy seeing those creatures sitting in the jail rotting. Serve them right BECAUSE of their shallow mindedness.
Aham... you said your side of the story and wanted them arrested. Sure... sure.. you think you're smart, don't you. I've heard this one from ugly, politicians, usually lawyers or their ugly sons.

97 GST pushing 16psi on 16G, downpipe, mbc, exhaust, fuelpump, intake
Can you explain how old the hairy balls you put on your car help it? What does each part do to help your car and how?

btw, here's what I do to spoiled kids like yourself:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by BornWinner

Since he was following me, I sped off and he gave chase. I continue my drive until I reach a traffic light where the light was red and I was blocked. He reached behind and his buddies came down to come to me [...] He was furious and banged the windows making threathening gesture as if he will smash it.
Shiet. That was me. Sorry I scared you dude. Next time pull over earlier like you are supposed to do when you get in a car accident.

Ha ha.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2003
Reaction score
Ebach - damn relax man... you warnt there so what makes you think you know everything? its like me saying "people that get all pissy on the board are usually ***** in real life"


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ebach - damn relax man... you warnt there so what makes you think you know everything?
Hey trust me, I'm still relaxed. I didn't say I knew everything. I was evaluating based on what he said and related it to the same experiences I had. My guy turned out to be cool. BornWinner turned out to be a **** sucker. I'm fine with what you do, just make sure I don't catch because you really don't want that. I guess this is enough.

its like me saying "people that get all pissy on the board are usually ***** in real life"
Whatever floats your boat. I agree with everything you say about me and I don't give a **** what you said. That's the difference between you and me. I speak the truth and you speculate.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Worrying about what your girl will think should have been the least of your worries in this situation. Hmmmmmm:

It's dark out, there are numerous drunk guys trying to start a fight with you, they are banging and kicking your car. If you get out of the car, they aren't going to suddenly calm down and talk about this situation peacefully. Even if you knew self defense, you're still out numbered.

Weren't there any witnesses to this? Worse case scenario, you run the red light and a cop pulls you over. If the guys caused a huge scene back there, you've got a legit excuse.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Aren't you describing yourself that well?


I've known a few guys who are the same age, background and etc like me. In other words, they're the same like me. Now I believed you can understand this so far, right? I hope I dont need to lower my IQ . :)

Since we've started working, we buy our own stuffs. Clothes, food, shoes, cars and everything. We've been scratched by the side mirror before and our cars have been knocked very badly that it needed to be brought into the workshops for repair.

And even in severe situations like these, we don't get overly aggressive like shallow minded creatures. As a matter of fact, it is the shallow minded creatures who gets overly aggressive often, are the spoiled kids in their life :)

Because they don't get what they want, they act overly aggressive and immature. :rolleyes: They enjoy making mountains out of molehills because their IQ is low(evidence of shallow-mindedness) and they don't understand the meaning of peaceful negotiation, which is why they act like they're nuts in the first place.

Anyway, you don't have to worry because Im in another country and I wont scratch you. But if you happened to be scratched by someone else in your country and you wish to find fault with that person and if that person happens to be a trouble maker, hmm.......then best of luck for you. I would enjoy the show.

Enough said, I hope whatever I have said so far could make you understand the world better. Perhaps you will understand what Im saying when you've become mature. As a person grows to become mature, so shall their IQ will increase. So relax man, your time will come. :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: Aren't you describing yourself that well?

Originally posted by BornWinner

I've known a few guys who are the same age, background and etc like me. In other words, they're the same like me. Now I believed you can understand this so far, right? I hope I dont need to lower my IQ . :)

Since we've started working, we buy our own stuffs. Clothes, food, shoes, cars and everything. We've been scratched by the side mirror before and our cars have been knocked very badly that it needed to be brought into the workshops for repair.

And even in severe situations like these, we don't get overly aggressive like shallow minded creatures. As a matter of fact, it is the shallow minded creatures who gets overly aggressive often, are the spoiled kids in their life :)

Because they don't get what they want, they act overly aggressive and immature. :rolleyes: They enjoy making mountains out of molehills because their IQ is low(evidence of shallow-mindedness) and they don't understand the meaning of peaceful negotiation, which is why they act like they're nuts in the first place.

Anyway, you don't have to worry because Im in another country and I wont scratch you. But if you happened to be scratched by someone else in your country and you wish to find fault with that person and if that person happens to be a trouble maker, hmm.......then best of luck for you. I would enjoy the show.

Enough said, I hope whatever I have said so far could make you understand the world better. Perhaps you will understand what Im saying when you've become mature. As a person grows to become mature, so shall their IQ will increase. So relax man, your time will come. :D
Explain to me at what point you tried to negotiate. You hit his mirror, then you proceeded to wave your hand out the window and drive off. Is this your idea of "negotiation?" What exactly was negotiated? What was the decision that was mutually reached?

There was NO negotiation. You damaged another person's property and then assumed that that person had as little regard for it as you did, rather than stopping to apologize and offer something of a compromise.

The fact that they resorted to violence is irrelevant...YOU committed the initial incident. Had it been me, I would've acquired your license tag number and reported you for hit and run. If you're so brilliant, look THAT up in the law books. What does your "educated" opinion say about that?

Forget about how you look in front of women. You need to learn to associate with the human race in general.

You still think you're right and everyone else is wrong...that's great if it works for you, but you have to understand that that kind of attitude will leave you in this situation again and again and again. If you want people to respect you, don't you think it's about time you started learning how to deal with the human race? You're on our planet, after all.


New Member
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I've been in a couple of minor car accidents, and in my opinion and im sure many others as well, you did not do the right thing by running off. You just don't go and damage someones property and expect someone to brush it off like it was nothing. Look at it in their shoes, they could be someone that just got a new car or worked really hard to earn their car. Someone comes along and hits it, waves goodbye, and runs off. I would be fuking PISSED and go after that pansy ass. Secondly, there could have been a scratch on the mirror and who likes a scratch? You should have gone out, locked your car, and gave your girl the key and tell her to call the police if anything happens. Since it's very minor damage as you said, it doesn't have to be settled through insurance and can be paid out. This way, you pay for your mistake and allow the guy to fix his car.

The main thing is that it is not right for anyone to damage someone elses property and wave goodbye like it was nothing.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score

I've known a few guys who are the same age, background and etc like me.
Hmm... so now you don't?

In other words, they're the same like me.
No they're not. I understand your point though. Go ahead...

Now I believed you can understand this so far, right?
Oh no... I'm dumbfounded by your geniality.

I hope I dont need to lower my IQ .
Oh no... that'd be too much. You don't want to go in the low 20's now do you? You might want to raise it a notch...

Since we've started working, we buy our own stuffs.
Shuudddaaappp... you still live with momma and poppa and you're unemployed. Otherwise you would know how tough it is for those who work and buy their own stuff and wouldn't mouth off as you did.

Clothes, food, shoes, cars and everything.
LOL! Is that all? What's everything include? Gas? I doubt you even pay for your own gas.

We've been scratched by the side mirror before and our cars have been knocked very badly that it needed to be brought into the workshops for repair.
Well, doh! But for some reason I don't believe you. I don't care about your friends who take care their business. I care about your spoiled self.

And even in severe situations like these, we don't get overly aggressive like shallow minded creatures.
Too much estrogen?

As a matter of fact, it is the shallow minded creatures who gets overly aggressive often, are the spoiled kids in their life
There's time for everything. You have to be aggressive when you have to be aggressive. You don't have to when you don't have to. By saying you never get aggressive you make me think you're repressing your feelings because you still live with mommy and daddy and don't know about the real world (MTV shows don't count).

Because they don't get what they want, they act overly aggressive and immature.
Aggressive and maturity level are two different things. I can be mature and still be aggressive. You seem to be passive immature spoiled rich kid. Get my drift?

They enjoy making mountains out of molehills because their IQ is low
They do? Who are they? Is that the expression your grandparents use to describe people who look for their best interest?

(evidence of shallow-mindedness) and they don't understand the meaning of peaceful negotiation,
Why are you telling me this? You have no idea what you're talking about. You never negotiated anyone so I don't know why the **** you're bringing this into the conversation. You like to flap your mount but that's not what I look for. I look for action. You're a loser OKAY? You believe me now? Good. We seem to be making progress here. Keep reading...

which is why they act like they're nuts in the first place.
No, they're nuts because of overpriviliged rich ugly kids. That's why. People without exprerience don't know much do they.. they just like to prove how dumb they are every chance they get.. just because you're confident doesn't mean that what comes out of your mouth is the truth. BUt you're not confident. So you're inconfident dumb loser. You hit someone's car and you cared about the impression you left on some girl. That shows how many girls you get. You got one and you had to make it perfect. ****ing green newbie. I'm not even going to call you AFC because that's a loser thing to do but you are.

Anyway, you don't have to worry because Im in another country and I wont scratch you.
LMFAO! Why are you defending yourself? Jesus christ.. you're pathetic. I never said which country I live in so how do you know you live in another country?

But if you happened to be scratched by someone else in your country and you wish to find fault with that person and if that person happens to be a trouble maker, hmm.......then best of luck for you. I would enjoy the show.
I bet you will and I bet you won't like it if you keep hating on me.

Enough said, I hope whatever I have said so far could make you understand the world better.
Not really.. you don't know anything about the world so what can I gain from your 2 cents?

Perhaps you will understand what Im saying when you've become mature.
Why does every second person I meet tries to boost their ego and make the other person feel ashamed by accusing them of immaturity. You're immature for accusing me of immaturity. And yes, I agree with you, I'm immature, but you're not the mature **** sucker that you think you are. No one is... everyone is immature but they learn to cope and hide it well. What you don't understand is that when someone says you're immature, that means they're in power over you. They have control over you. That immature person. He controls you since you don't like his so called "maturity" level. That means he's doing something that you can't react appropriately too. You're dumb anyway. Go suck a bannanna and have fun doing it.

As a person grows to become mature, so shall their IQ will increase.
LOL! People mature after they die. Shut up with your grandmother's nonsense.

So relax man, your time will come.
I'm relaxed. My time has come and always will be coming. Yours though... maybe if you believed in reincarnation it would.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
I think you did the right thing by not stopping and I'll tell you why........

Stopping and exchanging insurance carda probably wouldn't have worked because these guys seemed belligerent. True you could argue the hit and run pissed them off, but these guys showed way too much aggression. They chose to engage in criminal behavior that carried more consequences (had they been caught) than the offense against them was worth.

Also with the number of guys, you just know the rest were instigating the driver to beat you up (thus adding excitment to their boring, girlless night).

Another reason for their machismo, might have been the presence of your lady. They were pissed you had one and they didn't so they wanted to seem macho to her. It's well documented some men will engage in this behavior to try and woo females.

Some men actively go looking for fights (for whatever reason).
Some men (like ebach) turn violent for the night when there appears no hope of scoring some tail.

You probably did the right thing, something tells me had you stopped and tried to be reasonable they would have given you ****, if nothing else to humilate you in front of your lady.

I don't care who you are, or what degree black belt you are, if 3 or 4 guys are determined to hurt you, they will. You should have threw it in reverse and peeled the fawk out of there, there not so tough as to take on an automobile, they would have scattered.
IMO you did the right thing, except when they jumped on your car.

Ah well live and learn. This machismo is why you should avoid bars if you have a date. No good can come it.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Some men (like ebach) turn violent for the night when there appears no hope of scoring some tail.
Did I step on your toes in that other post (what was the name)? When you look you can easily tell the men from the boys and the boys from the faggots. It's all good.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Why are you struggling so hard to attack others?

Originally posted by Ebach
Did I step on your toes in that other post (what was the name)? When you look you can easily tell the men from the boys and the boys from the faggots. It's all good.
Haven't you notice that you're being a shallow minded creature as I've said earlier which is why you wanna act overaggressive because you can't score tails. GROW UP DUDE!

Why are you finding fault with everything? First you find trouble with some funny strangers on the road claiming that he scratched your mirror. Now you start to find trouble here with entropy. You should learn to understand what he is saying first before even replying to his post. Aren't you happy with your life at all? Or perhaps you claim to be someone you're not by telling people you work to buy your own car.? Was it really your car anyway? Did you steal it?

Enough said with a shallow minded person like you. You cannot win this argument, so give up. Or perhaps you want me to let you win. It's alright for me because I dont mind letting shallow minded creatures who are immature to win. As long as these creatures are happy, then I'm pleased with it. Otherwise, I might be afraid he wanna beat my @ss with his friends like what I've experienced that night :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Haven't you notice that you're being a shallow minded creature as I've said earlier which is why you wanna act overaggressive because you can't score tails. GROW UP DUDE!
I'm not the one asking about impressions made on a girl when you were about to get your ass whooped. Aight?

Why are you finding fault with everything? First you find trouble with some funny strangers on the road claiming that he scratched your mirror.
I didn't find fault with him because he ended up being a good semeritan and paying for his actions. He scratched my mirror, he paid for it. The thing is he didn't saw me. If I didn't horn his ass he would've rammed into me. He was doing something in the car not watching the road on the highway at 60mph. If he'd slammed into me, he would've done much more damage than the mirror. I'm glad I got reflexes to let that moron find his way around the freeway.

Now you start to find trouble here with entropy. You should learn to understand what he is saying first before even replying to his post.
Oh trust me, entropy and I have had our little discussions before. But you didn't know that, did ya?

Aren't you happy with your life at all?
Not completely. That's why I'm happy because my life is not problem-free. Otherwise it would be too easy. You follow? But I see where you're coming from. You're the spoiled kid next block. No problem with me. Just pointing out there are a lot of things you don't know. That's all. Accept it and live with it. You're not going to win everytime (none with me anyway) and that's that. Accept it and live with it.

Or perhaps you claim to be someone you're not by telling people you work to buy your own car.?
What I am and what I do are two completely different things. I see how easy it is to get them messed up by someone with an IQ of 20 (you can't even beat me at your own game... that's weak!)

Anyway, truth be told, I do pay for everything that I own and yes, that includes my car.

Was it really your car anyway? Did you steal it?
That's weak. Try again.

Enough said with a shallow minded person like you.
I never disagreed with you that I was shallow. And I agree, I am. Isn't everyone? Those who tell you otherwise are lying.

You cannot win this argument, so give up.
No need to argue the truths. It's not an argument. You're a loser. The point I give up will be when I'm 3' beneath the dirt.

Or perhaps you want me to let you win.
Oh, no, please. I couldn't accept that. Do your best try because you're boring even yourself.

It's alright for me
What's alright for you?

because I dont mind letting shallow minded creatures who are immature to win.
What bothers me is that you never let them win or at least you try, but they always do. How come? Are you this weak? Spit some game at me...

As long as these creatures are happy, then I'm pleased with it.
I was going to tell you a story about someone who called himself a BornWinner but then I decided against it.

Otherwise, I might be afraid he wanna beat my @ss with his friends like what I've experienced that night
Jesus... weak... I won't even bother with this one.

You got no game and it shows! NEXT!


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
This is getting interesting and boring at the same time

Originally posted by Ebach
I'm not the one asking about impressions made on a girl when you were about to get your ass whooped. Aight?

I didn't find fault with him because he ended up being a good semeritan and paying for his actions. He scratched my mirror, he paid for it. The thing is he didn't saw me. If I didn't horn his ass he would've rammed into me. He was doing something in the car not watching the road on the highway at 60mph. If he'd slammed into me, he would've done much more damage than the mirror. I'm glad I got reflexes to let that moron find his way around the freeway.

Oh trust me, entropy and I have had our little discussions before. But you didn't know that, did ya?

Not completely. That's why I'm happy because my life is not problem-free. Otherwise it would be too easy. You follow? But I see where you're coming from. You're the spoiled kid next block. No problem with me. Just pointing out there are a lot of things you don't know. That's all. Accept it and live with it. You're not going to win everytime (none with me anyway) and that's that. Accept it and live with it.

What I am and what I do are two completely different things. I see how easy it is to get them messed up by someone with an IQ of 20 (you can't even beat me at your own game... that's weak!)

Anyway, truth be told, I do pay for everything that I own and yes, that includes my car.

That's weak. Try again.

I never disagreed with you that I was shallow. And I agree, I am. Isn't everyone? Those who tell you otherwise are lying.

No need to argue the truths. It's not an argument. You're a loser. The point I give up will be when I'm 3' beneath the dirt.

Oh, no, please. I couldn't accept that. Do your best try because you're boring even yourself.

What's alright for you?

What bothers me is that you never let them win or at least you try, but they always do. How come? Are you this weak? Spit some game at me...

I was going to tell you a story about someone who called himself a BornWinner but then I decided against it.

Jesus... weak... I won't even bother with this one.

You got no game and it shows! NEXT!
Your struggle to win in this argument doesn't make you look good. Why not you come up with something else better instead of throwing all cheap shots at me? It doesn't work at all and you wanna try to claim someone else a LOSER?. Come on, it's no wonder I am not wrong in proving you that your IQ is low and I have to lower my standard to your level. Even you agree with me about it, isn't it? You agreed that you're shallow,right? :D

Now finally someone has turned over his words. ROFLMAO. This is the funniest thing I've ever heard so far in my life. I just couldn't stop laughing. :D And the worst thing that make me laugh is that you claim to have own a car when I thought you could only have a bicycle. :D

Well I guess shallow minded creatures are that way and wanting to put someone else down as spoiled kid and etc when they couldn't even beat someone in an argument game. What a low IQ punk you are. *BornWinner shakes his head* It's a sad thing for you here. Come on dude, come up with something better. I will fall asleep if you continue to play in such a lousy way.

Come man dude, bring it on! Show me what you've got, creature!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: This is getting interesting and boring at the same time

Originally posted by BornWinner
Your struggle to win in this argument doesn't make you look good. Why not you come up with something else better instead of throwing all cheap shots at me? It doesn't work at all and you wanna try to claim someone else a LOSER?. Come on, it's no wonder I am not wrong in proving you that your IQ is low and I have to lower my standard to your level. Even you agree with me about it, isn't it? You agreed that you're shallow,right? :D

Now finally someone has turned over his words. ROFLMAO. This is the funniest thing I've ever heard so far in my life. I just couldn't stop laughing. :D And the worst thing that make me laugh is that you claim to have own a car when I thought you could only have a bicycle. :D

Well I guess shallow minded creatures are that way and wanting to put someone else down as spoiled kid and etc when they couldn't even beat someone in an argument game. What a low IQ punk you are. *BornWinner shakes his head* It's a sad thing for you here. Come on dude, come up with something better. I will fall asleep if you continue to play in such a lousy way.

Come man dude, bring it on! Show me what you've got, creature!
God, you are a retard. You're proceeding from the assumption that because something is unimportant to you that it should be unimportant to everyone else and that's just not true. Again, failure to understand that not everyone thinks like you...and no, pretending to be better than everyone else does not make you right. If that's the way you think, you'd better be able to back it up when you get your ass beat down again and again and again.

Because that's exactly what's going to happen until you start learning that there's a world outside of you. YOU are the shallow-minded one here.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
Ebach you flatter yourself

Ebach = insecure hostile baby

Dude every post I've seen you on (I admit I haven't seen them all), your a hostile caveman. Nobody is in awe of your extreme masculinity, or your prowess as an a$$ kicker. This is a faceless medium, meant to exchange ideas and debate. I've never seen you argue a subject (the deepest I've seen you go is to get off subject by bringing in politicians :confused: to posts that do not have the remotest thing to do with them).

You just crack me up, although it's a little sad.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Your struggle to win in this argument doesn't make you look good. Why not you come up with something else better instead of throwing all cheap shots at me? It doesn't work at all and you wanna try to claim someone else a LOSER?. Come on, it's no wonder I am not wrong in proving you that your IQ is low and I have to lower my standard to your level.
First it was my IQ then it was my low standard. So which one is it? Can you make a ****ing decision?

Even you agree with me about it, isn't it? You agreed that you're shallow,right?
Yes, I'm shallow when it comes to practical life but I'm much deeper than you ever will be. Be gone now!

Now finally someone has turned over his words. ROFLMAO. This is the funniest thing I've ever heard so far in my life.
****, I can imagine...

I just couldn't stop laughing. And the worst thing that make me laugh is that you claim to have own a car when I thought you could only have a bicycle.
Are you replying to my posts to get better at cheap shots? Jeez... keep learning. You have a long way to go!

Well I guess shallow minded creatures are that way and wanting to put someone else down as spoiled kid and etc
It's not a put-down when it's the truth. Stop fighting it...

when they couldn't even beat someone in an argument game.
So why are you still replying? That must mean that I'm beating you.

It's a sad thing for you here. Come on dude, come up with something better. I will fall asleep if you continue to play in such a lousy way.
I know you're not a native English speaker but DAMN! your vocab is the same as the mice's.

Come man dude, bring it on! Show me what you've got, creature!
LOL! Weak...

If you'd look at all my posts, almost none of them have anything that has been memorized. Everything is said on the spot with my own words. You keep repeating patterns, words, and expressions that are as old as your grandmother. Stop and educate yourself! That's why you're so boring... you can't think on your feet my friend and you even proved it in the night of the accident! You're stupid! Trust me, I know!