what is 'the system'?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by gabrielshear
and you claim to be a master don juan? with more than 700 bonkers posts and replies?

from now on I will abide with this policy : completely ignore people like (.) (.) (even tough I have to admit his name is really funny!!!)

I hope all real don juaners do the same.... let's show them we can do some serious discussion here..

please let's talk about doc love's 'the system' .......
That's kind of hilarious or really funny if you wish... If you actually WERE a real don juan you wouldn't be buying books or asking about systems/techniques...


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
- You should listen to the people critic, even if not accepting it. I do not like some of them, but see... what is true is that the chick you wanna get into the panties of, also have pre-judgement about you... that is how most of the people think you included, the act on the other hand is not always influenced by the first impression.

- Practice is your best bet to be succesful and we are all lazy, we all want the hard thing the easy way, it is not always like that. And even to get it easily it require a lot of effort before ;-)

And it may sound ridiculous to other, but even entertaining good relationship, and not feel guilty about it, with other women might enhance his relation with his wife. I personally think that two people that only stick together and can't bring anything from outside won't have much to evolve from but themself and that will create fastly limit.

But your attitude of critiquizing about everyone who can go and do some joke, etc. You do not help, even if I understand that their comment might be frustrating when easily say.

Try to take all this with a dose of humour.

Try to live your life rather than try to be technical on a book. The reason people say this forum is better than a book, it is because there is interaction, it is different, it is most near to real world, because there is a lot of different people a lot of good and bad comment, and you have to develop the skills to know to react good or bad to each of them and to HANDLE them without getting OOC (out of control).



Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Will you please STFU?

Originally posted by Ice Cold
Would someone close this topic please.
You're a senior Don Juan and you shouldn't be asking Panther to keep his mouth shut cause he has his rights to say whatever he feels that will benefit gabriel. Why are you being such a pathetic moron giving instructions to someone else to obey? Just tell me who the f*ck you are to tell anyone to STFU.?

And this thread doesn't need to be closed cause gabriel just wants to discuss about Doc Love's system and do you have problem with that?


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
It will trust me

Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
System and techniques are for wannabes and it will never get you to the top level.
Have faith, that's what Doc Love said after you've purchased his The System. He will submit a long a letter to explain this when his book arrived.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: what is 'the system'?

Originally posted by ( . )( . )
yeah, shame on you for wanting to know how to make chicks wet and have that part of your life taken care of . :rolleyes:
Why don't you mind your own f*cking business than worrying about other people's life? It's completely his business if he wanna make chicks wet, or make them so horny until they wanna rape the hell out of him and it is also none of your business.!!


Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Will you please STFU?

Originally posted by BornWinner
You're a senior Don Juan and you shouldn't be asking Panther to keep his mouth shut cause he has his rights to say whatever he feels that will benefit gabriel. Why are you being such a pathetic moron giving instructions to someone else to obey? Just tell me who the f*ck you are to tell anyone to STFU.?
Why the hell shouldn't I STFU him?

There are rules in the forum. If somebody posts a question for topic X and some dude replies on topic Y, then his answer is SPAM. It just bears no useful purpose and matters only to Panther, cause he can't keep his beleifs to himself.

It affects everybody else and instead of getting constructive discussion about docslove system, we have bs talk "you have 700 posts and still know nothing, blahblah"

And this thread doesn't need to be closed cause gabriel just wants to discuss about Doc Love's system and do you have problem with that?
There's not a whole lot discussion about the actual system, it's more about marriage beleifs, offtops and flames.

If panther wanted to discuss cheating in marriage, then he should've started a new thread and posted a link to it. OK?

When you're in math class, you don't talk about literature. Same with the threads.

BTW: I too don't think you should cheat in marriage, but I don't steal the thread just because of it. Internet etiquette I guess.

I want to talk about pickup and I want it to be productive and spammer free.



Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
we have had 24 replies on this thread.... and no real discussion on the main subject!!!! ... when will this s h i t finish?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by gabrielshear
we have had 24 replies on this thread.... and no real discussion on the main subject!!!! ... when will this s h i t finish?
Dude, why are you here crying' and whinnin'? Tapp3d posted a long answer with A LOT of the info that's in Doc Love's system. If I were Doc, I would go after him for using his material and giving it away for free; that's how much info he posted for you to use. Yet you are focusing on arguing with everyone who replied to thread; typical thing on these boards. AFC asks for advice, AFC gets advice and a bunch of nonse responses, AFC responds to all the irrelevant posts, and never looks deep into the few posts with some substance.

I also would recomend you do a search on Doc Love's system. And better yet, go to his website and read some of his articles.


New Member
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
after careful thinking, i think i've come to realize that the most important thing that i've been able to get out of DOC LOVE'S 'THE SYSTEM' is this: to find the right type of woman...and primarily how to understand a lot of a woman's behavior

to Kineti[C]harm
i don't see 'the system' as a 'one' way to things, but rather as a set of guidelines and rules one should follow because if you choose to do the don juan bible, it almost the same thing.
the don juan bible shows you what a man should be right? so in a way, isn't the don juan bible a technique in itself? (correct me if i'm wrong because i am a newbie to djbible)

i have found that the djbible shows me how to be a better man that in effect gets women attracted to me and i use 'the system' to recognize what qualities that i want in a woman...'the system' is a lot of the same stuff that i've come to understand from the djbible, but the only thing i appreciate the most of the djbible is how it goes more in depth in the area i'm most interested in: 'becoming a man'

i try using both the dj bible and 'the system' almost as a couple
as well as using various other ebooks...like 'speed seduction', 'how to win friends and influence people', 'personal power' etc
i use the best of each in my own personal growth and social growth to 'becoming a man'
i have found some things i don't agree with the djbible, 'the system', etc but for those things that i do agree with, i use for myself and practice them...

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by gabrielshear
we have had 24 replies on this thread.... and no real discussion on the main subject!!!! ... when will this s h i t finish?
jeeesus, how long have you been married guy?

that a girl, keep throwing hissy fits, your going to get even more replys that way:rolleyes:


Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
reply to jack03 : I have Ross Jeffries Bishop's Journal, double your dating, and Men's health magazine - sexpertise ebook.

pm me


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
You get it wrong dude...

Ice Cold:

Why the hell shouldn't I STFU him?

There are rules in the forum. If somebody posts a question for topic X and some dude replies on topic Y, then his answer is SPAM. It just bears no useful purpose and matters only to Panther, cause he can't keep his beleifs to himself.
Then your post is also a spam, you are trying to go on another topic, and waste time by asking to close the post.

If panther wanted to discuss cheating in marriage, then he should've started a new thread and posted a link to it. OK?

When you're in math class, you don't talk about literature. Same with the threads.
OUCH! Dude you get it all wrong and that is why there is plenty of retard at school and everywhere. And that affect everyone of us, even me sometime.

See the ideal would be to be able to use your math skills in litterature and use it in biology and in physique, even in sport and everywhere. And that is valid for all classes you take.

There is benefit sometime to go only in one direction, it helps us understand one detail without going another way, but especially on a DJ site, it is not the best way to go.

You think that if you are with a girl that the conversation will go straightforwad, how will you react when that girl start changing conversation? You next her and admit you are a loser and that you only follow one topic.

I am sure (at less I hope) that you now understand my point and that you see why your comment were somehow absurd. It is not by reading just one tips and applying just one that you will get better... but you will have to create a synergy between yourself, the tipS you read, listen and take what you think is best (or what is best... if you want to be more "rational"), act, re-act, be able to react to any acting you have not been confronted to, etc.

P.S. Sorry to not talk about the System or anything, but I think what I am saying there is worthy and that you should all understand that... that is valid with DJing and with your school, or anything in life. You have to be able to MAKE LINK BETWEEN STUFF, HELLO.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Thought I would throw in my 2 cents before crazy kid locks this post.....

I like Doc love. He has some great stuff, especially about IL. I, as well as doc love, believe that the ability to read IL is the most important tool for any DJ or aspiring DJ to know. Thats it, I said my peace. :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
You're married, that should be your system: You may of course do what ever you'd like with your life; but deceiving your wife will not end in anything good I will garauntee you that. Karma is going to own your @ss very soon.....

THe system is about keeping a healthy relationship, not just picking up women........... Living a lie and being a hypocrit is not DJ, instead of telling others to find a girlie site, maybe you should look for a www.cheaters.com....

Either way its your choice and your life; want the system,. gotta $$ for it.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Re: You get it wrong dude...

Originally posted by MickoZ
Ice Cold:
Then your post is also a spam, you are trying to go on another topic, and waste time by asking to close the post.
No, I am trying to bring the topic back.

It's his problems whether he cheats or not. He asked a different question. Reply to that or STFU

OUCH! Dude you get it all wrong and that is why there is plenty of retard at school and everywhere. And that affect everyone of us, even me sometime.
Ok, man. I'm not gonna listen anymore.

Where's the logic?

Because I "got it all "wrong", there's a "lot of retard at school" and "everywhere"? :confused: :D

I am making retards in other words... :rolleyes:

I'm sorry MickoZ, the part of your brain that's responsible for logic is... retarded :) These people usually make the best flamer. So I'll block you intil better times. OK?



Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Ice Cold, sorry if I sounded jackass but my point was mostly torward that comment:

When you're in math class, you don't talk about literature. Same with the threads.
That it is stupid that you think only one way in one topic. And it is not because you are in a topic that you can't insert another topic in it or make link with another topic.

Same go with: it is not because you are in a drama/sad situation that you cannot insert an humoristic comment. Etc.

Going only in one direction is not helping everyone IMHO.

Hope it is more clear now...


By the way, in case you have not figured it out, the "and it's [...]" refer to your quote. I may not have the best english outta there, but in reading you have to be able to put it in the context, doh.

I want to make it clear that I am not trying to flame you and get involved in some kind of drama fight, I am just trying to explain to you my viewpoint even if it mights look like I was attacking you personally...