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  1. S

    Likes on Facebook?

    Is it appropriate to Like comments a girl leaves beneath your status, photos, etc.? Or is it too much orbiter stuff, like constantly chiming in and Liking everything she posts? ETA: We've actually been out in RL/not just poked around on Facebook. She left a flirty take off beneath my status...
  2. S

    Is this a test?

    First time was when she asked me to bring that stuff last week. ^^This. I've been hoping things are in this state.
  3. S

    Is this a test?

    The Plot Thickens So last night I ended up in the ER with her. She txted me at about 8:00pm. HER: What kind of bribe would you take to come do me a favor? [she's still messed up, so I knew it wasn't that kind of invitation] ME: Sorry Frank. I'm across town. What's up? HER: Need some...
  4. S

    Is this a test?

    Normally, you'd be right. She moved here for work just over a month ago. So, not many friends. This is exactly what I kinda-sorta feel. I mean, she is genuinely post-surgery fvcked up, BUT she wasn't not in fact physically incapable of helping herself, just extremely self conscious. True. I'd...
  5. S

    Is this a test?

    She asked me to deliver food and sundries. She underwent a surgery yesterday. This morning she called and asked me—Pretty please? It would mean the world to me—if I'd pick up and deliver some things because she's stuck in the house/doesn't want to go out while her face is freshly swollen. She...
  6. S

    You all have some growing up to do.

    Not you, Laurie, but a man should be dominant in his communication dynamic with actual women, phsycially and verbally, to help arousal, which is a physiological phenomenon having to do with sex. I don't know that. It's not a fact. And you can't prove me wrong. Let's get down to brass tacks...
  7. S

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    Her moving you to a back burner may be a combination of her baggage making storms and you seeming too invested and overly available. ^^ This. That she still texts you is probably good. At best, she hasn't written you off completely but you are letting her down by being such willing prey. At...
  8. S

    Fake suicides and AWs

    Yeah. True. It bugs the hell out of me that I called and she didn't take the call. Of course she didn't. It was an AW bomb. She just wanted to make her phone explode. But I hate that I took the bait.
  9. S

    Fake suicides and AWs

    Early this morning my ex sent me a dark text. It was melodramatic BS basically limericking 'goodbye' and that she's going to pill herself out. It's par for the course for her. I normally go out of my way to barely give her the time of day when she contacts me, largely because she's literally the...
  10. S

    Plenty of Fish quick number grabs Vol. 2.Hoe!

    Any reason you suggest calling? I sometimes hit them via text first and so far so good.
  11. S

    Girls say they would NEVER return to an ex who banged another during a break.

    Girlfriends have told me this. I'm inclined to disbelieve it, however, I've never had the opportunity to test it. They've either been back with me in short order, in which time I actually hadn't made any new fans, or they never returned period. Is this likely BS?
  12. S

    Good opening lines on fb

    Do what you feel, guy. Ask yourself, though, how you'll feel if you wait, lose your braces, spend a month preparing yourself for her and she doesn't give you the time of day. Just be careful not to invest a lot of expectation in a great outcome. Very great it may be, but don't set yourself...
  13. S

    Attention *****s

    Peg an AW the same way that a psychiatrist diagnoses a disorder. It's not necessary that she presents with every symptom and behavior described, but if four or five of the shoes fit then it's a smart bet that she's an AW. Also keep in mind that some isolated AW traits can be present in decent...
  14. S

    Erections during kino.

    Cool. I'll stop worrying so much. Trump, ive yet to have a girl laugh or just get up and go. But I have worried that its been a factor in things not panning out. A lot of the above makes sense. If she bounces because she makes you hard, then she had already decided you aren't on her sex radar.
  15. S

    Good opening lines on fb

    Just friend her. You're both in at least one of the same groups/networks. She'll get it. After she accepts the friend request she'll send you a msg kr write on your wall, something like "hey do I know you lol" or "you live downstairs right?" keeps us posted on what she says and we'll talk...
  16. S

    Erections during kino.

    I continue to get hardons about the same as when I was fifteen. I wake up with a railroad spike. I'll stretch my pants driving to work after heavy snow. So, when I'm down her pants at a theater it happens like clockwork. Ditto if she gets on my lap when we're sharing a restaurant booth or...
  17. S

    How does it feel knowing most of you will end up with a slut?

    I think that's a somewhat silly sentiment. I like girls who are straightforward about their sexuality. That doesn't mean that she should be uncouth. It means that she shouldn't pretend that she isn't thinking about it all the time, just like I don't pretend. A man shouldn't be intimidated by...
  18. S

    10 Minute Trainer. You dig?

    Has anyone tried Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer? Business has been such that I haven't been into the gym in nearly a month and I just don't do late night workouts, so a ten minute thing a few times a day is attractive to me. Has anyone found this "stacking" concept to be effective?
  19. S

    How to tell if she's playing or just conflicted.

    This turned out fakakt. I was unable to do a course-correct. There was some halfway action, but not the whole 9. The effort was really for my ego anyway. Oh well.
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    guy hitting on my sister.

    You did the right thing. Don't sweat it. There is a code. As Big Bro, you're supposed to keep an eye on her whenever you're together, but that doesn't mean disallowing her to be a woman. You're just supposed to be on call if a situation gets away from her, like if that guy had gotten out of...