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  1. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    This is what i meant This is what i meant
  2. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    Attention for girls is like sex,taking it away from them you will make them crave it even more. Pay no attention to girls and find out if I'm lying.
  3. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    Listen The success of this technique will mainly work with girls you rarely talk to or girls in the club,street or what ever.
  4. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    And only ****ing three girls,I've clearly stated I've only developed game for around a year but it's getting better. You don't even have to stare at tree's, it just keeps your mind busy,just walk straight and don't stare at anything.
  5. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    LOL I've apologized AGES ago. I've gave several people advice,move on. I wasn't in a good state of mind when posting this. This technique is pure common sense if you think about it,women(even ugly women) are use to getting attention all the time,by not staring at women in the street then making...
  6. L

    examples of how a womans mind fails to see logic

    ''Where did all the nice guys go, I want a man who treats me like a princess''.But when a man does he's stuck in the friend zone, LOL women logic at its finest.
  7. L

    So lets find out how to identify girls who are DTF at the club

    There's a decent amount of girls in the clubs that just go there for attention by dressing slutty which will naturally get a males attention anyway and we all know how attention for girls is like sex for us so they don't necessary need to **** that night. Don't get **** teasing confused with DTF...
  8. L

    What is going on with my ex???

    If you REALLY want to be with her and rebuild the relationship do Gamblers advice and go no contact,but I would personally say mate you have to move on,shes treated you like a ***** and you put in most of the work in the relationship.
  9. L

    I have a good problem that is driving me crazy

    The sad thing about this whole situation is you could of easily ****ed her awhile ago and it's good that you didn't make your move. Think in the long term about your future, one warm snatch is not worth it. Politely turn down this girl and say to her remember I'm here to menter you and this is a...
  10. L

    Woman falsley accuses men of rape

    One word that summarises all these paragraphs..ATTENTION!
  11. L

    How it comes a lot of Betas has gf and we are here insisting to be alpha

    See it as this it's because those woman are smarter and think for the long term. Just because someone is with somebody doesn't necessary mean they are IN LOVE with them if you get what I'm saying. They can be with them for financial security,they want to settle or their extremely good looking...
  12. L

    PUA is a time wasting and money taking scam

    PUA is a numbers game,you will get a number out of 20-100 or so approaches..depending on how good looking you are..basically to summarise it you need to be above average to drop dead gorgous to have some sort of success with it. With day game which I'm pretty sure some of you are doing,do...
  13. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    LOL another thing is don't get it twisted..I've been reading through this forum for months I know there are people with good game and I respect peoples opinions and their techniques..But there are just some people here that have desperate writting all over their heads..I will contribute into...
  14. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    I'm gonna tell you straight up LOL for the first 16 years of my life,my game was ****ing awful. But it got slightly better when I turned 17..I've ****ed around 3 girls..two ugly girls and one above average girl..I've done things with her mutiple times and she's literally begging for the ****...
  15. L

    Plenty of Fish quick number grabs Vol. 2.Hoe!

    LOL what I've noticed is women are the biggest liars ever..Saying one thing yet contradicting themselves doing something else
  16. L

    Why would a woman friend zone you if you're confident & attractive?

    You only get put in the friend zone,if your the following..Ugly or socially awkward and problem with these guys they think that being in a PLATONIC relationship with a girl will magically trigger interest in the girl -.-..Then they will just see you as a 'brother' or a good 'friend'..what as us...
  17. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    I'm sorry guys if I made myself look like a jerk LOL its just the honest truth..Men put women on a pedestal too much these days..its just tough the way I've been doing this technique on and off for a few weeks..Its extreme as ****..but all my past failures with women have motivated me...
  18. L

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    I've been on this forum for a minute and I must say I'm impressed with a few of you guys game..But a large chunk of you are developing it or have it aabit but you always let the ***** manipulate you in the end..I've developed my game by listening to PlayerSupreme but I've applied my own EXTREME...