What is going on with my ex???


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
My ex and broke up about 6 weeks ago, we were together off and on for about 2 1/2 years and it was rocky to say the least. Anyway, it ended rather abruptly when she was over at my house and we had been back together for a little over a month and started talking and the conversation led into "where is this going?" Which is fair, given we've been off again, on again at least 3 or 4 times. I had been trying to kiss her and get things a little hot and heavy, but she would basically tell me not to lay on her, or kinda back away when i tried to kiss her more deeply. It was her birthday about 2 weeks prior and I had got her a new purse and took her to see Book of Morman, the play, we both had a great time!!

I hadn't seen her in a few day prior to this meeting at my house and i told her i missed her, she asked me, "why?" I told her because i hadn't seen her in almost a week, yea we talked on the phone everyday, but i missed seeing her. She responded to me like i was just saying it and had no truth to it. That really made me feel about two feet tall when she said that. We then got to talking about why we weren't having sex and I said that "I'm working to get us back to where we were." Which now that i think about it kinda sucks, she should have been working on it too, but anyhow, that pissed her off. She got mad and said "It's too late" and left. Pretty much anytime i tried to initiate anything she would back up or ask me what am i doing? Again, that doesn't exactly make a guy feel sexually excited!! I told her that it always seems to be a one way street with her and I don't seem to get any reciprocation on her part.

The next day she sends me a long text basically saying that she was frustrated that other relationships her friends were in had flourished in the time we were together, moving in together, marriage, etc, and that she felt empty inside with me. That stung quite a bit, I was always there for her. If she needed me, i was there to talk to and vent to, even just listen. So she wished me good luck and that she would always have love for me. That really pissed me off that she didn't even have the guts to call me or tell me to my face...ending things with a text??? In a word, classless!

I figure im better off for her ending it, but now fast forward 6 weeks to today, this morning i wake up and she sends me a text wishing me and family a happy holiday. I don't understand, i thought i made you feel empty and alone? You'd think i was the worst boyfriend ever but she still feels a need to keep in contact?? Personally, i think she felt guilty after she broke up, i forgot to mention that she did text me a couple days after asking me if i wanted to return the purse i bought her. I just told her to keep it. Honestly, i didn't even want to go through trying to get it from her and all that. Why is she wishing me happy holidays and pretending like she cares now??

Any thoughts gentlemen?

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
For the love of Christ, GO NO CONTACT ON HER!!!!

You know, I think this is the first time I've actually given NC as advice to anyone.... but in your case, I think NC was custom-made for this kind of thing. She's flippin' and flappin' in the wind, and you need to protect yourself from her ever-changing whims. I know you probably still have feelings for her, but 1) she has basically told you that you're not what she's looking for, and 2) you believe you've done everything you reasonably could to make this work.

Not a good situation here!

Please let us know how things go and be strong.... You have much to offer to the right person.

The Gambler

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
All that avails is flight.
Gambler speaks the truth.
Time to move on, OP. she couldn't have made it much clearer that she doesn't want to be with you. So simply grant her wish and disappear.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Seems to me like she's either feeling guilty or misses me?? WTF is wrong with her?
Nov 12, 2012
Reaction score
If you REALLY want to be with her and rebuild the relationship do Gamblers advice and go no contact,but I would personally say mate you have to move on,shes treated you like a ***** and you put in most of the work in the relationship.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
The whole breakup text thing really left a bad taste in my mouth. We had our issues with texting, I sometimes used it more than I should have, but she pointed it out and I made a conscious effort over the last year to not text all the time and pick up the phone and call. I'm not sure I can go back with someone who showed me that little respect and descency. In some ways, I kind of think she was doing it as a nice little jab to me. "You like to text instead of talk, well this is what you get."