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  1. R

    She is "seeing someone else"

    So you've been on the site for a while and then you went right ahead and sent her flowers ? Go push / pull on her while spinning some other plates.
  2. R

    oneitis on a friend

    Get flirty with other chicks withing the social circle.
  3. R

    Should Newbie’s Target 5s and 6s Only?

    Hit everything. Progressive overload doesn't apply here. If you see that 10 walking down the street today when you're a newb , you're probably never gonna see her again anyway. Specially not in that 'perfect moment' when you're finally 'ready' for her. And if you see that 6 ? Hell , she...
  4. R

    Girlfriend Smoking and Lying need advice

    I remember when I was 16 and told my girlfriend at the time that if she doesn't quit using make-up I'll brake up with her. Her reply was "If you don't stop going to the gym I'll brake up with you". Don't think I ever felt more humiliated in my life. She didn't mean it,she was just trying...
  5. R

    Anyone here smoking cigarettes

    I puff some weed every now and then. But cigaretts are phucking disgusting. Besides the horrible taste , long time smokers have the worst possible breath you can ever encounter. I almost throw up when a smoker talks in my face. I could probably eat sh!t every day and still have a better breath...
  6. R

    Need help with a break up.

    The other guy isn't the cause of the confussion I was speaking of , he's the effect. Once she starts thinking she's unhappy - for whatever reason (the cause) - she starts allowing one of her orbiter army to get closer(the effect). It's not like she trips and falls in love with someone new.Once...
  7. R

    FR - Reckon I bombed it - Text and FB convo.

    I'm really new to all but yeah , I agree with the above posters. There definitely is some IL going on there , but you made it too long.
  8. R

    FR: My first interaction since discovering SS.

    Thanks man. Appreciate it. Looking back I can realize some mistakes I made. 1. Not returning enough kino when she initiated it. 2. Few negs. I mean I knew she wasn't the type to neg since her insecurities were wild , but I just wanted to see the reactions :D.
  9. R

    FR: My first interaction since discovering SS.

    A'right , so after doing some DJ Bible reading this weekend I decided to go out and apply my newly acquired wisdom. I was heading to today's lectures. I got there and I saw this totally new chick who I've never seen / noticed before. She was an HB 8. Pretty good I thought , so I went in. I'll...
  10. R

    Need help with a break up.

    A lot of posters here seem to believe that women are the spawn of the devil. That all of them are evil selfish ho's and all that , while at the same time believing that men are the incarnation of perfection. That's just so wrong on so many different levels... I'm talking about teenage girls...
  11. R

    A respectable attitude towards one's problems ?

    All replies were sent to close friends only.Guess I should've mentioned that.
  12. R

    A respectable attitude towards one's problems ?

    It's no mystery that no one really enjoys a person who constantly self-pities himself , as his negativity spreads around in an instant. I'll give my current experience as an example to better understand what I mean. I'm a student and I live in rent. The dorms suck massively so yeah,I rent...
  13. R

    My GF 3yrs kissed someone else

    You can't phucking generalize like that,switch. Anyway , OP , it happened. That won't change. Take a few moments and think if this girl is worth it. Really think it through. If she is , and only if she is , work things out. Be glad she told you. Not too many people have what it...
  14. R

    Dealing with a doormat girl. What to do?

    Long distance sucks. Not really worth it. But you can give it a shot,sure.
  15. R

    Hi. I'm new here and I have a problem.

    Nah man ,don't worry. It's not a case of oneitis . The reasons are there. And yes, ofcourse I'm trying to see other people :D. Appreciate your replies.
  16. R

    Hi. I'm new here and I have a problem.

    It's hard to explain. My parents are busting their asses to afford my education , and her family's financial situation is by no means brighter. Great efforts had to be made so we could meet in person. That means 2 days every 5-6 weeks. 2 days out of 40. The torture is skyping with her, seeing...
  17. R

    Did I handle this situation well?

    My story is this: I used to have long hair. Now , my mom (yes,my mom) and my ex at times asked me if I ever considered a haircut. Something short and more "sexy". Now obviously my first reaction was that "there's no phucking way I'm cutting my hair. Ever." Then I thought about it a bit. Both...
  18. R

    Hi. I'm new here and I have a problem.

    As far as I'm concerned there really is no proper period for anything, only proper people. Throughout my life I've met a lot of cool people. Even more great people. But only 3 truly amazing ones. Two of them are my best bros , the other is my ex. I do understand your point however...
  19. R

    Hi. I'm new here and I have a problem.

    Hi guys. First off I wanna say how amazed I am after reading through the bible. I've been doing / using so much of that sh!t without even knowing it , and now it makes so much sense to me it's amazing. My mind is simply blown. But anyway,I'm a 20 yo college student that just ended his...