A respectable attitude towards one's problems ?


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
It's no mystery that no one really enjoys a person who constantly self-pities himself , as his negativity spreads around in an instant.

I'll give my current experience as an example to better understand what I mean.

I'm a student and I live in rent. The dorms suck massively so yeah,I rent rooms in apartments with basically random people. Considering I'm in the biggest college town in my country , these random people are usually students as well.

I moved out of my first apartment looking for something better. Now,I've gone through a massive streak of complete idiots and all sorts of people with whom is basically impossible to live with , so I've been moving a lot in the last couple of months and still have not found a decent place to live in. As you can imagine I'm also spending a lot of extra $ on this and it's been going on for quite a few months. Point is , it's starting to get to me. Nothing severe , but waking up in a house you hate living in is a pretty solid daily reminder.

So whenever people ask me how's it going with this problem I'm having , I pretty much give the same reply.

"Not good. It phucking sucks.Whatever, nothing I can't handle."
"I found something..for now. Still working on it. Nothing I can't handle."
"From one sh!t hole to another.I'm managing tho. Nothing I can't handle."
"This sh!t is tearing me down psychically. Nothing I can't handle though."

These are quote on quote replies from my phone. Now as you can see there's one constant in each of them. And when I say it , I don't just say it. I mean it. However,I can't help but feel a little bit uncomfortable about the first part.

I never lied about my problems nor did I pretend they don't exist , but I also emphasized that I can always handle them on my own. Is this a good way to go about it ?

I'm asking you guys for your opinion because I absolutely hate people that constantly biatch about how "horrible their life is" without taking any stand. It's like they're endlessly gouging for pity and that's not a message I'd ever want to send.

On the other hand,I always admired people (specially my dad) with this kind of attitude towards their problem. Being able to objectively asses it's gravity (by not over-doing nor undermining it) , but regardless of said gravity , always take a position of dominance over it.

So what do you guys think ? Am I doing this right ?


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
It sounds like you're complaining. We all complain, it happens.

The second reply is the best one in my opinion.

The fourth one may be a good reply for a close friend when you truly need someone to talk to about your situation.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Marker said:
It sounds like you're complaining. We all complain, it happens.

The second reply is the best one in my opinion.

The fourth one may be a good reply for a close friend when you truly need someone to talk to about your situation.
All replies were sent to close friends only.Guess I should've mentioned that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I'd like to hear more on this as well... I am regularly dissatisfied with my life situation (either relationship-wise or work-wise and often both) and I think I wear it on my face. Doesn't make me the most approachable, friendly guy at times.