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  1. R

    Things to say to her when she flakes

    "Flaking" doesn't really bother me. Fvck it , I'd flake on any ,and I mean ANY chick for a night out with my best bro's. Specially now since we live so far away from each other due to college and sh!t and rarely go out together. Assuming she barely knows me , I don't expect to be the most...
  2. R

    Redemption's Aesthetics Project.

    + another 5 lb on yesterday's bench. Tomorrow should be the big day. Slept like sh!t last night though and now I got a mild pain in my neck. Hope it doesn't last lost enough to affect me. Really wanna brake that 60 kg point. Also saw a guy squating my body-weight with absolute perfect...
  3. R

    Redemption's Aesthetics Project.

    God dammit I missed today's gym session. I have a collective project deadline very soon and we met up at 10 am until 10:30 pm. Kinda pissed off. Possitive side however is that I was getting 90% of the female attention throughout the day. THANK YOU DJ Bible.
  4. R

    What do you actually think of women?

    From an individual standpoint anyone can make it. The possibility of it is viable.That's the event. If you consider the event as "Everyone making it at the same time" then yes ,it's impossible. It's called natural selection.
  5. R

    Turned down sex

    That's like assuming he showered the day before and didn't "have time" to shower again today. Not much of an excuse.
  6. R

    I think I have to kick out my tenant/roommate

    Kick him out. Roomates should be awesome and have fun together. Makes no sense to "have a talk" because you "live together". You don't. He isn't yo wife. Guys who lose their cool like that are incapable of having a talk. Not a constructive one anyway.
  7. R

    Turned down sex

    This. Be spontaneous man. Also,what possible reason could you possibly have to not own a possible condom ? Are you possibly insane ?
  8. R

    Need help on how to turn my life around

    If you want to hang out with your friends from school outside of school simply ask: "What are you idiots doing this weekend ?" Replace "idiots" with whatever term is acceptable in your relationship with them. "We're doing blalbalbalbla" "Oh,cool. Sounds like fun. Give me a call and...
  9. R

    Dumping my 1+ year gf

    Can confirm. People broken by their parents are beyond repair 99% of the times.
  10. R

    Haven't FAP for 6+ months.

    Abstinence is retarded. Sex is natural , you should have it as often as possible. Porn isn't. Masturbating to porn isn't as well.
  11. R

    What do you actually think of women?

    The only impairment a bottom man has is his own self. All man can be successful. Every single one. "Having it better" is a complex term though.
  12. R

    What do you actually think of women?

    Agreed with the OP. Some people here seem to hate them. And it's not really a surprise to be honest. I only hate close-minded / un-interesting people that can do so much more with their lives but chose not to. Weather those people come in the shape of a man or woman , it's irrelevant...
  13. R

    On No-Fap

    Ofcourse you become angry and feel like sh!t. That's a normal phase in giving up any addiction.
  14. R

    Redemption's Aesthetics Project.

    Felt like a total beast today. Been braking PR's after PR's. DL got up to 93 while maintaining excellent form & gym was packed with hb's. Should be hitting the 60kg (132 lbs) checkpoint on my bench next week. Really looking forward to that. Meanwhile , *dialing: Hey,is this Pizza...
  15. R

    Redemption's Aesthetics Project.

    Oh trust me I'd definitely go for sweet potatoes instead of white ones. Except they cost 4x as much. Same goes for flax oil. I'm a student on a student budget. I'm pretty much doing the most I can with it. As far as clean eating goes , I'm not really a big fan of that. To me there's really no...
  16. R

    Redemption's Aesthetics Project.

    Meal 1: Whole wheat bread: 50g. Eggs: 200g. Smoked ham: 50g. +Tomatoes ,raw. Dish total: Carbs:32 Fats:28 Protein:40 Kcals:537 Meal 2: Chicken breast:200g. Baked potatoes:300g. Dish total: Carbs:60 Fats:8 Protein:50 Kcals:552 Meal 3: Smoked ham: 100g. Cheese: 50g; Whole wheat bread: 100g...
  17. R

    Redemption's Aesthetics Project.

    Hey man , thanks for the reply. I'm not following Ripptoe's version , I'm following BLSS (Babylover's). Although I agree with your point on power cleans , it's close to impossible for a beginner to perform them properly. Also,yes ,DL's are 1x5. And I will stick to 1x5 as soon as the...
  18. R

    Redemption's Aesthetics Project.

    A'right , time to stop being an average looking mofo and do sh!t right. I've been "lifting" for about 1.5 years now , and because of stupidity and miss-information , I have basically started at 64 kg (141 pounds) and ended up at 66 kg (145 pounds). Needless to say my routine was horrible...
  19. R

    Haven't FAP for 6+ months.

    The testosterone is just 1 huge benefit of no fap. (testosterone that does not dampen after 7 days like some here say.) Anyway , real benefit of giving up porn & fap is unhooking your brain from it's dopamine spike addiction. If you wanna aware yourselves on the subject , feel free...
  20. R

    Some odd things I find about the whole soulmate thing..

    The answer to your question is :"Because that's how it's supposed to be". A disturbing number of men will marry just about any sloot that gives them a sense of regular sex and insignificant degree of attention. A successful relationship (or marriage ) is like a successful business...