Redemption's Aesthetics Project.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
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A'right , time to stop being an average looking mofo and do sh!t right.

I've been "lifting" for about 1.5 years now , and because of stupidity and miss-information , I have basically started at 64 kg (141 pounds) and ended up at 66 kg (145 pounds).

Needless to say my routine was horrible and my diet was non-existent. That's what happens when you decide to do something without awaring yourself first.

So about 1 month ago when I finally decided it's time for my life to become awesome,I informed myself on nutrition and overall how to's.

Note: I will only increase my weights if my form remains perfect.

Routine Info:

Name: Beginner's Starting Strength
Goal: Increase overall strength.
Time to spend: 3 months
Time remaining: 2 months , 1 week
Training frequency: 6 days a week , alternating through workouts. A-B-A-B-A-B.
Supplements taken: Scitec Nutrition's Creatine Monohydrate. (3g/day)
Caloric level: 2600 / day. 400 cals surplus.
How it looks like:
Workout A:
Bench Press , 3x5
Squat ,3x5
Pull-ups , wide grip , 1x15-20
Bent-over Barbell Row , 3x5
Optional: Rear delt flies 3x8 , bicep work 3x8

Workout B:
Millitary Press ,3x5
Front Squat (After Normal Squatting with 135 lbs is possible) ,3x5
Dips ,1x15-20
Deadlift , 3x5
Weighted abs work: 3x15
Weighted oblique work: 3x15
Hanging leg raises: 3x15
Optional: Tricep work ,3x8

My starting stats( 3 weeks ago):

182 cm tall (6 foot)
66 kg (145 pounds)
11% bf
Major lifts:
-Bench: 25 kg ( 55 pounds)
-DL: Empty bar ( for form specialization )
-Squat: Empty bar (form specialization )

Today's stats:
182 cm (6")
70 kg (some of this has to do with me getting on creatine and the body retains more water)
11.3% bf
Major lifts:
-Bench: 55 kg (130 lbs)
-DL: 40 kg ( 88 lbs
-Squat: 20 kg (44 lbs)

Short-term Goal:
Complete 3 months of starting strength in order to properly be able to start hypertrophy training.
Long-term Goals:
-Lean bulk untill February / April 2014.
-2-3 month cut to achieve 10% bf.
-Become an aesthetic mofo.


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
Isn't SS AxBxAxx / BxAxBxx?

Also SS has 1x5 deads and 5x3 power cleans -- cleans are the alpha of lifts. If you go as heavy as you should on the deadlifts I don't think you can safely do 3x5 that often. If I really want to brutalize myself with deadlifts I'll do them heavy 100% (5RM) at 1x5, 75% at 1x8, and 50% at 1x12. This makes it really hard to do cleans or squats the subsequent workout though. 1x5 deads are a lot if you're pushing yourself; if there is one lift which builds an aesthetic physique, it's the heavy-ass deadlift. Deads, squats, and cleans will all work your core out pretty substantially if you're challenging yourself. In fact most compound lifts work your core out pretty well. The dude with a heavy squat will have stronger abs than the guy doing sit ups or "ab work." I worked out before SS, but since doing SS I've stopped doing 90% of the exercise that I was doing before. Doing heavy deads will give you that Apollo's Belt if you're low enough BF.

As Rippetoe says, "don't fvck with the program." It seems really easy. And in all honesty SS is really easy... for the first month. If form is kept in check, weight will increase very quickly (literally every workout). At first you'll be inclined to add volume or frequency (or both) but if the parameters of the program are followed, you will be lifting relatively heavy very within a short time and the workouts will become very brutal in a couple of weeks. I would say if you follow everything to a tee it will take an even shorter period to get to the brutal part.

Just food for thought, do whatever you want. I've been doing SS for two months, the first month I added more reps, basically I did 5x5 compounds AxBx ad nauseum; once I actually got out of baby weight that wasn't about to keep happening unless I slowed down my linear progress which is the most important thing at this point. I think if you're already in good shape you can add a little volume or frequency to SS but definitely not both. I also personally plan on doing SS until linear progress totally stalls out for me, which it's starting to.

EDIT: This site is handy: I would think you're done with SS when you're comfortably in the Intermediate range.
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Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hey man , thanks for the reply.

I'm not following Ripptoe's version , I'm following BLSS (Babylover's).

Although I agree with your point on power cleans , it's close to impossible for a beginner to perform them properly.

Also,yes ,DL's are 1x5. And I will stick to 1x5 as soon as the weight becomes challenging. The 3x5 at my weight point helps me learn the proper form until I hit that challenge.

You're also right about it being fairly easy for the first month. My weight has been going up every single session , although I think I'm close to hitting my limit with the bench press. Not that I mind , considering my pre-SS record was 55lbs.

I didn't really add volume to it besides the 2 extra DL sets which like I explained are mainly for form purposes. That and the abs ,but that's pretty much nothing.

As far as frequency goes, training 3 days / week seems too low. My aim is 6.

Will definitely check that site out though.


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
I do agree 3 days a week is low, but it's what helps you maintain the constant progression. The program does that for a reason, even if that reason isn't immediately apparent. My ideal workout would be a Push/Pull done ABxABx but you can't lift that frequently and progress your newbie gains (which is the whole principle of SS -- to milk them for all they're worth). Don't read this as a holier than thou attitude or some ****, it's just I did SS and messed with the program for the first month and it slowed down my subsequent training so I don't want you to find yourself in the same spot. That said, even with my messing of SS my 5RM of most lifts is well in that intermediate range on the above chart.

I realized this was probably Babylover's about halfway through my reply. If he suggests doing it six days a week then do that. But keep in mind it's not some full body split or whatever.

Here's a good guide for power cleans:

Here's a more comprehensive guide:

I agree beginner's can't do them properly, but that's why you're a beginner. I mean even if you deadlift 400 pounds, you're still going to use just the bar the first time you start doing power cleans so you may as well start now. People tell me I'm sick, but power cleans are by far the most enjoyable lift for me. There's a lot of good information on doing them (and doing them improperly). Rippetoe says you should jump to produce the full extension -- I do think this is a good way to hurt yourself (and I have) simply because you cannot get under the bar as concretely as you need to. There is a definite full extension but be wary of people who say to jump. It's hard to keep your back stable while you're in the air and when you land and if you hesitate, you're going to end up with the weight in a really compromising position and you're going to get hurt.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Marker said:
I do agree 3 days a week is low, but it's what helps you maintain the constant progression. The program does that for a reason, even if that reason isn't immediately apparent. My ideal workout would be a Push/Pull done ABxABx but you can't lift that frequently and progress your newbie gains (which is the whole principle of SS -- to milk them for all they're worth). Don't read this as a holier than thou attitude or some ****, it's just I did SS and messed with the program for the first month and it slowed down my subsequent training so I don't want you to find yourself in the same spot. That said, even with my messing of SS my 5RM of most lifts is well in that intermediate range on the above chart.

I realized this was probably Babylover's about halfway through my reply. If he suggests doing it six days a week then do that. But keep in mind it's not some full body split or whatever.

Here's a good guide for power cleans:

I agree beginner's can't do them properly, but that's why you're a beginner. I mean even if you deadlift 400 pounds, you're still going to use just the bar the first time you start doing power cleans so you may as well start now. People tell me I'm sick, but power cleans are by far the most enjoyable lift for me. There's a lot of good information on doing them (and doing them improperly). Rippetoe says you should jump to produce the full extension -- I do think this is a good way to hurt yourself (and I have) simply because you cannot get under the bar as concretely as you need to.

Ya hang cleans rock!!! Try dumbell snatch or dumbell split snatch if you want something sick as well!


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
To the OP:

Post your diet... This is what will define your success or failure in this endeavour.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Meal 1:
Whole wheat bread: 50g.
Eggs: 200g.
Smoked ham: 50g.
+Tomatoes ,raw.
Dish total:

Meal 2:
Chicken breast:200g.
Baked potatoes:300g.
Dish total:

Meal 3:
Smoked ham: 100g.
Cheese: 50g;
Whole wheat bread: 100g;
Milk: 250ml;
Dish total:
Kcals: 557

Snack 1:
Oatmeal: 100g;
Milk: 300ml;
Raisins: 25g;
Banana: 50g;
Apple: 50g;
Strawberries: 25g;
Dish total
Carbs: 111g;
Fats: 12g;
Protein: 30g;

Snack 2:
Whole wheat bread: 100g;
Peanut butter: 40g;
Banana: 50g;
Dish total

Overall Total:
Carbs: 307
Fats: 88
Protein: 201
Kcals: 2768

My maintenance is @ 2300-ish. There are the macros I've been trying to hit for the last 3 weeks and I've put on about 3-4 lbs. 1 lb / week is pretty good IMO.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Oh trust me I'd definitely go for sweet potatoes instead of white ones. Except they cost 4x as much. Same goes for flax oil. I'm a student on a student budget. I'm pretty much doing the most I can with it.

As far as clean eating goes , I'm not really a big fan of that. To me there's really no such thing as 'clean' foods. I'm more of a IIFYM (if it fits your macros) guy.

I do understand your point however.

Also I was 145 3 weeks ago. Now I'm around 154 as the scale suggests ,but like I said , some of that has to do with me starting on creatine 1 week ago.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Felt like a total beast today.
Been braking PR's after PR's.

DL got up to 93 while maintaining excellent form & gym was packed with hb's.

Should be hitting the 60kg (132 lbs) checkpoint on my bench next week. Really looking forward to that.

Meanwhile , *dialing: Hey,is this Pizza Hut ? Yeah I'd like a...* - gotta love the cheat days.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
Program looks good and diet looks about right. I wouldn't worry about eating clean either. Looking forward to see more logs.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
God dammit I missed today's gym session.

I have a collective project deadline very soon and we met up at 10 am until 10:30 pm. Kinda pissed off.

Possitive side however is that I was getting 90% of the female attention throughout the day. THANK YOU DJ Bible.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
+ another 5 lb on yesterday's bench. Tomorrow should be the big day.

Slept like sh!t last night though and now I got a mild pain in my neck. Hope it doesn't last lost enough to affect me. Really wanna brake that 60 kg point.

Also saw a guy squating my body-weight with absolute perfect form yesterday. And he was smaller than me. Am shocked.