Some odd things I find about the whole soulmate thing..


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
Quick rant..
No this is not I hate women or anything like that. Its just today I was talking to a friend and we talked about marriages here in the US. It turns out only 48% of people stay married and do not get divorced. But in reality that number is a lot lower. Out of the 48% who stay together, there is a good chunk who stay together only for the kids, there is another good chunk who stay together where one is cheating on the other or both on each other, and my parents are proof that another chunk stay together only because their stupidity of bad financial decisions force them to stay together but at the end of the day hate each other.

When considering all these facts, that 48% in reality is more like 28-35%. So about 1/3 people actually go on to live the life portrayed in front of our eyes on TV and stories since we were little kids of finding someone and growing old with them. When you look around it seems that everyone is happy and with their soul mate...but numbers dont lie. I was just wondering why? Why do so many relationships fail? Like I said, I am not complaining about anything but this is one topic that has my head in knots, and almost makes me want to stay single for life(by single I mean never married).

What is your opinions on this matter?


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
The answer to your question is :"Because that's how it's supposed to be".

A disturbing number of men will marry just about any sloot that gives them a sense of regular sex and insignificant degree of attention.

A successful relationship (or marriage ) is like a successful business. Obviously not everyone who decides it's a good idea to start one will actually make it because life has a way of weeding out clueless idiots. A slight variation of Survival of the Fittest. In which case survival represent achieving success.

And yes,most fail , because most people take these steps based on entirely uneducated decision , delusions of "She/He will change" , "love is pure and conquers all" , "settling" for irrational fears of "I won't find anyone better" , and basic human stupidity.