Did I handle this situation well?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
So I quite like writing field reports, I don't write them for everynight I go out, just nights where I had a good time and something interesting came up.

So the most important part of the evening for me was pre-drinks, for one reason. A girl I know (HB5) and who my gut tells me is interested tried to give me advice on how to get laid. Considering I'm a virgin, I though ok, lets hear it, knowing full well she was probably going to spout some nonsense at me.

What followed was a very brief attack on my fashion sense and hairstyle. Now, I didn't care for the advice, and when she recommended me growing my hair, and straightening it (my hair is curly) I stopped her and said it wasn't going to happen. In regards to my fashion style, she just told me to buy new clothes, even though she took the time to admire the shirt I was wearing and even feel the material. My gut was telling me that she was just a little bitter that she's been hinting at getting with me for awhile now, and I haven't acted on it, mainly because I do not want to.

So anyway, another guy I know tried to get in on this little advice session by telling me to get rid of a certain pink shirt that I own and wear quite often because it was pretty gay. At this point, the girl had stopped giving advice, probably because of the tone in which I'd dismissed her idea of me straightening my hair, forceful, yet with a smile. But yeah this guy I know was just trying to get a rise out of me, it's the nature of our friendship. I didn't let it work.

At this point quite a few people were in the conversation, and it was boring me, especially because it was all focused on me loosing my virginity. I ended the conversation along these lines.

' I appreciate the advice, but the fact of the matter is I don't really care for it. You can say I should straighten my hair, but it's not happening, and as for my clothes, you can think what you like. I like the clothes I own, and that's why I wear them.'

Now I wasn't too sure this was the best way to go about it. But I said it confidently, and meaningfully. The girl literally shut up there and then, another friend nodded his head in agreement, and the one who had been taking the piss out of my pink shirt actually smiled and said that it was a really good attitude for me to have.

Pre-drinks ends, we head to town and have a good time.
Kiss-closed a HB6.5 while in town as well, I was walking back to my mates on the dancefloor from the bar and bumped into her. She gave me the look so I went for it, stayed with her awhile then we seperated. Probably should have tried to take her home haha, would have been ironic.

So yea, how'd you think I handled the pre-drinks situation? I'm just interested to know.



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
One thing I find interesting about HB5 or less is they can have serious game and personalities. They have to or they are screwed. If it was straight she would want it curly. She was just negging you to bring you down to her level. Likewise your friends jumped in for the laugh.

You handled it well. Your friends just dont know how to handle your DJ awesomeness when they keep struggling and sometimes this comes out in bursts of frustration. Dont worry about it lol.

Using the V card to bring you down was a cheap blow to get a reaction and show they are at least SOMEHOW better than you are. Besides I thought it was common knowledge that there are no male virgins. Just men with varying levels of experience? Why would you tell them your a virgin? This is far too much power for a mere-mortal to wield over someone.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
My story is this:

I used to have long hair. Now , my mom (yes,my mom) and my ex at times asked me if I ever considered a haircut. Something short and more "sexy". Now obviously my first reaction was that "there's no phucking way I'm cutting my hair. Ever."

Then I thought about it a bit. Both of them have an incredible artistic vision. They both paint , amazingly for that matter.That probably has something to do with their superior sense of style, whereas I am a complete retard in this particular area since the "creative" side of my brain is either broken or missing.

Regardless ,eventually I just though "Phuck this. It's just hair. If I hate it I can always kill myself. ...ooor let it grow back. That could work too."
So I finally got the haircut and man , I have never felt better about myself my entire life. It's honestly one of the best decisions I ever made.

Obviously I wouldn't take just about anyone's advice , but I was able to recognize both their superior 'skills' when it comes to this kind of stuff.

Now,I probably wouldn't take this kind of advice from an HB5. Kinda like I wouldn't take advice on how to be successful from a homeless person , or gym advice from the local fatass.

I'm just saying , first take into consideration the person that's advising you and only then,the advice itself.

Surprises me you're a virgin. You seem a really chill dude. It's not really a big deal but yeah.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
@ DragonBlood - You're probably right about them being frustrated, and it doesn't bother me that they feel the need to make jokes. In regards to the V-card, most of my friends know, it was more that people found out in frehsers last year, but whenever somebody new finds out they generally don't believe me, especially because I pull women fairly regularly on nights out (just don't go back with them haha)

Thanks to this site I don't really find my lack of sex an issue, hell I probably make more jokes about it than most, I should cut back on it before people just think I'm doing it as a front and am really just insecure about it, which couldn't be further from the truth.

@ Redempti0n - I get that, especially with hair. In fact later this month I've agreed to go to an upscale barbers with a friend to get a proffessional trim and see what they say I should do with my hair. Most of my life I've kept it pretty short, as the curl I grow becomes pretty difficult to maintain and looks pretty scruffy when long. My entire family (3 sisters) and I agree that my hair looks better short.

I appreciate your last comment as well, look at my reply to DragonBlood ;)



Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Props for standing by who you are. Not many people can fully accept themselves for who they are. Getting a new haircut won't hurt you. You can experiment with different styles and maybe even find a new one you may like. Don't tell people that you are a virgin though. It is something unnecessary that they don't need to know.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Cheers Ronaldo, I agree a new haircut isn't going to be a bad idea, but to take the advice of a HB5 in this regard seems pointless. As I mentioned in my last response I've already scheduled a trip to an upscale barbers at the end of the month with a friend to get a proffessional opinion.

I know about the virgin part, I don't tell people anymore, the only problem being that alot of my friends already know, so when I meet new people it invariably gets brought up by them, but because it doesn't really bother me I don't mind and joke about it.



Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds like you handled it really well...people respect that sort of attitude and it projects confidence....only thing that stood out to me was you not pursuing the makeout girl more....i would recommend always getting her number and/or subtlely going for the lay with a hot chick after making out with her. Your rate of success will go up much higher.

And I agree with the poster who said 5s can have really strong personalities and game...in fact a lot of fat chicks in general have this sort of thing going on....guess they have to.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks zinc.

I agree that I should have pursued the girl some more, I mean at one point her mates started talking to her to try and get her back, but she seemed more interested in staying with me. That was probably the time for me to say let's go. Ultimatly it ended because her friends practically dragged her away, was a shame that I didn't make a bolder move after the first attempted c0ckblock. Lesson learned though.
