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  1. C

    Old employee girl

    Any suggestions? Come on guys, what should I do?
  2. C

    advancing each day

    Hey let me know if you Hey let me know if you need help.
  3. C

    Old employee girl

    I rejected her because I just said no. I didn't really have any grounds. My grounds were I didn't want to hurt this other girls feelings, because she is the manager. Although when I rejected her I didn't say the grounds. That's the best I remember although it was a while back so that's the...
  4. C

    Girl I work with?

    So do you suggest keeping the relationship we have? Maybe I shouldn't touch her, but she can touch me.
  5. C

    Old employee girl

    I used to work with this employee that liked to touch me. I came on this forum a while back, to ask a question. Appearently, I got her number but she didn't want a relationship. So I asked people on this forum what to do. You said just fvck her. Appearentely all she wanted was sex...
  6. C

    Docs - The Cause and Effect Theory - [Must Read]

    Docs I really want to thank you for the help you have done for me and people on this forum. For me I learned a lot, a lot of people blew off your advice(dreamx). However, I had to realize who is getting the pvssy and who isn't. Instead of getting angry when people are harsh do something...
  7. C

    Who here has really improved?

    Thanks for the help. Learning from people like dreamx viper who never succeeded, I learned that you have to make an effort. Guys like Docs, may be little harsh at times but a kick in the ass is what you need. Instead of getting pissed off at people, actually listen to them. Instead of...
  8. C

    Girl I work with?

    An idea I have. If she says no, I could pull back on the relationship. I wouldn't let her touch me in anyways.
  9. C

    Girl I work with?

    Well losing my job? I don't think I will lose my job because I am a valued employee there. So is it worth taking a risk and getting her number to fvck her? I chose not to fvck her in the past, because she didn't respect me.
  10. C

    Girl I work with?

    Sexual harrassment? How's that possible, she does sexual moves on me, I could easily say "Sexual Harrasment". Also, most of the employees there know we have this relationship. Unless that was a joke.
  11. C

    Girl I work with?

    Maybe you are mistaken. Actually, by playing around I mean constant touching. She touches me a lot, I touch her back. Sometimes she does sexual touches. Also she seems to want to call me gay, is that a method of her seducing me? Because appearentely, other girls have shown sexual interest...
  12. C

    Girl I work with?

    Why is that? I am just kind of curious, how do you know that she is lying? Because if she is, you are right I should move on. I probably agree with you guys, she is joking. However, the fact that she is joking, what if she starts playing around with me again, should I reject her?
  13. C

    Girl I work with?

    I have been playing around with this girl I work with, she asked me to have sex. For whatever reasons I rejected her. Now she has a boyfriend. She started playing around with me today, and said want to me my baby's daddy? I kind of thought it was a joke, but I mostly thought she was serious...
  14. C

    He still gets under my skin

    I don't know if this is the same guy. I think you should make moves on him if you like him. That way you know if he likes you. Start with kino, work your way up.
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    Mental Problems Psycho, depression, ADD, learning disabilities.
  16. C

    Read The Bible And Nothing Else!!!

    Dreamx is that you? Unless you have really improved, expect to take a beating from other people. I hope you have changed for the better.
  17. C


    Help Please??
  18. C

    I'm in a slump

    Good post. A lot of people waste their time on this forum with no action.
  19. C

    Number from bartender...

    You've got to see her. It's hard to tell. If you are getting good vibes I'd say go for it. Just talk to her and see what happens. Just don't show her it bothers you.
  20. C


    To tell you the truth. I am never been much a succeeder. I barely pass my classes, as well as having mental issues. Through this site, I self-improved where now I feel I can get any girl interested in me. That as a general statement. People see past my problems and like me for who I am...