I'm in a slump


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Well I figured at some point and time this would happen. I've moved off to college. Some of you may say "well thats the window of opportunity," well yea that window is the one in my apartment that I always look out of while I'm by myself. You see I had many many friends in my hometown. I was hardly ever bored. Then I moved to college and got a little single bed room apartment, didn't know anyone.

I've met a few guys here thats actually from my town, but all they wanna do is hang out in there apartment and get loaded. I wanna go and meet girls. Yea I've got a few numbers here and there at parties, and then after I call them they can't seem to remember which guy I was. (These were all fraternity parties.)

I frequent this site and have for a while, but right now I need some confidence and motivation. I just turned 21 so I suppose I could go do the bar scene, but its like I know there is so much out there, even at the university. I just can't find it. I go to my classes by myself, and then come home by myself and sit by myself until I go to bed or go to my next class.

I want something to do in between all this. Do I just go out and randomly approach girls, do I try and make new guy friends? I really don't know. I know that this is my life and its ending one minute at a time, but I just can't get the motivation to go out and do NEW things and get out of my comfort zone.

I need something from you guys to make me get off my ass and be optimistic.:yawn:


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
I don't think your problem is finding things to do. I think your problem stepping up to the plate and actually going out there and doing it.

You're not going to get anything done posting on online forums asking people what they do at college. You KNOW what people do at college. They go out to parties, they go out to bars, and they socialize. They make new friends, bring some old ones along, and make connections. They socialize with women and think nothing of it.

Just get out there and do it. Who cares, go to a bar alone one night and just see how it feels. Hell, you might even talk to someone. But most of the guys on these forums aren't going to be able to help you, as they are in your exact position. You need some real life influence. If you need something from "us guys" to make you get off your ass and be optimistic, then what makes you think you're going to be optimistic after someone who you haven't even met tells you something. The only one who can motivate you is yourself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Good post.

WC2 said:
I don't think your problem is finding things to do. I think your problem stepping up to the plate and actually going out there and doing it.

You're not going to get anything done posting on online forums asking people what they do at college. You KNOW what people do at college. They go out to parties, they go out to bars, and they socialize. They make new friends, bring some old ones along, and make connections. They socialize with women and think nothing of it.

Just get out there and do it. Who cares, go to a bar alone one night and just see how it feels. Hell, you might even talk to someone. But most of the guys on these forums aren't going to be able to help you, as they are in your exact position. You need some real life influence. If you need something from "us guys" to make you get off your ass and be optimistic, then what makes you think you're going to be optimistic after someone who you haven't even met tells you something. The only one who can motivate you is yourself.
A lot of people waste their time on this forum with no action.


New Member
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hey man

I can sympathize with you. I'm in university and i kind of feel the same way, im lucky to have a great group of friends, and a large one as a matter of fact, that i can always fall back on. The only thing i can say to help is really, what WC2 said...maybe in a more polite way.

When im in a rut, i decide on one night to get all peacocked, grab two close friends and just sarge my arse off. No matter the outcome i feel better, remember, being proactive is good, dewling without action can be hazardous to ones health.

Im sure you'll climb out of it man. best of luck



Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
I really appreciate all the advice. I'm actually feeling a little bit better today. It was something in the air when I woke up this morning. And to my surprise I have two club meetings coming up in the next couple of days. I'll go to class today and be casual. I think my problem is the that I have to accept the fact that I have to make new friends. I know my old ones are still there, but I have to put in the effort I did back home into the new ones here in order to make "connections" and make things go smooth. You're right, it is time for me to be proactive. Because one day I'll look back on these days and wish I had done things different, and by then it will be too late.