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  1. C

    A joke

    How do you think if I made a joke about how I am the Hugh Hefner of Cinnabon to the girls. I mess around with lots of the girls there. So how do you think their reaction would be?
  2. C

    New years

    Thanks. Will check it out.
  3. C

    New years

    This new years plan is to go out tonight and pick-up chicks for sex. Any advice on what to do?
  4. C

    Has Anyone Here Hit On and ****ed a Married Woman?

    Some married girls I have noticed touch me. Some married girls touch me a lot. Is it safe to try to fvck them?
  5. C

    bring skiptomylou back

    If Skip comes back He going to have to change. He had a poor attitude on this side, always flaming. Yes, flaming is neccessary sometimes, by the way he did is wrong. Unless I see a new skip, otherwise I don't want to see him again.
  6. C

    Is this bullying?or should I just beat his ass

    Youve got to learn on your responses. Like when he says childish things. Say that, "Ha, that's pretty lame, a two year old can come up with those responses." If he keeps saying those things say "Okay Mr. Two year old, wet your diapers?" Please work on your grammar man, you don't want to...
  7. C

    Asked someone out offline - first time in three years!!!

    Good job. Man I am proud of you. I didn't expect you'd change so I gave up on you. But that's what it is all about, asking in real life.
  8. C

    I am such a jerk.

    Yeah here's the story. Well appearently, my boss happened to say that the girl happened to have told her not to tell anybody. She told me to apologize to her saying the customer overheard an offensive insult and complained about it. I apologized, saying I didn't mean to hurt her feelings...
  9. C

    I am such a jerk.

    I made a big mistake a couple of days ago. Which could have caused me my job. See I was making fun of this girl. I didn't she minded because I do this all the time. I make fun of girls when she is around. However I never really made fun of her. So I started to and she started insulting me...
  10. C

    My 'Christmas' Internet Ad.

    Well I see what you are saying. I read your other thread. So you live with your parents and can't because because you parents won't let you. Can't help you there.
  11. C

    My 'Christmas' Internet Ad.

    I also don't understand: Why are you 29 living with your parents? Do you have some kind of problem? Because if not, you have every right to move out. Be a man, take charge. You can do it. You can control your life. If is something you'd rather not share with the everybody you can p.m. me.
  12. C

    My 'Christmas' Internet Ad.

    Well It seems It seems like the reason why you are on here is to get laid. You come asking advice on how to get laid. So why be on here asking questions when you already have the skills?
  13. C

    My 'Christmas' Internet Ad.

    Let me tell you this: I have been where you were before. The difference is I acted. I didn't look for an easy way out. I put in an effort. The more you talk to girls the better you get.
  14. C

    My 'Christmas' Internet Ad.

    The difference between you and skip. Skip can get laid in person. You on the otherhand are looking for an easy way out. Skip without the skills he has in person could not get laid. You can use the internet, but if you are looking for that as the only way out you will not get laid...
  15. C

    My 'Christmas' Internet Ad.

    I am sorry But your problem is that you don't listen and look for an easy way. We have provided you with the answers and you don't do what is said. That is why so many people on here think you are a loser. So why don't you do something about it? Consider this: 1. Reading the DJ bible. 2...
  16. C

    Humor for the ladies

    Good post. Jokes are relative. Relative to the audience. For example if it is an audience of Muslims, and somebody makes a joke about how all muslins believe in terrorism. It obviously won't be funny to them. The joke depends on the person. Like if somebody, knows a person and makes an...
  17. C

    Online Dating Sites

    The point I am making If he meets these girls online but he acts like a complete afc, then he won't get laid by hot chicks. The idea is to get the skills in real life, and not rely on some website. And if for some reason you do, then you won't hold on to them for long.
  18. C

    If a girls calls

    If a girl calls you a skank. Does that usually means she wants to bang you? There is this girl who called me gay and a skank today. Was touching me a lot. I hear that being a skank is having foul smell, or sexually promiscuous.
  19. C

    Online Dating Sites

    Having two girls online Good to see you are getting somewhere. However, I wouldn't call two girls meeting online as a way of saying you are a dj. Get girls in real life. I can help you with that.
  20. C

    Old employee girl

    Grow a pair? What does that mean? I am guessing that means grow some balls. But do you mean to grow some balls to ask her on a date? You are right, I should have told her the reason. I just kind of said no.