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  1. C

    My skills are improving

    I used to be a person who had trouble getting a date. Now I have girls I don't even know or say anything to them. Just they start making the moves on me. Like touching me on the butt, or touching me frequentely. The bad part is some girls, really young seem to make moves on me. Like girls 10...
  2. C

    We were meant to be together.

    Does that mean she wants sex? Or just a relationship. She is slutty and touches me.
  3. C

    Ann Arbor, MI

    I am sorry for what I did. Although I am not sure what I did.
  4. C

    Ann Arbor, MI

    I don't understand why you think I am rude. I tried my best to tell you my theories with females. I just wanted to help you. Whats your beef?
  5. C

    Ann Arbor, MI

    So does anybody know where to meet up? I'd like to join other wingman to pick-up chicks.
  6. C

    Going crazy for a girl I met only for couple days!

    Not to burst your bubble. Right now, it doesn't look good. Never call more than once in a day, unless she calls you. Otherwise it makes you look desparate.
  7. C

    Girl from work:

    Why I pursued her Because I don't want my relationship with girls outside, to affect my relationship at work. If it screws up outside of work, then there will be problems at work.
  8. C

    Girl from work:

    Well there is this girl at work. I know I have asked this before. However I decided not to pursue females at work. However the situation has changed. This one girl got fired. So I was thinking of calling her up. However I haven't got her permission. Any ideas? She touches me a lot when...
  9. C

    Ann Arbor, MI

    Sounds Good This weekend should probably work out.
  10. C

    Girl saying hi

    I just see her more than once. So, I decided I'd just ask for her number. Next time I see her, I will start up a conversation. Then ask for a date. I will make the moves, kino. See how she reacts if good, I will hold her hand put my arm around her. If good, kiss. Then ass grab. Then sex...
  11. C

    Ann Arbor, MI

    Sorry I haven't gotten back to you I've been without internet. I didn't have your phone number. I'd still like to meet up and pick-up some chicks. That would be cool.
  12. C

    What was this guy thinking?

    Jeez - if it was up to girls - the human race would die out in a couple of generations. :crackup: funny
  13. C

    Everyone On This Forum Is A Loser!

    Amazing, I love your story.
  14. C

    for skip2mylou

    Lmao This thread is freakin hilarious. :crackup: