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  1. C

    Balance of Nice Guy and Jerk

    Golden rule meaning Treat others as you want to be treated?
  2. C

    Friends... hard to find! Help

    Build up slowly over time Don't jump the gun, and ask to be invited to a party. Just start talking to a few people on a regular basis, then if you see them in the hall start talking to them. Eventually once they feel they know you, you can ask them to hang out. Also don't assume nobody...
  3. C

    FR: Asian girl trying to cheat with me!

    As long as she doesn't mention she has a boyfriend She is free game. If the boyfriend confronts you, then you could say she never told me she was dating anybody. But beware, a girl who cheats on her boyfriend might cheat on you.
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    Balance of Nice Guy and Jerk

    Thanks I just don't want to ruin people's lives, I have hurt many.
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    Balance of Nice Guy and Jerk

    So be a jerk So be a jerk, but say really nice things as well.
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    Balance of Nice Guy and Jerk

    I can be a real jerk at times, and sometimes too much. I have had people hate me for being a jerk, one person wanted to kill me. I have tried to apologize to people, but they just don't forgive. Sometimes, girls like it though, they grab my ass or touch me a lot. Though recently my game has...
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    Kino-touch phobias (sex charge/rejections)

    I kind of skipped ahead. Here is how kino works. If you touch her, you look for a reaction. If none, you try one more time. If none give up. If she smiles, plays with her hair good. Now sometimes if you have built up your skill level enough, she might even touch you back. If so, in...
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    Do Things Your Way

    Crossboss I totally agree, what makes one person succeed may not happen for the other person just because they are different. People just need to think before accussing, and see the other person's perspective. Also, people need to take other people's advice, otherwise they are just...
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    There's Nothing Wrong with Being a "Nice Guy"

    Nice guys I might have skipped ahead but, nice guys can't kiss ass. If you aren't a suck up, then being nice is okay. If you are buying drinks all the time, just to get to laid, then it is bad.
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    I break "the rules" and succeed!

    In the above post Never have girls have control of you. I'd like to add examples: I am sure people unknowledgable with females don't understand. Basically, if a girl try's to force you to like her or force you to have sex with you will ultimately end up in loosing her in an extended period...
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    I break "the rules" and succeed!

    Personally I think Using Kino effectively and slightly increasing an ass grab, kiss. Can eventually lead into sex. You really don't have know her.
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    I break "the rules" and succeed!

    True Girls don't nessarilly have to be attracted to you to make moves on you. I once had this girl who was touching me a lot. Yet when it finally came to getting a date with her I got rejected. Basically you can be used. They think they like you, but they really don't.
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    Look at this hot girl that requested me as a friend!

    Looking at her profile it might be fake. Girls who show shots of her body but not her face are suspicious.
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    Look at this hot girl that requested me as a friend!

    Don't get your hopes up. I've had hot girls request me, it didn't go anywhere. It's still possible, just try and get to know her first, before jumping the gun. Girls with a lot of friends just want to increase their friends. They probably won't go out of their way to be friends(real life...
  15. C

    kissing on the first date?

    Play it by ear If she's not giving the signs don't. If she is do. However, if you find the date going nowhere, end it or don't ask her for a second date. At this point all you can do is make the threat she could lose you.
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    Question about virginity...

    Personally I like it because they are clean. It also presents a challenge.
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    My skills are improving

    If you had read the post above you will see. I don't and never have touched girls in that age range. They just seem to like me for some reason. I do not dress up in anyway.
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    My skills are improving

    Okay, I will just walk away from them Although, as long as you don't make the move on them, I think it is legal. Thanks for the advice.
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    My skills are improving

    I am telling you These are girls, I have never talked to, I don't hang out with them. These are girls I see in public.