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  1. C


    If she smiles back. What kind of interest does she have? Would it be safe to ask her on a date? Thanks by the way.
  2. C


    Lets say you touch a girl and she smiles back. What kind of interest does she have?
  3. C

    If a girl calls you perfect.

    Does that mean she has any sexual interest in you?
  4. C

    What is the flying penguin?

    What does it mean if a girl wants to do the flying penguin to you?
  5. C

    The Power of Your Belief System

    Good info Thanks a lot. Good info.
  6. C


    Thanks for your advice. I think I got it worked out where she is touching me in a way I like it.
  7. C

    Becoming popular

    Start touching girls. Eventually you'll have girls touching you back.
  8. C

    the game 2 by xdreamz

    P.M. me If you need help.
  9. C

    the game 2 by xdreamz

    Try Try to tell me in a shorter version, please that is what the poster means. Then I can respond.
  10. C

    Reading faces?

    Good Advice. Thanks.
  11. C

    Reading faces?

    I think I will watch a dating show. Watch the whole thing and see who she chooses.
  12. C

    Reading faces?

    Is that a neccessary trait to have. I'd like to learn more.
  13. C


    Thanks. I will just have to find out if they are sexually interested in me. If not then tell them to stop playing mind games. These mind games are quite childish.
  14. C


    Question How do you know that this girl actually does like me? Could working in a close environment be a variable?. Serialized tell them to knock it of? Like telling them to quit playing mindgames. Blackjackal, See I don't particularily care if they do or don't like me. It's just the...
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    If you think this is stupid. Then maybe I should quit. If they don't want me around then maybe I shouldn't be around.
  16. C


    Because I no longer find them sexually attractive. They touch me on the ass. That is sexual harrassment. If they don't really like me for who I am then why like them? I don't find it sexually appealing at all. It is a complete turn off. Sure some of them are hot. It doesn't matter, if...
  17. C


    Yeah. I know they can stop, guys don't particulary touch me.
  18. C


    Yeah, you are right. What should I do to stop this?
  19. C


    LoL. I wish I could find a way to call it sexual harrassment. But, I don't know how. They claim, they can't control touching me on the, ass. The manager says she touches this other manager on the ass all the time, but the other manager says she hasn't? What is going on?
  20. C


    Should I quit work? I work at Cinnabon. This one girl manager, we used to flirt. She told me how everybody in the store loves me. That was 5 months ago. I came to believe this still held effect. I recentely I found out that this is no longer true. Employees have moved on. I just...