the game 2 by xdreamz


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
please don't look at this post as a request for some magic advice to win a girl back or anything. we are all in this community to learn and anybody can feel free to share their advice. let me tell you guys what's going on for a second. I am an ABC (american born chinese) studying overseas in a China university. I am the only american here, that is a student, and i look chinese so it's something different. I have always been kind of lucky with women, probably because i have some ok looks I have successfully picked up a few dates (dates only). I love asian girls...and I game them.

A little while ago, I decided the success i was getting wasn't enough, it would always just end up with them slowly drifting away and not even a kiss or anything like that...I only got one lucky kiss in a club and that's it...i would have times where women would shut me out and reject me completely so you could say i was the chump. so decided to start reading a lot of pick-up material like TMM, Juggler (my favorite), David Deangelo, Carlos Xuma, Ross Jefferies etc......... I kept persisting with women trying a little bit of this and there and I finally (and I mean FINALLY..i'm talking almost about years) got the kind of success I wanted with a woman.

I met this girl walking on the same road as I. I spit out my oh so suave pick up line: "hey do you kno where's the jing guan building?"... she said it was over there and i proceeded to get her number.

So me and Heidi had a first date at school. I took her to some hotel lobby to enjoy some upper class scenery, and then for some tea and then walk around shopping everywhere and talked a lot tried to gain rapport, didn't get anything but some touches from her but she was accepting a lot of my commands. Highlight of that night was having her give me a back massage for a bunch of calculus notes! (credit Juggler)

I built up the courage to quickly ask for another date 2 days later and it was a killer...i took her to downtown city, I told her to help me buy some clothes because I was afraid of getting ripped off (credit David Deangelo). And man..... it was going great even after failing a **** tests. She asked me if i knew how to sing and I actually started singing for her in a public bus, total loser "afc" move... but humor was strong and my freaking lead on the girl was awesome. I told her stories I talked about feelings amped up a lot of attraction with some push/pull. i used every damn trick in the book. the rapport was thumbs up. So, when I got a chance to.. I moved up to getting some holding of hands, and then when I approached a random moment i used a mystery kiss close (letting the conversation drop and when she reinitiated it, I said "shhhhh" and kissed her right there).... pow! instant confidence. here's the point of the whole nite: we kissed somewhere else and took her to some disclosed bar and I was fingering her for a little while but I couldn't get some real action because there were people around. i woulda start eating her out there! couldn't get a lay for that night but i was playing with her tits in the taxi. The point is..i got a lot of foreplay. good thing? should be.

also, the next day i didn't call her but she sent me some crazy text message asking for my email and then called me a day later to see if I Received her email. Ending the phonecall and rushing to check it, I was expecting some kind of love letter or some friendly email to see how i was doing or how much fun she had last night...but It turned out to be some lengthy essay all about her in an application to another college. coincidently it turned out to be April Fools day that day too. Anyway, when she asked me to correct it for her i agreed and the communication between us went dead for a day. I decided not to call her.

and so the next day... And i'm telling you I could not get this girl off my mind. I was addicted to her. I don't know what the hell it was but dude.....i was whooped.


Does Oneitus occur in that way that it is said to be even after you have had some foreplay with a special woman that you are really attracted to? is it supposed to be a bad thing?

Anyway, i happened to call another girl her name is Pan Pan just for the sake of trying to fight against my feelings. I happened to have this other girl agree to take me out on a wednesday, But, unfortunately this HB 9 didn't pick up my phone and sent me a text message saying she was in class!!! I responeded with something like "You said you were free on wednesday?"

I'm standing in front of my dorm. Locked out because I lost my keys. THe night was young and having a date getting cancled on you just makes you want to hit up some other chick instead, so naturally, the thought sprung up to just call the main chick Heidi I've been working on... I hit her up and just asked her "hey there's a basketball game going on, you should come keep me company." I was practically walking over to her dorm assuming that it was going down.

"I'm sorry I'm busy I'm about to go see friend(s)"

dude .. what? this can't be happening! i was thinking to myself. "what do you mean?" I basically started handling all of her objections. No way i was about to get handled on this one.

Persistance is always the key. "I just can't...sorry" she kept saying. My mind was racing with insecurities like she doesn't like me, she's losing interest...all these freaking things were tempting me to just say "ok" i guess some other time but I just kept on talking to her saying stuff like "You said you were free the other day what happened?" and stuff like assuming that we were going to go out. all the time I was running full speed to her dormintory. That's right, it's Gunwich time baby. make the ho say no. jk.

"Just come down and talk to me I'm right down stairs..."

My mind started racing. but luckily I remember a successful old friend of mine and how he started acting when the girl was rejecting him. The time flew by. Is she coming down? finally she came down dressed in yellow and boots looking like a bombshell. "I'm sorry." she said "I'm planning on going out tonite with friend(s) so I can't tonight"... hell no. i won't take that. just right then Pan pan, who just cancled my date earlier texted me "Are you free next tuesday night?" Already playing games... i didn't need her anyway, I had Heidi right beside me.

"Introduce me to your friends, it's the polite thing to do. I love to make new friends" ... she refused but after a few more tries she called to set it up , I was expecting some other chinese guy trying to snatch this one up. I was expecting a night having to use my AMOG destroy lines and competing for whoever was most fittest for her.

"He's studying Economic Law." she said to me. I was furiated that she was talking about another guy in front of me. I snapped back with a vengengeance,
"well, then he'll be just the right kind of guy for you."

Turned out to be some student type classmate with his newspaper-reading girlfriend. Releived, I sat down and played cards for a while. I kept everything mellow. I tought them how to play the American style "Big 2" and at the whole while I was keeping distant from her. cracking jokes once in a while. Not hitting on her too much just kind of kicking back with my eyes fixed on her to amp up the sexual tension. she kept looking at me with that sexy look and giving me those very subtle IOI body clues. boots pointed at me... ok! i'm not in the zone!

she was laughing, having a whole lot of fun talking to her friends and after a few hours I felt as if I had won her friends over. We walked bakc together and again... I kept distance. She crossed her arms as if she was really cold but I stayed back. I didn't want to mess up any kind of lead i was I ended up leaving first and walking home alone. But instantly i felt some sort of pull in me, The whole time i was thinking to myself..."Should i call her?" i wanted to see her alone. right then and there. I needed her affection. Just right then and there, a phone call from her:

"have you gotten to your dorm yet? what are you doing? "

I snatched the opportunity in a flash second. "I haven't come too far from your dorm. Come downstairs" she agreed...

We were there face to face. Talking about her stupid email. talking about some random bs.....but in a romantic way. it was fun, it was sexy, it was one of those things that I never really did before. I moved in for the kiss.

DODGE! "not here!" she said "there's people around here" she grabbed my hand and we started walking to the back where a playground was. We started talking about things but most of all we started talking about us. I remember a little question from Juggler "are we supposed to be seeing other people?" She didn't know how to answer "Huh???" she replied. i told her,


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
"well if you saw me with some other chick would you feel bad?" Heidi paused for moment. she didn't answer it directly I actually didn't understand what she said because it was in chinese. THe conversation went really fast, I could only understand a little bit of her dialogue, me having only studied a semester's worth of chinese. Here's what I remember: She started talking about something about me and her together and then asked something like "is it right between us?" I told her that when we went out that one night downtown i felt that there was something good between us. I talked about her email again. saying how I expected mroe and how my previous girlfriends would write me long lengthy emails. I told her that what she wrote was kind of weird and it wasn't like the usual her....??? i don't kno... trying to make a frame here......she sat down on the play swings. and talked about how her and her ex-boyfriend...blah blah, i forgot and i couldn't understand what she said. we sat down on the curb. i moved in for a kiss....a rejection again. I started playing with her hair and smelling her neck. I was getting so turned on just by her being next to me. Her scent had that fleshy heat to it that i could not resist.I had to have her, i wanted to eat her up alive. She said she didn't know...

"I'm moving to shenzhen in 3 months" she said hesitantly.
"well then i'll move there with you. i'll get a job there. i'll learn chinese and I won't tell my parents." A kiss. we walked back together in each others arms and she told me something
"If you do that, i suggest you be careful. It's a very hasty decision you're making"
"ohh, i see how it don't want me to even go with you" I teased.
"No!" she hit me playfully in the arm.

I walked her to her dorm, moved in for another kiss, but just got a little peck on the lips. I asked for a better one but she refused so I just walked away feeling like a man.

the next morning, she sent me a text message telling me she sent me another email. so i sent her a reply back saying
"you write some good english.." she didn't reply. She was constantly on my mind that day, i couldn't concentrate on anyting but what i was going to say to her when i was going to call her that night.

When the bell rang I hit her up...NO ANSWER. I was getting a little bit shaken. so i called her 15 minutes later and sure nuff she picked up the phone. I asked if she got my phone call and she said that she didn't hear her phone or some crazy stuff like that, and then later said her music was too loud. i told her about my day and started talking about moving to shenzhen with her or some crazy stuff like that, she asked me where I was and I just told her i was walking outside because the music was loud. she said her roomates were like that too. i started feeling like how all those past non successses i've been through here in china, chasing the girl...

then things took an unexpectent turn. I didn't feel right, i felt unsafe chasing her. i didn't want it to be like all the other times in china where i would chase and they would just ignore my phonecalls. things weren't feeling right for me. it was my that was starting to chase her and it was getting on my nerves. so i told her i didn't want to help her with her essay. it was a bad conversation because i was basically trying to control the frame of me being a prize or whatever, when my inner game wasn't fast enough to pick up on how to exactly control it. she said she wasn't interested in helping me...she also said that she wanted to hang up the phone because she was angry. so she just told me that she wasn't interested in helping me either , so i said "bye" and right when i was about to click she said "i'm going to hang up the phone" I clicked it on her. After that I felt so wrong...

I couldn't get my mind off it so i decided the next morning i was going to do something Casanova and tell her to meet me up in a classroom the next morning.

The next morning came i texted 15 minutes before class

"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,
meet me at the Math building
room 102"... poetry is said to supposedly seduce the ladies.

I was there and waited, and waited...i called her and no answer. I looked at the chalkboard. desolate and confused. I then thought about how we would always talk about how women can't read road maps. So I took out the chalk and drew a picture of a map. right there in room 102. what am i doing? I made a few lines and a few stars and looked at it. what a nice picture i said to myself. but still I left the classroom empty handed, and as i walked away it was funny to see that the only classroom empty was room 102..

The rest of the day, was like me lost in space. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I have never been so heavy in this state before... I took out everything from everything i knew about seduction and tried strategizing what i was supposed to do...i couldn't find anything. I thought I had i saw a cute girl walking in the halls she walked into a classroom, I went to the door at the classroom, pointed my finger at her and waved her over. we talked for a bit and then had her agree to take me out when the bell rang to lunch. We went out to lunch but there was absolutlely no connection...whatsoever. You know what it's like when you play a cellphone game for a long time, and you keep on trying to beat the top score. You lose and then you have to start back at Level one again. I was at that state where I just didn't even have that strength to play at Level one again. That was like me going out with this new other girl. I even started thinking about her again... you could probably tell that she was rebound status.

since she finished eating first, i told her that she could leave and i didn't want to bother her that much. She left with a bye and I sat there, thinking about the girl right next to me in those cute little shorts. nope...still couldn't get me away from my one-itis. did she just take a peep at me too? dang... i should go talk to her, no...that would just be like starting at the Start screen.

aha! i just remembered that Heidi's classroom is in the same building as my economics class today. So I decided to try to call her again. much to my dismay, the Phone was off. I called it back to back about 10 times, listening to the automatic "Hello" answer repeatedly again and again. I think i'm going crazy.

I sit there in the classroom. listening to the economics teacher ramble on about some stuff i don't remember. i can't believe i thought this stuff was interesting before. Her her her is the only thing on my mind. I couldn't take it, I left right in the middle of class to look for her. I went through every classroom in the building but I couldn't find her. Everybody would look at me, and the girls would just stare at me like "who's this?" .teachers stopped their lessons to ask me "who are you looking for?"... "No problem" i replied. They all laughed. I guess I am that big of a fool for her.

I went back head down. why am I so tired? i felt so weak without her. The whole school knew i was seeing a girl. I had a few friends tease me about going to see this girl. Everyone was talking about me and a girl. I didn't really say anything and knew it was just rumors going around because a few classmates saw me around with her. So I went to go have lunch with a new friend. ANd i just start talking about the girl, and after he listened he just nodded. He knew i needed to talk about it, even though he didn't have any advice i was happy he listened. So i went on this website to type this whole thing out.

Right about 9:30 pm..i sent her a text message "where are you?" i asked.

No reply.

it wasn't until just now till i finally got a world turned bright again. But as I opened up the message i was startled.

"I don't think you are the
right man which I am waiting for.
Please forget me, and search for
your girl.
Good night"

I have never received a message like this. I walked outside and instantly hit the call back button "Hello, the number you dialed...." This again, great.....

instantly my mind thought about running over her dorm and jumping over the electric guarded doors in a desperate attempt search through every room for her just to have her next to me. But then, just about the time my friend from Myranmar (now known as Burma) Yocool walk around. He asked how i was doing, i said.... so bad. And i told her about this problem with a girl. and showed him the text message. he sympathized with me and he said: Girls thinking is like the weather, it changes all the time... and with that I look into the dark skies, waiting for tomorrow to come.

they say time is against us. everyday we're getting closer to death, 24 hours aren't enough. BUt then i reminisced, maybe in this instance time can be for you....and maybe time can help you to succeed as well.

"nan sheng bu kuai, nu sheng bu ai" translates to if the boy is not fast, the girl will not love.

is there any time left?

to be continued.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

Try to tell me in a shorter version, please that is what the poster means. Then I can respond.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
man that was a long read.

i dont got much exp round this site, but ive been sargin/gaming diff chicks for about 6 good months so ill give you my two cents.

i sympathize for you.

Im sorry to say but from the information you gave us, it is far too late.

its gonna be hard moving on but you must push her out of your mind. Never think of that b1tch ever again. cut off all contact. She doesnt deserve someone like you. Think about it, in ten years where will you be and where will she be. You'll be ****ing georgous girls left right and centre, she will be old and wrinkly.

You need to realize your own self worth and respect yourself. If you dont respect yourself who will? In order to be loved, one must loveoneself

I've been in the exact same situation many times, trust me, as you get more and more experience it will hurt less and less until you reach the point where a girl has no emotional control over you

Heres my advice, get a hobby, go sarging (in moderation), different girls every week.

dont think of calling/texting/stalking her. Burn all memories. If you bought clothes with her, put them into a box and bring them out once your over her COMPLETELY.

ps: pm me with your email if u want to talk, ive been in this exact situation many many many times.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
Full Throttle said:
Thanks for the autobiography. Maybe it will be published.. nowhere.
haha what? you mean this isn't nobel prize material? i thought i could have turned it into a movie later.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
the famous next episode

So i woke up today this morning... because my friend finally invited me to swim at 930 in the morning. And i told him about the problem..he said: "It's ok man, just forget her." But then, the advice changed to....keep on trying! i was down and out...

So i sent her a little text message... "how are you doing?" and left to swim at the swimming pool. It was my first day swimming, and i got some backstrokes freestyle and all the time i was thinking about the girl. I smiled to myself at the thought of seeing her again. about some heavy oneitis.

When i walked back to the locker, i checked the phone but to my dismay there was no reply. I read somewhere on Don Diebel's site to never leave the girl alone..So when i got back from lunch i tried to ring her up... phone was off.

It was time for a new plan, it was time for some of my own style. I remember back a year ago i had tried to win over this Chinese-brazilian girl... now it was a guy in my class from Africa who told me to send a message that went like this: "This morning i sent a bird to fly to you to wake you up with a beautiful song. Did you receive it yet? I hope you did! have a nice day." And that was supposed to get the girl interested more because girls are supposed to dig that kind of stuff. But i didn't want to use it on the brazilian chick at the time, I wanted to be original with it. so i used animals to make poems...and i remember always getting a response from it so i tried it again on this chick. since she was basically hiding from me...i wrote it like this.

"a scared rabbit hid behind a tree
ashamed at things she had done with he,
by a snake she had been deceived
where are you? the farmer asked.
and so the rabbits were cursed out
from the Garden of Eve"

i waited a while, no answer, I called and it rang but she didn't pick up. I few minutes later she replied:


I jumped to my feet...the poem thing actually got her to respond. Again came the adrenaline...I ran to every room in the library looking for her. casanova style, but no avail. "talk to me. what floor are you in?" but no answers. I was getting tired...I didn't want to chase her anymore, i felt like i had done almost everything besides jumping over the electric guarded fence into the girls-only dormitory.

i went back into my dorm and started coming up with something new. Another text message it basically told her that I was sorry and i was wrong and that i had some important things to tell her with a smiley face and that i was going to correct her essay and make sure it was the best essay ever read by the Fuzhou University, so good that she might become famous. and that i thought she she could be a good lawyer someday if she tries hard. i added: can you at least try to reply to my messages or pick up my phone calls? and i told her that i hope we could at least remain friends so that we can learn from each other. take cares, phillip. And that was it.

I was shaking my head after that. Is that something an afc would do? i thought guys are never supposed to say sorry...

A minute later i called her again, hearing ringing sounds and then she finally picked up. THe conversation was a relief. I was trying to pick up on the tone of voice she had. if it was upbeat and positive that would mean she was interested. if it was low and level that would mean she wasn't. It went up and down. I told her i heard that there is a saying that fuzhou girls are bad, and i asked if it was true. she said she was from 'another' Fuzhou. But at least i made her laugh, i had to see her that night.

"where are you?" i asked.
"i'm in the library" she replied.
"i'm going to go over there, to uh...type that essay over there."
"i don't think there are computers over here"
"oh...well....(another 15 minutes of conversation)"

"where are you right now which library?"
"i'm not free right now."
"ok i'm on my way...i'll call you when i get there"

called her 10 minutes later. she said hello in the most seductive tone i have ever heard. it was almost orgasmic... she was like "helllllloooo" "ohhhhH the building is to ur leeeft" i had no idea what that was about.

when i got there she was there with her friend. I wanted to sit next to her but he was right next to her. I sat in front of her, just re-writing my calculus notes. I gave her the half written correction of her essay I wrote a few days before, she looked at it up and down, up and down again... throwing it back at my face with an almost too disapproving face.

wtf?? i thought. It was ok, i kept my cool...not giving her too much interest. a few body language cues. a hair flick, an eye contact here and there. I didn't talk a lot to her..We left a few minutes later, walking back together. we talked and i walked back to my dorm

i called her, and the conversation went a little crazy. I wanted her to think about the times at the park, the times where we were talking about us. a pause... I told her that I thought those times there was something good between us. She said she didn't want to talk about it... i pushed further...and she told me that she wanted to hang up the phone. I kept talking, i didn't want to see her hang up. She said she wanted to hang up again, i kept talking and then she *clicked*

damn, i thought i really blew it. but, just to be the indifferent guy i was I responded with a

"haha, goodnight?"

and then, sure enough, after I thought the whole thing is about to end i get a text message:

"sorry for my bad attitude tonight, goodnight"

what is a guy supposed to do?


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
lol read the dj bible, theres hundreds of chicks like her out there, why waste time?

I'm serious, forget her and move on. Shes causing you too much trouble, you shouldnt be thinking of her all day.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
If you really really really want her back that bad, test her.

STOP ALL contact with her and see if she initiates contact again. (this may take a few days to a few months) Be willing to lose her forever. Live your own life dont make her the main focus of your life. Let her know that you are having the time of your life. Not only will she be confused because you stopped all contact (before you were practically stalking her) she will want to know what took her spot in your life.

When she initiates contact again, its up to you to decide if shes good enough for you or should you pass her and move on completely.

You also noted the situation in the book "the game" but you got to understand that style is the best pua in the world, he has been with hundreds of women, he knows which ones are worth keeping. Before you decide shes the one, live life a little, meet new people.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
some sound advice there, appreciate it. yea today i got together with another friend, and it was like...kind of had this feeling that today if i called her up she'd probably reject me taking her out or something.

i've been sarging since i was little so i'll have no problem with picking up again...i'm going to try to find a new girl or something, see if it'll bring me back up to my game....

it's a good test, and with my past experience they DO end up calling you back to see what's going on.................... can you reveal any ideas how to bring it up from there?

good luck with ur gaming fellas.



Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score

dude, after thinking about it. and i do think about stuff a lot. that would be like giving up after i successfully reinitiated contact. that would be like leaving the ball to her after succesfully tieing the score....

i think i'm going to go with the take 2 steps forward and 1 step back idea. cool off today, and then seduce later.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
Strange, it seems to me that you have done a lot of homework by reading into PUA stuff, good foundations, good moves... but then you turn totally AFC... I mean, like calling her 10 times? Begging her to forgive you?? WTF happened?? Go study the bible!


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
you guys are absolutely-fukcing right

wow, PERSISTANCE does wonders.

yea man i figured it ALL out.. i was running solid game in the beginning and she was buying into it until i took her ass too far..and fell into a buyer's remorse player trap. dude i was thinking about sending her more poems and **** until i totally ****ing realized that I was doing way too much..... i called her ass in the morning and she totally rejected my offer for lunch, and told me that she'd text message. i then decided to crack a joke with a text message saying

"you can't send me text cat ate my phone"

she sent a text message back saying

"heheh i know....i'm busy all this time, i hope you understand"

THEN it ****-ing hit me! what did i do to invoke a positive response ending with a push tactic afterward??? I gave her a small role reversal and in return she had to chase.... i use the same game girls use on guys...

i was right bakc at the beginning. not at the point of building comfort. any kind of rapport-seeking would make her get mroe and more uncomfortable...

i started using False disqualifyers and jealousy plotlines to get her to agree to have dinner with me...

"tonight i have to help a friend out. i am unavailable to take you out to dinner tonight, is next time ok? :)"

automatically the triggered a chase response from her (added with a push tactic created by her anti-slut defence)

" depends on." (she couldn't think of anything)

but, to make a long story short i was out with her tonight, and she seemed still attracted....she was deffinately playing hard to get but she's giving it a shot. she would let me kiss her neck and kind of hold her hand, i would put my arm around her and cuddle her from behind and she would kind of push away sometimes....... dude it's the craziest ****ing thing.. it's like dealing with a rabid animal it lets you get close but sometimes it would snap and bite your ass off. the Anti-slut mechanism turning on and off at my expense. i say this is good for my game though..

it's definately ****ing difficult to get back up to where we started.... where i could make out with her whenever...but i told her how it worked out. i told her we went too fast and we should slow down...


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, looks like you do have field reports, i just never found them. But u still had no right to call me an AFC in my journal son.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
You're acting like a stalker, and its obviously freaking her out.