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  1. C

    Judging interest level

    So this girl invited me to go to the Necto night club tonight. Although, before I touched her on the ass twice. Although, I don't know if she noticed so I don't know if this is a good sign or not. Then to get her attention I touched once on the leg...with her back turned. She said, "Did you...
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    You mean rely on the fact that she should be expecting a call, what if she is in class or something?
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    Anyone ever get rejected in the way that we all dread?

    My rejection rate in clubs when I first started with kind of rough But, now I am getting better.
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    The problem with cells is that they frequentely screen calls I am also not very good at leaving messages. What kind of message should I leave if they don't pick up? Sorry, I just had no confidence in the past.
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    Hey I figured it be less of a challenge, at first. I'll try and get some numbers once my confidence and skill level is there.
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    23 Until 3 weeks ago, I wasn't approaching girls at all, now I have gotten about 5 myspaces. If you want we can talk more if you want me to p.m.
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    Let's say you get somebodies email after a cold approach. What would be the best thing to say in the first email.
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    So, be validated by What I think of myself, not what other think?
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    Neg-hits I've been using neg-hits to comment pictures. So far I have gotten one to respond. ****y-Funny, anything else works?
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    Oh I am not worried about looks, I have those already.
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    Some girls think I'm too ****y n good looking

    I am a good looking guy and I also have problems. Girls don't give me much eye contact rarely approach.
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    Good because I was trying to email girls and they wern't responding.
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    How do you get girls to comment your pictures?
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    Why is it girls always say they want a nice guy?

    I still don't get this, I know it is not about being a 'nice guy' but the desparation and neediness is what turns them off. Then there is a balance of nice guy, that people talk about. Where you can be nice, but be confident and a man. A man that turns them on, is what they want. Why aren't...
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    now THIS is the ultimate AFC example

    Truth speaks. Lol.
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    Myspace Question

    What to say. So, does anybody know what to say on your about me: etc?
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    Myspace Question

    Some guys I notice girls email them naked pictures, or random sexual comments. I have gotten a few but rare. I was wondering...what kinds of things should you say on your profile.
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    Touching a girl a lot...

    Which part is the part(I am just working on speed seduction?) that will get me thrown in jail?
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    Touching a girl a lot...

    I was thinking of When I touch a girl on the the ass on the dance floor and she smiles...I also think it would be okay to kiss her next? Also previous, if I touched her a lot, wanted to fvck her and touch her on her privates, kiss her, try to take off her clothes next?