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  1. C

    I was trying to dance with these girls

    One girl pushed me and smiled. She said "Out of your league." I am like 99% sure she was wasn't flirting. Or maybe she wasn't.
  2. C

    When a girl says ''all u want is sex..."

    Although, I don't know for sure. I haven't ever had a girl say that to me. You can avoid that from happening, by your attitude.
  3. C

    Getting rejected on the dance floor...

    You're right... Can't let it bother me, because next thing you know I am on a hottie, and they aren't.
  4. C

    Getting rejected on the dance floor...

    When I get rejected, other people notice and sometimes laugh. Anyway, to reduce this? I guess not let it bother me, is the best thing??
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    Goal to get laid: Feild Report

    Yeah, I guess keep trying as you say There are more fish in the sea.
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    Goal to get laid: Feild Report

    Feild Report: My goal was to get laid, that never happenend but I did some play. 1. I went into Club Divine, and with some guys. This one blonde chick h.b. 6, noticed we were checking her out( This was the girl I got play from). She approached us and introduced herself, she...
  7. C

    Going to Club by yourself

    I was wondering what your thoughts are on this? I was thinking of going to the club, just to approach chicks.
  8. C

    I am interested in this girl but has a bf.

    I am thinking I could try and use some kino on her, if that works escalite. Maybe kiss her.
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    I think i messed up :/

    You could start using kino as well. Start using kino on other girls, except the one you like.
  10. C

    getting mixed signals... what do you guys think?

    Like, I said this is your chance to do something? You can't sit there and wait for her to do something, you do.
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    I'm the biggest piece of fail

    Depression. You think your depression is a result of people not liking you, it is not easy to hear but it has to do with you. Cheer up, even some of the celebrities, like Kurt Cobain and others were depressed, when they had plenty girls. You can be happy even if nobody likes you. I think...
  12. C

    I'm the biggest piece of fail

    You fall into depression, when you are not in control of your emotions.
  13. C

    I still grab ass(with girls having no butt) right?

    Sometimes girls with bad looking asses. Actually feel good.
  14. C

    I'm the biggest piece of fail

    I kind of skipped ahead. You can't care about what people think. I used to get depressed all the time, when nobody liked me. Now I am always happy. If you need help, email me.
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    getting mixed signals... what do you guys think?

    I agree with ketostick Just try something on her, otherwise move on.
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    I am starting to get it.

    I've been in a slump for the longest time. Although, I am realizing what my problem is. If somebody calls me weird, I let it get to me. Now, in the end it doesn't matter, what people think, but what I think. That is the D.J. mindset. You have high respect for yourself. If somebody makes...
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    One on One Training

    I am definitely serious Any kind, of self-improvement is necessary.
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    One on One Training

    I live in ann arbor. If you don't live there we could do aim.
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    One on One Training

    I live in ann arbor, Michigan. If you don't live there we could do aim. Such give field reports, and critique
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    One on One Training

    I'd like to get better at my game, I was wondering if anybody wanted to work one on one with me. I'd be willing to help anybody with their game as well. Experienced people only.