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  1. C

    Touching a girl a lot...

    Sweet... Will do.
  2. C

    Touching a girl a lot...

    If you touch a girl a lot, and she smiles, is it okay to touch her on her privates?
  3. C

    Accusing a girl of sexual harrassment.

    Thanks Thanks for your advice.
  4. C

    Spent all night dancing, need advice on making a move

    You could start up the kino again, and work from there.
  5. C

    Accusing a girl of sexual harrassment.

    Problem is I am suspended from work She says the touching is an accident, corporate said I can't have any contact with her. I know this isn't an accident because she on touches me on certain times, such as getting my attention, want me to get her something. She never, touches me at other...
  6. C

    Accusing a girl of sexual harrassment.

    This one girl has be manipulating me. She went to her boss where I work and complained about how I told somebody about how I like to touch her on the ass. However she has: 1. Talked about taking off my clothes 2. Talked about making out 3. Touches me a lot So I went back to...
  7. C

    Dating girls under 18

    Fine, you're right. You can make out with them and date them.
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    Dating girls under 18

    If you are over 18 it is illegal to have sex with them. What about making-out?
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    Girlfriend too touchy feely

    Yeah, Just be laid back, because otherwise I think it pushes them away. I used to be like you. So I understand your feelings. Good that you are taking the advice.
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    Girlfriend too touchy feely

    I was just joking. No just don't let it bother you, If she isn't taking it too far then relax.
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    The thing is she was moving her legs with the beat Not just at random times, you're right probably an accident
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    Girlfriend too touchy feely

    I'd just get her back and touch other girls.
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    This girl was touching me a lot, bumping her legs at me, during a song beat. This was sitting down, I don't know if this was an accident?
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    So with some of these girls... Since I am guessing I am in LJBF zone, it is too late to make moves on them?
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    What should I do to be less entertaining? I think it is just part of my personality. Should I act serious? Or charming? DJ BIBLE
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    A lot of girls, call me entertaining. Is this a good thing?
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    I have absolutely no game in clubs.

    I don't really know what you problem is. Sure, dancing helps. I'd just start kinoing drunk girls.
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    Thanks. Good point
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    Some people think I am immature, maybe because I don't put in the effort?
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    I was trying to dance with these girls

    Thanks for the replies. Nah, she's not worth it anyways, I've been with with hotter girls. I could say "Who cares about your league" or "Ha, Ha you are only saying that because you know you aren't my type."