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  1. C

    Why do women do this?!

    You are the problem. This is coming from a guy.
  2. C

    Street Smarts

    Thanks I'll try working out.
  3. C

    I speak like a medival knight...

    Somehow I don't think this post is serious? Or is it. Because, I was laughing my ass off!!!
  4. C

    Street Smarts

    Hey I was just laughing with you. I thought your answer was the best response.
  5. C

    Hanging out

  6. C

    So what are some good ways to show interest without going overboard?

    Yeah This is a problem, I've been dealing with, being too forward at first. I think I stare at girls too much. I can't tell what else I do wrong.
  7. C

    Hanging out

    How do you hang out with a girl and stay out of the "friend zone". I was thinking of flirting and kino. I know of successful guys, who can hang-out and still fvck. And why is it, that females lose interest, once friends??
  8. C

    Street Smarts

  9. C

    counter offer??

    I don't know for sure... but if it were me...I'd go out. I've hung out with people in the past that have canceled. But, if she does it again - forget about her!
  10. C

    Street Smarts

    How do you develop them? So people won't pick-on you?
  11. C

    Conversation Skills (Need advice might be long read)

    Being cool If you try too hard to be won't be.
  12. C

    Advice from Virgins

    I totally agree.
  13. C

    Advice from Virgins

    Screw you Obviously, not all questions need to be answered by experts. Some of the questions on here are so stupid, you don't need an Einstein to answer them.
  14. C

    I need help with convos

    Try ****y and funny Keeps her entertained.
  15. C

    Anyone need help?

    Dude Like I didn't do anything personal against you...I try and help people and this is all the thanks, I get??? Why how long have you even been here? I have helped loser's way less fortunate than me! Screw you.
  16. C

    Anyone need help?

    Well... I would start don't even need to approach anyone hot...maybe somebody unattractive, just for the heck of it. Don't even bother getting the number at first. Work up to 3 this week. Then 5 the week after. Then do it everyday. Slowly build up confidience...Don't worry...
  17. C

    Anyone need help?

    I'll do the best I can to help anybody.
  18. C

    Official MySpace Thread - How to pick up girls

    I don't know This is what she said: "...WHAT DO U NEED THEM HOES OUT THEIR GO TO PIDOMNT STREET AND GO FIND ONE U FUKKIN .., ASS HOLE" This was a response to me telling her she had no humor. I apologized and she didn't respond...So maybe I did something wrong???
  19. C

    Being good-looking is rough

    I have the same problem and the thing about is I know plenty of other guys way less good looking than me get asked on dates, approached, picked-up and this is just based on first appearance. This never happens to me.
  20. C

    Myspace openers

    How many messages should you have exchanged before trying to get her number??