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  1. C

    Myspace openers

    I've tried it... The problem is I don't know what to say after she answers. So far I get an answer, but she kind of doesn't ask any questions back.
  2. C

    Myspace openers

    Do you know of any good things to open with on Would a question about her profile work??
  3. C


    Thanks again for all your help... I'll let you know when I add more pictures. Still feel free to comment.
  4. C

    "Just Be Yourself" she says...

    A lot of girls didn't think I was fake...the problem was I wasn't developing myself in an attractive way...Good Post...
  5. C


    Can't However I did put it in the background...I will try and get more there...girls I hit it off with in the club...
  6. C


    Thanks for the advice... There is this h.b. 10 (blonde, big boobs) who I could probably take a picture with. If that is what you mean. Is there any particular way to ask these people? I talked to this one guy and he said that I should not say anything about myself..what do you guys...
  7. C

    Get your free advice here - for a limited time only!

    Let me know what you think if girls will want to bang me. -Thanks for all of your help.
  8. C


    Still Working on the background... Can't seem to change my default, I don't know why...I even deleted it by accident it still remains. Let me know what you think now.
  9. C


    I don't care if you are mean... Just get my page to improve.
  10. C


    Thanks... Is there anything else with what I say with text on the front page of the website???
  11. C


    Thanks for the advice... Although, my looks aren't that guys way less good looking than have had success with myspace. They didn't even have to try. I just want a decently attractive appearance. I'll try another site as well...but still is there anyway to improve this?? What am I...
  12. C


    Sounds like a possibility But what do you think of my website? Is it lame?
  13. C


    I got rid of the arrogance. Just kept the personality. I also deleted the pimp picture, which was bad...I think or was it???
  14. C


    Skip (didn't respond) I guess he is not there
  15. C


    I have his instant I instant messaged him, if he doesn't respond could somebody else explain what to do?
  16. C


    Do you think girls would want to bang me with this site?? I decided to show a mix of nice guy, and arrogance. Do you think it is fake? Too much reverse psychology?
  17. C

    Showing interest

    I show too much interest in girls at first. I stare at them a lot. What are good ways to have no interest at first.
  18. C

    Judging interest level

    Last night I did get some rejections: One where I was drunk and actually used the same pick-up line twice on the same group of girls by accident. Although, it is new, it has worked so far 100% of the time. But, this time it failed because I used it twice. Also this one group rejected me...
  19. C


    So I will ask a girl to hang out, but where...would the club be appropriate?
  20. C

    Judging interest level

    No...Sorry bad communication.. She didn't ask about touching her on the ass. Only, when I touched her on the leg.