Goal to get laid: Feild Report


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Feild Report:

My goal was to get laid, that never happenend but I did some play.

1. I went into Club Divine, and with some guys. This one blonde chick h.b. 6, noticed we were checking her out( This was the girl I got play from). She approached us and introduced herself, she commented on us checking her out. Then she took me to dance with her and she touching me a lot, was rubbing my penis. So I decided to kiss her. This was the highest success of the night.

2. The next girl, was some moderate success. She kind bumped her hand into my ass, so I just kept it it there 5 seconds or so. Lost her though, moved somewhere else.

3. This other girl, I didn't quite get. She touched me on the penis. So I decided hey, let me just keep touching her on the ass. I kind of lost her and found her. So I touched her on the ass again. This time she rejected me.

4. I was following some girl, then introduced myself. She said she was lesbian.

5. This blonde h.b. 9 approached me, commented on my vest. Although, in the end she said she had a boyfriend.

6. Approached, h.b. 10. But, kind of lost confidence, so didn't do much more than just introduce.

She first introduced, herself, then complimented my sweater. Some of her guy friends came and talked to me. One of the guys said, you two should date. She said "no, I have a boyfriend."

Didn't get a single number the whole night.

In the end, I regret not getting the first two numbers. I lost them, they either left or moved in a difficult location. What else could I have done better?


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2003
Reaction score
good work man.

I know a lot of people may respond to this thread and say that they thought you did horrible. But at least your approaching whereas before you may have been the type of guy who would have never approached at all. So good work.

Keep practicing, you'll get better and better and in time you'll notice that each interaction with a girl gets you closer to getting your lay.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I guess keep trying as you say

There are more fish in the sea.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
it didn't sound like you did too bad...you grabbed on some ass and made out with a chick. You can't win every night...at least they were somewhat interested from the sounds of it, just keep getting out there...