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  1. J

    The Loner Image

    Jesus... I hate to admit this.. but i am definitely in that loser description. I really don't feel good now. My god. Talk about really getting a kick in the emotional nutsack.
  2. J

    Getting angry with a girl on email: Good or bad?

    You shoulda just walked away. No nastiness, nothing. Not even saying you're disappointed. Show her you don't give a ****.
  3. J

    Re-inventing myself. step one.

    For the most part i like who i am ya know. I mean. Alot of the girls I talk to and the last 2 that i've dated have been beautiful. One is even a model. So the quality of the girls is there, i can attract them on occasion and they fall head over heals.. but all it takes is that small moment of...
  4. J

    Re-inventing myself. step one.

    That's the real secret to 'the secret'. It's not necessarily that the univers hands you everything. But you ask for it, you focus on it, you program that desire into your brain. From there on, you naturally take the steps to get it without even realizing it. At least thats my take on things...
  5. J

    Re-inventing myself. step one.

    Good to see someone thinks i'm taking a good approach. Not sure exactly what I should put as a scenario or whatever. This is just step one of the program though. Just making goals. I'm just wondering if anybody has any other ideas for good tangeable goals right now for SELF improvement. I'm not...
  6. J

    Re-inventing myself. step one.

    They aren't designed to be 'affirmations'. Those are goals that i want to achieve. I simply write them in the present and with positive content so as to reinforce what i want and the urgency with which i want it. You can't say "tomorrow i want this" because tomorrow never comes. in laymans...
  7. J

    Re-inventing myself. step one.

    So I'm using the hypnotica CD and I'm gonna try and do this along with any therapy i take and see what comes of it. I may stop therapy all together if i find this works. Step 1 is setting goals.. so i'm posting on here for some feedback. You know, to either help streamline things i'm writing...
  8. J

    How to Achieve Emotional Control

    Yeah i've been reading this because i KNOW that i'm a basket case emotionally. People swear that i'm bipolar. So basically.. what i want to know is how many people have DONE this and what can you tell everyone here that'll make this stick.
  9. J

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    Ewww.. what the hell am I doing? Anyway.. So i've been reading alot of the stuff you guys have passed me.. Jesus it is ALOT to absorb. Not to mention that whole emotional control thing sounds REALLY friggin hard. It's not the first time i've heard one can control their feelings simply by...
  10. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    "we tend to live as if our lives are determined by circumstance, by factors beyond our control. This essentially passive orientation towards life leads to the feeling that we are victims of circumstance or fate. We tend to get so used to things happening to us that we forget that we can control...
  11. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    This forum is about self improvement.. so why don't you work on that sociopath thing of yours. Don't get me wrong, I care about other people, I care about their feelings.. But seldom do i think of that BEFORE doing something. You may not be sociopathic.. just an extremely negative person.
  12. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    Haha.. no the blah was to erase what i had originally put.. just didn't know what else to write. Reading that "How to achieve emotional control" thing. I really have a hard time stepping out of myself and being the observer though. It's the same reason i disassociate from other peoples...
  13. J

    Obsession and Love

    What doesn't exist is a loving relationship without effort. People assume they don't have to try, they don't have to work at it, that it just happens. For some it might.. but true happiness comes from you making HER happy and her making YOU happy. You fulfill her needs, she fulfills yours BUT at...
  14. J

    Obsession and Love

    Ok, here's hoping that this doesn't turn into a random rant/insult the poster thread. I'm posting it here because I wonder how many people might actually respond and how many people this might apply to. I'm sure it gets dealt with quite a bit and maybe it'll be a refreshing change from all...
  15. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    If getting my life together means turning into a ****head like you then i'd rather stay a basket case. The reason I don't give a flying monkey arse about YOUR advice is the way you approach it, the way you put it out there and the way you generally condescend and berate people who may genuinely...
  16. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    This isn't about her, it's about me. This whole post wasn't even supposed to be about her or how i met her, or whether i met her face to face or not. It was me venting. This isn't about me picking up girls.. this is about me writing my **** down, re-reading it and analyzing it with the help...
  17. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    I have never said therapy was a cure-all.
  18. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    As i've said from the start. I'm not here to learn about how to get women. I can land hot women, I see hot women every ****ing day. I've had sex with hot women. I am here to fix my problems. I am going to therapy because I can read all the books i want but it doesn't stick. I'm finding a way...
  19. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    I am not beyond help. Just because YOU personally can't help me doesn't mean that somebody else can't. You are not the be all and end all of hope. You are not a god or an idol for me to worship nor is YOUR word or YOUR thoughts law or the 100% pure and only solution/holy truth.