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  1. J

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    Ok, so i just watched The Secret. Well last night when i couldn't sleep. I do find the concept interesting but as you said.. maybe a little far fetched.. however.. How many of us have ever been really tight on money and said.. I really wish money would come in right now and then magically get a...
  2. J

    Wrist Problem

    Hmm.. along the same topic, I broke my wrist playing football years ago and have always felt alot of pain in my wrist since then when attempting to do curls, bench presses or anything when lifting heavy on my wrist. I also pulled the tendon in my wrist a few years back.. Always thought it was...
  3. J

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    Ok, but what can you actually control in life? You really can't control much at all. You have no control over other peoples actions (well ok, you might in a limited way by being nice and playing head games or whatever.. but even then, that'd pretty limited.) What are examples of things you...
  4. J

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    Wow, it's really good to have some positive feedback from people who are actually here to feel better about themselves rather than just **** anything that moves. The main reason I posted this is actually due to a fight I had with my girlfriend that led to yet another breakup. It's just.. for...
  5. J

    married women?

    Once again, not YOUR right to **** up someones marriage. Honestly, that's some serious bull**** right there. If she's really not satisfied or happy it's her responsibility to leave the husband or talk to him about it. You say that "how would you like it?" is a weak argument but honestly...
  6. J

    married women?

    Just wait for the reply where they say "wear a condom." "Don't **** around when you're married" (sorry, my bad, nobody here seems to want any form of commitment.) and "**** girls from out of town and don't give them your #" Love how all the 'real men' are the first to not deal with the...
  7. J

    married women?

    Actually, the forum as a whole may be geared towards scoring with women (but to each person the term 'scoring' may be interpretted differently) He's not looking on HOW to score with married women, more asking if people think he should. As for the morals side of the debate... Morals do tend...
  8. J

    married women?

    That may be, but what gives you the right to ruin a marriage or help the downward spiral? As a kid I was there WITH my mom when she found my dad cheating and was put on the phone as a witness so that my dad knew he was busted. You don't have the right to ruin someone's marriage and put...
  9. J

    married women?

    This pretty much says it all. The reason people advocate pulling married women is because they can't pull the single ones who are feeling confident. They pull the married ones going through troubled periods because they are vulnerable and easier to use or just plain skanks. (then they go...
  10. J

    penis enlargement?

    Just hope to christ you don't date a girl who plays warhammer (they're pretty rare, I know because I work for that company.. yeah yeah, i'm a nerd, bite me) They'll know 7 inches when they see it. I actually mentally imagine my penis on the table while playing because it helps me estimate...
  11. J

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    Ok, so.. Now that we're all talking health and fitness and all gym and stuff I was just wondering what all of your opinions are on mental health and well being and stuff. It's commong knowledge that stress, anger, depression and the like all contribute to failing health whether it be more...
  12. J

    married women?

    Having had sex with a married woman (she was 21 and married, and her husband was a complete ******* to boot, I met him, coworkers met him, and she needed something better so i decided to show her that she could do better and needed out of that relationship) I can say that it does bring about a...
  13. J

    Getting this girl..

    You sir, are my F-ing hero. I mean, I want to act how I was acting before, being nice, funny, non chalant, the whole kit because i know that's what it was. I also know that when I got my Xbox 360 and started going out more it started going down hill. But yeah man, I'll just turn off the...
  14. J

    Getting this girl..

    Basically, I caved into this girl ALOT too and I know damn well that I put her on a high horse because she is by far the HOTTEST girl who has ever shown ANY interest in me. Which was really nice. I honestly have no idea what I did for her to like me in the first place other than being nice. We...
  15. J

    Getting this girl..

    Alright, this is my second post and I'll probably get ridiculed or whatever but I really don't give a damn. in my last post I mentioned about this long distance relationship I sorta had going with a girl in texas (I'm in canada.. yeah, go on, laugh.) She's SUPER beautiful and has got to be...
  16. J

    New to the forums with far too many questions.

    Wow, i'm totally not a don Juan.. I even broke rule #1. don't cry about it and ask dumb questions in the forums.. :( boo-urns
  17. J

    New to the forums with far too many questions.

    I have so many roadblocks to overcome it's ridiculous. Just looking at it all is very discouraging. I used to live just outside of Toronto in a rich town called oakville where I went to college. That was a stellar social life. But because of all the life problems that have come up I recently...
  18. J

    New to the forums with far too many questions.

    Alright, let me start by saying that i'm new to your forums but I have been getting the DJ daily e-mails for tips and tricks with women. However, being new, there are many things that come in those daily e-mails that are missing the important fundamentals. But before we get to the fundamentals...