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  1. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    Look, i enjoy having emotions. I enjoy being able to feel love, pain, hurt, regret, hope, joy, happiness. Even though some of those feeling suck it lets me know that i am human. I wasn't looking to be saved when i met this girl. I was getting my **** together, I have a job i enjoy (although...
  2. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    I've known of my problem for years and though my temper and my control issues are getting SLIGHTLY better they can still spin wildly out of control. As was the case this time. I was in total control at the start and then towards the end all that old bull**** came back and tore it all apart. I...
  3. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    Generally i'm not all that clingy.. but the more my inner bull**** starts to come out from my past then it kinda kicks in. Not a total wuss, I don't cave to what people want or let people walk all over me either. Don't fall for them after the first date.. this was just really ****ed up. I do...
  4. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    Think whatever you want. Whatever makes you feel like the big man inside. It's not that I don't want help. I just don't want YOUR help because I don't agree with YOUR specific outlook. YOU don't know me. Neither does anyone else, and i have ex's that'll easily prove you wrong.
  5. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    I've only said it a dozen times, I'm going into therapy. And i didn't fall for her because she was a girl. I fell for her because of the conversations we had and how comfortable and happy SHE was making ME. I'm not out LOOKING for love either. I had actually pushed most women AWAY to focus on...
  6. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    One mans heaven is another mans hell. That is what makes YOU happy. I would be happy with ONE girl. I know plenty of people who are happy and in love. Doesn't matter who they love, be they fat and ugly or not. Yes, I want love. I want success. I want it all. That doesn't mean i have to stomp...
  7. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    Actually, I don't hop from girl to girl, I don't run around looking for love. Most of my relationships generally happen 2 years apart. I admit i get super easily attached to girls but I don't believe in holding back. It's part of the risk you take with love, just like the risks you take with...
  8. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    yeah i know she thinks i'm a posessive psycho.. and if i acted that way (and it's not the first time) how do i make them see that i'm not? i've already checked into therapy for the controlling psycho thing. edit: and yeah, i know ya'll think i'm nuts for doing a LDR without meeting the...
  9. J


    Well actually, I live north of Laval, but work in laval. Looking to see if there are any DJ's around here that I can talk to. Guys who can show me how to notice girls noticing me and encourage me.. boosty my confidence and stuff. I dunno.. anybody?
  10. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    Nope. That's why this all seems nuts. Even she's started saying "It was 3 weeks, we never even met and we won't now. Your fault." God damn i wish i had a 2nd chance.
  11. J

    So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place

    Alright. Well. I've posted a few things on this site lately, which is a bit odd since I swore this site off last year after alot of the negative things said in here made me turn against women. Strange i know.. but with alot of the things you guys say it's hard to think that any woman could be...
  12. J

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    I just wish telling myself that the girl will be back would actually make her come back. God damnit... can't get my head or heart off of her. Everytime i look at a girl, no matter how hot it goes right back to her (and i work in a ****ing mall!)
  13. J

    Self improvement needed.

    Ha, the screen name.. That was something i picked up back in college. Mainly because I say some really stupid things that tend to really offend women.. but most often it actually makes them kinda like me more. It's that whole 'never know what he's going to say or do next' thing. I actually...
  14. J

    Be a risktaker - Take action TODAY

    Good thing i don`t want you attracted to me then. But yeah. fear is always there.. so how do we go about beating it?
  15. J

    Be a risktaker - Take action TODAY

    Actually this is kind of something i was talking to a friend about last night, and something i was listening to in form of an audio book this morning as well. Dealing with fear. I seek self improvement because i know that i have problems that stop me from reaching my full potential. But...
  16. J

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    Well i'm guess i'm grateful for being in good health (though not in good shape) and for having a job where i'm around people who like to have fun and joke around. I'm really not sure on this one... to be quite honest... Still don't know... i'm 25 and i have no idea what i want to do with...
  17. J

    Self improvement needed.

    God.. i already disbelieve alot of this.. also seems really windy for my liking. I know i have to be the prize.. but i don't have to be a male pig, or an arrogant ****head to do it. I just want to control my frustrations and anger.
  18. J

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    Alright.. and how might i go about this? any good starting points (other than the above mentioned books and movie)
  19. J

    Self improvement needed.

    Alright.. so.. after being with a girl for 3 weeks, giving it my all.. having her swear she wanted to be with me forever and would never leave me or give up on me and all that.. it's gone south. Fast, hard, and in probably the worst breakup ever. For a 3 week relationship there were some...
  20. J

    Some quick questions!

    I've generally found that taking in protein within 2 hours of your workout as a milkshake will actually produce better results. Glutamine is also a supplement you should look to adding as it increases the absorption rate of protein into the muscles and helps that whole process of converting that...