Obsession and Love


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Terrebonne, QC
Ok, here's hoping that this doesn't turn into a random rant/insult the poster thread.

I'm posting it here because I wonder how many people might actually respond and how many people this might apply to. I'm sure it gets dealt with quite a bit and maybe it'll be a refreshing change from all the "Girl x wants to leave me! what do i do!" or "I want to approach this girl! How do i do it!" or even "So you have herpes and your life is over" type threads.

Anyway, since starting the last thread (and reading some of the links given by all those positive people as well as others which were suggested to me the other day) I have gone out.. done some things, talked to some friends, ex's and random people.

I listen to alot of stuff on this forum about the desire for love and how you'll never find it.. lots of stuff about that on here and some people disbelieving the concept all together.

I don't like to discount that it is possible, that there is someone out there for everybody (even the ****ed up ones because you see it daily as they walk the streets) not JUST the Don Juans. I believe in love, that you can find it (or rather, that it will find you) and that it is a real part of truly being happy and satisfied with life. You can love, love freely and without restrain.. just be careful of obsession/posession.

I myself am guilty of obsessivness/posessiveness. It's what brought me here, and why I am going into therapy. I do not however blame it on love.

I have posted once or twice about fear... sadly I think most of them have been deleted (rather the threads they were in got deleted). Posessiveness/obsession is a direct result of fear. Being afraid of something (losing someone, being stared at, being judged) leads to having insecurities.. those insecurities build up and make you question yourself.. so on and so forth. As long as you can love without FEARING the loss of someone or worrying about all the what ifs.. you should be able to eliminate obsession.

Posessiveness can be caused by fear as well.. you need to feel in control, to make sure she'll never leave, to not give her any room to give her that chance. It is a product of fear and obsession.

Only when you can get past fear can you truly love someone. This is why self improvement is powerful, it empowers you to be fearless about YOU and the things you do. Do i believe in all the games? About the call at this time, don't call then, don't do this. No, I don't believe a word of it. Why? because if you're focussing on these things.. these.. tools.. you may be successful, but it is not natural. By being fearless.. by calling when you want.. by not needing to worrying what will happen if you don't call her when she asks you to.. you are doing things YOUR way and it is NATURAL. It takes away the stress of the planning and waiting and all the other crap that JUST playing the game will give you.

Not sure if that makes sense. But it sounded good in my head... then again.. there's a marching band up there.

Feedback is welcome.

edit: probably should put something about fear in the title... dah well..


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Out of curiosity

How many marriages end in divorce?

How many marriages do not end in divorce but would if the couple had no kids?

How man marriages do not end in divorce but would were it not for religious beliefs?

How many married couples do you see that are truly happy together after 5-7 years?

People believe in this idealistic notion of love that Hollywood has created and injected into society. Sure love exists it is just an emotion caused by chemicals in the brain being released you cant discount it's existence. What does not exist is the idealistic notion of love that has weeded it way into common belief.


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Terrebonne, QC
NickBe said:
Out of curiosity

How many marriages end in divorce?

How many marriages do not end in divorce but would if the couple had no kids?

How man marriages do not end in divorce but would were it not for religious beliefs?

How many married couples do you see that are truly happy together after 5-7 years?

People believe in this idealistic notion of love that Hollywood has created and injected into society. Sure love exists it is just an emotion caused by chemicals in the brain being released you cant discount it's existence. What does not exist is the idealistic notion of love that has weeded it way into common belief.

What doesn't exist is a loving relationship without effort. People assume they don't have to try, they don't have to work at it, that it just happens. For some it might.. but true happiness comes from you making HER happy and her making YOU happy. You fulfill her needs, she fulfills yours BUT at the same time you must BOTH be ready to sacrifice, compromise and WORK at it during the hard times that can come up. If you make her happy and she makes you happy, then that shouldn't be a problem.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
When she wakes up in the morning with bad breath, hairy legs, rings under her eyes and farts I am sure things will fall into perspective.

True happiness does not come from marriage, that is the popular belief but if we learn anything from those who came before us it's that the belief is flawed. I see it every day with my own eyes nobody thats married is truly happy not after a few years. Only people on television are happily married.

About 60% of married men cheat and about 40% of married women cheat. That number is overwhelming and the reasons for cheating are usually because in the mans case he wants variety and more sex and in the womans case she wants emotional closeness and intimacy. The ones that do not cheat get divorced.

By the way how do you know about sacrifice and work if you have never been in a proper relationship let alone a marriage. You yourself said a lot of your relationships are with girls you have never met. So you are not really an authority on the subject. Your experience is formed from opportunistic thinking and probably movies.

The romanticized, Hollywood type love does not exist, chasing it is a fools errand and it will ultimately lead to unhappiness like it does for all the divorced and cheating married people of the world.