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  1. C

    How to improve quicker?

    Sounds good...I'll have to take charge of my life, and not have someone hold my hand.
  2. C

    How to improve quicker?

    Thanks, I'll read the whole bible.
  3. C

    How to improve quicker?

    I have one friend, who was my previous girlfriend. I play Ultimate Frisbee once a week as a hobby, with University of Michigan grads. I don't have a job, I live with my folks, and eventually I'll be looking for one. I guess I kind of give off the vibe I have no friends or a job. I guess that...
  4. C

    Getting Back Together with Your Ex

    Hey Could I get your help? What could I do? I am low on cash. I wouldn't be able to pay for professional coaching. When, I get some money, in the future, I might be able to have enough to pay.
  5. C

    How to improve quicker?

    I haven't improved much on the six years I have been on this site. I have improved a little a little, I had a girlfriend for about a month(who suffers from mental illness). I broke up later, because I ran into other problems in my life(depression) where I couldn't date. I never got laid or...
  6. C

    People being nice.

    Ok I'll work with the commas. Sorry about that, I will put in the effort to quit using bad commas. I don't really know why I am using poor comma technique, maybe it is some weird negative voice in my head telling me to do so. I'll quit. I guess I come off as mentally handicap.
  7. C

    People being nice.

    Thanks I'll try and be more positive. I guess, I need psychiatric help. I should also, try and do some extra curricular activities.
  8. C

    People being nice.

    I think maybe, I need to work on my life skills, I suffer from depression and emotional disorders. I wanted to be able to meet girls even though I have these problems. Is it possible, to fvck girls, when you have emotional problems. Should you work on life skills first? And if so, how long...
  9. C

    People being nice.

    I have come to a point to where I realize where I think people are too nice to me. I can't, pick-up the non-verbal communication signals. People say, good things about me, to where I get an ego. Then when, I actually go about, trying to meet girls, I am unsuccessful. I don't want people...
  10. C


    Yeah you're right, Rescue Mission I really have lost a lot of courage, over the years because I used to approach girls and they would ignore me. I used to go to the clubs, on the weekends. I tried, to approach people, in school and I kind of got a bad rep. Most people, made it really hard...
  11. C

    I am a major womanizer!!!

    Okay, Thanks. I'll p.m. you and we can work on goals.
  12. C

    I am a major womanizer!!!

    Hey Hey, lynch1000s, can you help me with women? I'd like, to self-improve. I've read some, of your stuff, and I think you are amazing. So let, me know if you're, interested. Thanks Crossboss
  13. C


    Stinks Yeah, I heard Pook became bitter with the newbs. However, I just wanted to find out for sure.
  14. C


    Whatever, happened to him? Will, he ever be back?? I'd really, like to talk to him, but I don't want to, bother him if he is sick of helping. So, let me know the status, of Pook. Thanks, James N.
  15. C


    Thanks, guys What do you mean, by my jawline? Is it too, fat? I think, that if I get lean, that should help. What I, don't get, is why a lot of girls, that I have hung out, with, think I have potential.
  16. C


    Thanks Well, that clear's it up. Hopefully, I can get a couple of other opinions, on my looks. However, if what you say is true, then the reaction I get from people, is probably normal. The people, who say I look, good, well, they are white lies.
  17. C


    I agree, to some extent, a lot of the experts in the pick-up world, says looks have very little to do with your success, and say that you don't need looks or money, to get a girl.
  18. C


    Looks Does my profile picture, show that I am not as good looking, or as I think? Or do I look arrogant?
  19. C


    I am a little German. I am half-white, mixed white. I am German, Irish, and Danish.
  20. C


    How do you upload, a photo? Edit: Just uploaded Photo, it is my sosuave profile picture.