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  1. C

    The DJ Bible doesn't work for me

    I agree I used to read and didn't make sense(at least for me doesn't make sense at first). Your thinking skills will improve the more you converse. Once you have done a lot of approaching...then you can go back to the bible. Try out new things experiment - see what works and what...
  2. C

    Why is girls are naturally better than guys at seduction?

    And because There is a higher degree of men being horny than females... Females put up this 'bytch shield' against dogs. Develop the 'challenge' idea. While on the other hand most men don't mind a horny woman approaching them Haven't you heard the famous saying by a female "Even if you are...
  3. C

    Why is girls are naturally better than guys at seduction?

    Possibly too Women do absolutely nothing. It is that easy for a female to get laid. Men are naturally hornier...women aren't better in seduction. It is just that men have the desire to procreate. While females, are seduced. For this reason, it will the alpha female with always have an...
  4. C

    Why is girls are naturally better than guys at seduction?

    Really good Good read. Also they have a sixth sense, basically the ability to be able to control a majority of men's minds, that would even be able sense if you are a dog. It this point, she get him(the AFC) to whatever, he wants to do for her pleasure. Including being her personal slave...
  5. C

    Why is girls are naturally better than guys at seduction?

    If there are any female opinions, post. Yeah, I guess you are right you have to develop yourself as a person to get laid. Girls don't. I mean a lot of celebrities are AFC's on the inside. Rely on dominance and looks. I also think the stuck up attitude of "I am hot, attractive" is...
  6. C

    Is not the idea that a person will love you for who you really are just BS?

    Actually the idea I think the idea here is that if you haven't developed yourself as a person, the attractive blond won't see you are. Plus, if she thinks she is better than you, opening up won't do much by itself, she will manipulate you, and because she doesn't respect you and to...