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  1. C

    any openers or routines>?

    Dude? Do a search.......
  2. C

    I lost my ability to open chicks...WHY?

    I had that problem, basically I put too much emphasis on what they think, rather than believing in myself that I'd get better.
  3. C

    Would it be AFC to do this?

    Yeah, because basically all females, think men are a bunch of dogs.
  4. C

    Would it be AFC to do this?

  5. C

    On Not Being Too Nice

    What I meant was You don't want to known as 'over dominating' since that will make you look like a fake nice guy. You just want to seen as a decent guy, with a decent personality. There is a way to be leader in a good way, and dominate in a bad way.
  6. C

    You guys don't get it.

    Agreed Although I think it is a little of both, if "Going with the flow." means act natural. You basically have to also judge the situation. Bascially, the having a structure isn't math but more like a guide...
  7. C

    On Not Being Too Nice

    Skipped ahead because kind of on tight schedule Never give advice to a female unless asked. It makes you seem like like you are over dominanting.
  8. C

    Pook, Mr. Fingers etc...

    Dreamx, enthusiast!
  9. C

    Kid Rock - So Hott

    I am not saying I am not saying Kid Rock is AFC. However, I agree that some rock stars are AFC's on the inside. Without their publicity, they would be no different from a lot of people. Brad Pitt couldn't get a date until he became a celeb.
  10. C

    I love all of you guys!!!

    Totally agree... Effort counts...Bascially I convey my personality as down to earth.
  11. C


    Thanks I am thinking dancing to hip hop before I hit the club. Would be good. Any more ideas for long term?
  12. C


    I am always extremely stiff. Way stiffer than others...How do you fix this...Especially before going to a club? I am guessing yoga, to meditation. To relaxing music?
  13. C

    Pook, Mr. Fingers etc...

    Killapetehog is good. DOCS(was good no longer here)
  14. C

    Attractive Inner Qualities

    Girls Hot ones - but not stuck up, and smart.
  15. C

    Excuses from dames - Post 'em..

    I once heard somebody say to a guy that their penis is too large.
  16. C

    Next time you think "you are not good-looking" enough

    I see your point. Bad picture.
  17. C

    Believing in yourself will not get you laid.

    Just had a bad day.
  18. C

    Why is girls are naturally better than guys at seduction?

    Good point Yeah, money is disastorous. It can really only give you temporary satisfaction, but is only one of many traits.
  19. C

    Believing in yourself will not get you laid.

    Yeah this is pathetic...I am done here...for now...peace! Sorry for the aurguing.