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  1. C

    Jerk VS Nice Guy

    I've always wanted to be a Nice Guy...But I found out the needs of a nice guy and always in it to get in a girls pants...were mainly what turn a girl off... Also nice guys don't know how to stick up for well as don't use their leadership cababilities to maximum. By reading...
  2. C

    Back again

    Geez so many homesexual men commenting on my myspace....which one may be a pedophile male..What a bunch of LOSERS... HOW ABOUT ORIGINAL comments...Not a repetiton of the guys sound like robots!!!
  3. C

    Back again

    :moon: Really you want a piece of my ass as well? Kiss my ASS.
  4. C

    Back again

    Ha Ha Thanks...for the good posting...What pictures, should I keep...or rearrange??? Some people say lots of pictures will add social proof.
  5. C

    My Own Problem...

    How do you see her? As skin and bones???
  6. C

    What's the point in being a Don jaun anyway?!

    Happiness Is not necessary based on success...Poor people can be happy.
  7. C

    Back again

    Alright... I deleted all of the pictures... I will try and get more when...I go out to the club tonight.... Is it only the pictures?
  8. C

    Back again

    Really what do you expect me to do...get new pictures???
  9. C

    Back again

    How about some real judging... Not from some wannabe slut. I don't care if you are harsh, but how about some real criticism?
  10. C

    Back again

    Great Great, so the biggest AFC Loser, gets girls... how original... Great thanks for the critique...but your saying just the pictures suck... all of them? :moon:
  11. C

    Back again

    You're Not gay are ya? Just fvcking with ya... Thanks a bunch, if you need anything back people, let me know...
  12. C

    Approach for beginners.

    I find that developing a system of working your way up to Approach hot girls is key... I found just talking to people in class and getting comfortable in an easier situation works well at first... But you have to put in the effort... But always go with the flow when possible... When I...
  13. C

    Back again Judge me
  14. C

    Value/phone scenerio?

    I don't know for sure... But, yeah, you should end a convo first if you can but not overly. You can also be a challenge outside of it...such as not being too available when she wants to 'hang out', you are a busy man, and have a lot of females on hand.
  15. C

    Transition problems

    Basically... When you start talking to her...use kino. -shake her hand -touch her on the shoulder,etc... -Eventually, when clear interest is shown...kiss, ass grab or whatever... -Then you can start licking her tits...(and the fun moves on)... And a good way to use kino is to reward her...
  16. C

    Transition problems

    I just use kino And work my way up...but judge the sit. at all times.
  17. C

    Girl's Guide to Dating

  18. C

    The Truth to looks

    I am a good looking guy, to the fact where a girl has never called me ugly. Some people have seen me on this forum as a loser, even though now I have changed. I am now more social. Basically I was good looking, couldn't even get a date. First off you can't look at yourself as a loser...
  19. C

    Fed up with Life

    Skipped ahead but....You can't take sh*t from people. So do they really think they see you for who you are? Who has said they believe you have a good personality...I am not trying to down you or anything. Plus you may have poor conversational skills. How well do you speak? Dude, I used to...
  20. C

    Fed up with Life
