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  1. C


    It could be possible, that I am not that good looking... Although, pretty much every I talk to, where I wanted to know, or they told me, I am good looking. Maybe, I am not 100/100 in looks more, likely less. Alhough, I would, think people's opinion's are pretty accurate. I'll ask this one...
  2. C


    Sorry, If, I come, off as arrogant, I'll try not to think I am better than other people.
  3. C


    Well There was a period, of time where I was approaching at clubs twice a week, on a continual basis. I might, not have been, good looking then. I think, I might have blossomed some. I kind, of gave up on myself then, since I always, (frequentely got blewn off).
  4. C


    So, its doubting, yourself. There is nothing, wrong with me at first, it's that I believe, I can't do it. That's why, my approaching, was failure.
  5. C


    Also Racism: Racism I am asian, but only part, some people think am white, chinese or mexican. I have a dark complexition. I think, it would be used against me, to a certain extent. But I know, of blacks/hispanics/asians, that are successful, with women. The thing, is people seem...
  6. C


    Yeah If feel that people, are threatened, and insecure. Why is this? Is it, because I am too much competition against them. I am too cool? Also, if I have a big ego, why didn't people mention it. I asked people, if they think I am humble, and they say yes. Also, people never say, I am...
  7. C


    You're Right I do come off, as arrogant.
  8. C


    Hey, Is it normal for people, to be unfriendly at first? I am an extremely good looking guy, and I kind of expected people, to be friendly. However, they are not. Not unless, you have some kind of connection. Such as knowing a friend of thiers or something, like that? I thought, people...
  9. C

    Getting Help

    I was wondering. Since, I am not a very popular guy, but would like to improve. How would I find, a good wingman, or a free coach, or somebody decent to improve with girls. I try to make friends, with cool guys, that might help me with girls, but it hasn't been very successful. If I, try...
  10. C


    Sorry I am sorry, I really need to spend more time doing. I'll try and approach again, and report my results on here.
  11. C


    If a girl calls you a buddy, what does that mean? Does that mean, she is only wanting to be friends? If so, what should I do? I don't think I want a girl, if she only thinks of me as a friend. I just think I might want to ditch her. Should you ever be friends, with a girl? Also...
  12. C

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    My Score I blew it this week, I waited till the last day for the hi's. My eye contacts were fine, Sunday, I did 50. However, 16 for hi's on Thursday. Eye contacts - 50 Hi - 16 Total - 66
  13. C

    Starting up a new bootcamp?

    Great This should be good fun.
  14. C

    Starting up a new bootcamp?

    Thanks Sounds Good. I'll be willing to make it a competition. What would you like to start out for this week's goal? I could work on giving eye contact, and smiling at chick's and saying hi to them. Then maybe, one or two conversations, if they allow.
  15. C

    Starting up a new bootcamp?

    Thanks I'll be on the lookout.
  16. C

    Starting up a new bootcamp?

    I'd really like to improve my skills. I think, I have a lot to work on. I have been rejected by girls, a lot. Never have, been laid. I read some of the bible, however, when I approached, I got rejected. I had some success making out with girls, but, I think I need some guidance when I do...
  17. C

    Signals from women

    I think also girls were acting like jerks, when I approached, them. So, I had a hard time, of staying in the set. I didn't know when to leave, and when there is hope. I guess, the more I apporach, there is no magical, formula.
  18. C

    Signals from women

    Yeah You're right. I am trying too hard, for eye contact, and an exact time. There is no exact time. Just trial and error, eventually you'll get the hang of it. I am kind of a fan of math, so I guess I look at it as a probability thing. I did have some approaching issues, in the past...
  19. C

    Signals from women

    I have a question, for probably those of you who get laid. If a women that you see in a club, gives you eye contact and smiles, how much interest does she have in you? Also, what constitutes as good eye contact, 3-5 seconds? How often, do women give you eye contact. Also, if she gives you...