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  1. C

    Living by a college town

    Hi, I am 26 years old, and I live by a college town. I'd like to still meet girls, however I am getting old. How can you meet girls when you get older?
  2. C

    Getting Laid

    Yeah, I was kind of giving her the impression, I was planning on dating her in the future. I'll just tell her what you said. I am being too needy, I am agreeing to do things on only her terms.
  3. C

    Getting Laid

    Ok I'll give her a call, this weekend and we'll set something up.
  4. C

    Getting Laid

    There is this girl who was my girlfriend 6 months ago. We broke up, and I have decided I am not ready for a girlfriend. However, a couple of days a go we agreed to have sex this weekend. She would also, invite some girls to join. However, for some reason she had the thought we would get back...
  5. C

    How to you deal with stuck-up people

    I live a by a prestigious University and where people only care about themselves. People don't seem to care about me. People drive by sometimes with their head up in the air. How do you react to someone sticking their nose up in the air?
  6. C

    Big Ego's

    Thanks Good name(user name ..)by the way.
  7. C

    Big Ego's

    Hey, I have a big ego, or at least that is what some people on this forum have said. When I was asking for advice people said I was arrogant, and that is why people are not friendly. How can you, judge yourself, compared to others your arrogance. I asked some people, and they said was...
  8. C

    Sexual vs Creepy

    Yeah, I guess parents are also more strict on their daughters and well and don't condone dating guys they don't approve of. If a guy for some reason was pressured by a girl for sex, he could avoid it. However, girls have to watch out because, guys are naturally bigger than girls. Even, though...
  9. C

    Was Johny Bravo an AFC?

    I think that was the joke behind Johnny Bravo. He had everything. Yet, he was rejected by girls.
  10. C

    Being too Positive

    Ok, I won't do that, I have a tendency to act overly positive.
  11. C

    Being too Positive

    Ok I'll work on some of these things which can be changed on my own. Shaving, shower etc.
  12. C

    Being too Positive

    My IQ is average - 115 IQ. So that is not the problem in a regular town. However, I live by a prestegious univeristy, so it would be nice if I was smarter here. Unfortunetly for me to make it short would be hard.. So, I'll list my problems about me and expand on each point in the...
  13. C

    Sexual vs Creepy

    Yeah, a guy couldn't get away with calling a girl a creep. The guys and girls, would just laugh at them. What kind of girl sexually harasses a guy?
  14. C

    Being too Positive

    Is there such a thing as being too positive, do you need to be negative sometimes? Is realistic, being negative? I have failed over and over in my life, because of mental illness and depression. I have never been laid. Should I be harsh on myself, people are mean to me because I mess up...
  15. C

    How to improve quicker?

    You're right, I need to take action. I need to quit talking my head off and just do it. Like Nike. Loser's whine and complain - winner's fvck the prom queen. I already have all the knowledge.
  16. C

    How to improve quicker?

    I kind of thought I had ambition, but I guess not. Maybe, I have to do more activities, such as fun walks. Do you have advice for ambition? I guess, I should do hobbies and set goals. I need to believe in myself, and gain confidence over time. Take small steps to get better. To Ethan: I...
  17. C

    How to improve quicker?

    Hobbies that I will continue to do: I will play the piano, which I am good at. I will also play trumpet, which I used to play 10 years ago. I have been doing cooking, and I will try and find more activities to do. I might pickup drawing or painting. I'll have to find, activities that I am...
  18. C

    How to improve quicker?

    I don't have a job, because I don't think I am ready yet. My depression is bad. You're right, if I work on myself for an extended period of time, I will get the life skills. Then concentrate on girls.
  19. C

    How to improve quicker?

    I used to go clubbing with some AFC guys about 3 years ago. I probably did approaching for about 7 months total, I did approaching twice a week in clubs. The girls seemed stuck up. I didn't have much a success. So, I went to this psych ward to help with my mental illness, after the 4 months...
  20. C

    How to improve quicker?

    I believe part of my problem with girls is that I am in a bad location. I live by the University of Michigan, which is a top tier school. They kind of expect to have you act together, like life skills. A lot of people are stuck up there, and they feel like that have the best school in the...