I am a major womanizer!!!


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
I don't know why, but I always have been. When I'm out drinking and socializing at bars and stuff, I strike up conversations with women, and they always seem to like me. I am a good salesman, and can close the quick deal. It seems only attractive girls like me for some reason.

So why do I say this...? Maybe because I'm completely a narcissictic braggart. But I also say it cause most of the tips on this site are lame, and pick up lines don't work. If you are some geek, don't expect to pick up a hot honey at a dance club just cause you are wearing phermones, accept that you will have to meet cute girls, become their friend, and then maybe they will date you. Some Internet geek isn't going to pick up a model at a nightclub (well could happen, but not likely, and nothing like those scam e-books will tell you).


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score

is this not you? you said in your own post you were DJ for 2 years, and had to read materials on how to attract women.

you call the e-books stupid in this post, but yet you confess that you read them in your previous post. make up your mind.

This means you weren't attacting women as you claim to, so you can't always been a womanizer. You're coming off as always been a liar.

What's to stop an internet geek from doing the same? making himself better with women that is.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
When your done playing the imaginary game your should come out of your mom's basement *cough* I mean your dungeon and look in the mirror.

Seriously though. Just the way you talk, sounds like your one of those socially awkward people who doesn't know how to hold a conversation unless its about themselves.

Yeah the people no one ever likes to get caught in a conversation with.

Anyways Good luck :crackup:

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
DJ_Hero said:
Yeah, because everyone here just uses pick up lines. :down:
Yes. And negs. And ****y and flirty lines. And text message lines. Like 99% of the topics here: she does X then you do Y. She says this then you say that.

If sosuave would just use a big font on the frontpage with the words: do whatever you feel like and believe in yourself, then there would be no need for this forum.

Instead, a lot of people here like to brag about there ''game'' and want to sell e-books so they make this whole girl thing look harder then it actually is. Just to confuse people and feed them with the need for information, then selling that information or brag about it. That's also why all these terms like ''negging'' are created. To make it look like rocket science. As something you need an academic degree for. It's marketing. It's a scam. It's preying on the weak.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
OamImrsNemo said:
When your done playing the imaginary game your should come out of your mom's basement *cough* I mean your dungeon and look in the mirror.

Seriously though. Just the way you talk, sounds like your one of those socially awkward people who doesn't know how to hold a conversation unless its about themselves.

Yeah the people no one ever likes to get caught in a conversation with.

Anyways Good luck :crackup:

Liking to talk about yourself just means you're narcissistic. But yeah, I can hold down a conversation with women. Think about it, even dultz like those on Jersey Shore can hold down conversations with women.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
J. Darko said:
Yes. And negs. And ****y and flirty lines. And text message lines. Like 99% of the topics here: she does X then you do Y. She says this then you say that.

If sosuave would just use a big font on the frontpage with the words: do whatever you feel like and believe in yourself, then there would be no need for this forum.

Instead, a lot of people here like to brag about there ''game'' and want to sell e-books so they make this whole girl thing look harder then it actually is. Just to confuse people and feed them with the need for information, then selling that information or brag about it. That's also why all these terms like ''negging'' are created. To make it look like rocket science. As something you need an academic degree for. It's marketing. It's a scam. It's preying on the weak.
that's what I mean. I was reading that article on this site about getting a strippers number. Absolutely terrible advice, it is amazing that some people actually believe this stuff... Attracting women is about stirring up emotions in women, putting them feel confident and sexy about themselves. It's not about pick up lines, or doing other stupid crap. It is not about trying to pick up women at bars, as most people know that relationships ever come about after meeting someone at a bar. Of 100 numbers you get at a bar, you are likely to get a response from maybe like 3-4 on average (of course that is not always the case).


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Haha lunch100s you are such a cool guy.

I hope a lot of people read this, this is some really cool stuff.

Keep getting those girls buddy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
lynch1000s said:
Attracting women is about stirring up emotions in women, putting them feel confident and sexy about themselves. It's not about pick up lines, or doing other stupid crap.
Tell me something I, or everyone else on here doesn't already know. If it wasn't for b1tch-shields, sh1t-tests, and attitudes, that would be a no-brainer.

Now, I can argue that, unless you are going after real FUGs, (which would undermine your claims on the first post) that they are already getting a tonne of validation from guys who are trying to start conversations with them, make them feel good, or whatever, during the whole day. Why would they need "you" to make them feel confident and sexy about themselves, unless you are preying on girls who have no self-esteem to begin with and smooth talking them - which again would make your claims bogus?

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
corrector said:
Tell me something I, or everyone else on here doesn't already know. If it wasn't for b1tch-shields, sh1t-tests, and attitudes, that would be a no-brainer.

Now, I can argue that, unless you are going after real FUGs, (which would undermine your claims on the first post) that they are already getting a tonne of validation from guys who are trying to start conversations with them, make them feel good, or whatever, during the whole day. Why would they need "you" to make them feel confident and sexy about themselves, unless you are preying on girls who have no self-esteem to begin with and smooth talking them - which again would make your claims bogus?
That's just a myth. HB 10's don't get a lot of attention because guys are to scared of them. Also, ugly girls are more arrogant and b1tchy than HB 10's, because ugly girls need to compensate for what they don't have.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lol I think its funny how theres always a bunch of complete CHUMPS that come on to this website just to brag about themselves cuz theyre self esteem, confidence, and ego are so low and sh*tty in real life.


Don Juan
May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Ease said:
Haha lunch100s you are such a cool guy.

I hope a lot of people read this, this is some really cool stuff.

Keep getting those girls buddy.

I second that.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
OP you are an idiot. Not for what you're trying to say but for making this thread. Why did you feel the need to make a topic like this on an internet forum with a bunch of strangers you don't even know? What do you want to be some kind of hero?

Fact of the matter is this. This site has a use & that is to wake guys up. To point out some of the mistakes that cause them to get screwed over & to give them some new tools to go out with. That's it.

You're supposed to come here for recovery/training then go back out into the field & report occasionally.

The issue with some or most of the users here is that they stick around here out of boredom or lack of a social life & get into fruitless debates about women & their behaviour meanwhile chicks all over the 1st world are in some car being boinked to neverland.

I usually encourage debating between men, clash of logic, science & what not but debating about women is plain silly. There is nothing set in black & white, the best thing to do is to refine your skills in real time interaction so you condition yourself accordingly & you can report your observations & interactions.

Its quite obvious spewing canned C&F lines, desperately trying to use neg hits etc will fail for a lot of guys starting out. That does not make them ineffective gimmicks. I'm a C&F beast & a neg hit boss because I've been doing it from around a young age. I'm used to being that way. Its not always 100% because I can come across as obnoxious/arrogant but nothing is set in stone.

However a lot of what is said here holds weight. The information on this site is basically the consistencies that are noticed when interacting with women through various stages of a relationship.

So if you're really picking up chicks which I doubt, continue on.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
J. Darko said:
That's just a myth. HB 10's don't get a lot of attention because guys are to scared of them. Also, ugly girls are more arrogant and b1tchy than HB 10's, because ugly girls need to compensate for what they don't have.
There will aleways be guys confident enough to hit on 10's.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
corrector said:
Tell me something I, or everyone else on here doesn't already know. If it wasn't for b1tch-shields, sh1t-tests, and attitudes, that would be a no-brainer.

Now, I can argue that, unless you are going after real FUGs, (which would undermine your claims on the first post) that they are already getting a tonne of validation from guys who are trying to start conversations with them, make them feel good, or whatever, during the whole day. Why would they need "you" to make them feel confident and sexy about themselves, unless you are preying on girls who have no self-esteem to begin with and smooth talking them - which again would make your claims bogus?
hot girls don't need you to make them feel confident about themselves. Making them feel sexy and confident, though, shows them that you are interested in them, and allows them to open up more.

A guy making stupid pick up lines will indicate to a girl that the guy is interested in her, but that does not mean she will open up to her.

But what I'm saying is more for picking up girls at a bar. To get into a relationship with a girl, there needs to be a level of trust between you and the girl, and she must have emotional feelings for you to get her interested in you.

And yes, I still think this site is half stupid. It does give out good pointers, but the tips on here suggesting that you need to do such and such, then ignore the girl so she thinks you're confident, and then tease her, then ignore her, then she will magically fall in love with you is false.

It is good to study the science of attraction, but it is a much more natural process than that. You can't gimmick your way into making a gorgeous woman fall in love with you, it just happens.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ease said:
Haha lunch100s you are such a cool guy.

I hope a lot of people read this, this is some really cool stuff.

Keep getting those girls buddy.
you can tell if a guy gets women by the way he talks, acts, and what he knows, and seeing it happen.

No one can know if someone on a website message board gets women or not, and quite frankly you will never know.

But if you know who to listen to, and who is right, then you will be taking the right advice. And a lot of the advice online is probably wrong, from my personal intuition and experience.

If you got women yourself (I don't know if you do or don't), then you should at least be able to recognize others who get women as well, because you will know if what they are saying is right or wrong. You will also notice confidence in the way they speak, articulation in the way they talk, and sophistication in the way they act.

But again, you never really know who gets women or not from a message board...!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

Hey, lynch1000s, can you help me with women? I'd like, to self-improve. I've read some, of your stuff, and I think you are amazing. So let, me know if you're, interested.




Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
crossboss said:
Hey, lynch1000s, can you help me with women? I'd like, to self-improve. I've read some, of your stuff, and I think you are amazing. So let, me know if you're, interested.


yeah, sure


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
If you're so good then how about posting a field report or something to illustrate what it is you do that makes your bragging worthwhile. So we can all learn something...otherwise your ego (and/or bs) is just wasting forum space.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
Is this a clone of some guy that weeks ago said that was a "extremely attractive man" and was a 5 at tops? dear god..... get out of your basement people.