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  1. N

    will my ex want me back after no contact?

    Without the pain of this breakup, without the suffering, your emotional mind won't grow and develop into a stronger, more stable frame. Think of it as a good thing. We as humans, cannot develop mentally and emotionally until we've all felt some heartbreak, or had pain/sadness come into our...
  2. N

    Must read books?

    1. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. 2. Don't Read This. Your Ego Won't Like It. These are more importantly not only how to succeed with women, but with whatever it is you choose. Women are along for the ride in life, you are the creator.
  3. N

    A little lost

    There's nothing wrong with you man. If you really want to develop the confidence and mindset to get the women you want I'd recommend that you read this book. 1. Don't Read This. Your Ego Won't Like It. And this one. 2. The 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People. See most people want a magic...
  4. N

    The real secret.

    You are 100% correct. I believe that to truly master the art of communication, not a word needs to be spoken. When two people are resonating on the same level they can see it in each others eyes. And that's how natural selection works. Humans develop in emotional stages, Growth, maturity...
  5. N

    Really can't respect women.

    I'm glad to hear that :) The turning point for me was when i realised that i was the actual problem and it all boiled down to me thinking i knew it all and was "too good" to learn any more. And once i thought that, i stopped growing. If you're interested in continuing this mindset there are...
  6. N

    Really can't respect women.

    The best way to look at things is that you should come across from a "teaching" sort of perspective. If you come across to a girl that you're trying to pick her up, she knows it, and so do you. The thing is, her ego may try to fight you away, so first what you must do is learn to guide her...
  7. N

    Really can't respect women.

    I agree with you. :) You said that you are unable to respect women because of their sh1tty behaviour. Why? Why does it matter if they give you sh1tty behavior? You don't have to answer me, but in most cases i think you'll find that the answer is that you perceive that you deserve...
  8. N

    Really can't respect women.

    The fact that you perceived things that way means that it's an issue about yourself that you actually need to deal with. If women aren't responding the way you want them to, it's your fault. Never theirs. Once you accept this you can really take a step back and look at the whole picture, and...
  9. N

    Getting To A Place Beyond Sex

    People only accept the "love" they think they deserve. And when they aren't happy with what they're receiving, usually it's because they aren't giving. You get what you give.
  10. N

    The real secret.

    The book i linked is called "Don't Read This. Your Ego Won't Like It." Lol it's not about keeping it to yourself. That means that you haven't yet reached the stage of giving back. The Law of Resonance works in a way that you get what you really deserve in the end. You won't go having a happy...
  11. N

    The real secret.

    Everyone needs to read this book. Seriously. The...
  12. N

    Ex GF got the POLICE onto me.

    Guys. The police knocked on my door telling me to quit writing posts about her, contacting her, and basically anything to do with her. They knew the status was about her from some of the comments that other people posted. I also tagged her new boyfriend in the comments, wishing them the...
  13. N

    Mr nice guy
  14. N

    Nice guys don't finish last. Nice idiots do.

    Watch this.!/photo.php?v=10201962086708798&set=vb.184678558300562&type=3&theater Summarises it perfectly.
  15. N

    Sometimes Stop to View Your Life

    Yeah man. I made myself homeless, and have been in the worst area of my life the past 3 years, and only now are things looking up. I have no family, no friends, ex-gf cheated with my "brother" and "best-mate". It almost drove me to jump in-front of a train. And before all this i was the most...
  16. N

    Ex GF got the POLICE onto me.

    Thanks for the opinions guys. To make matters worse about the brother thing, my dad died at the start of our relationship, 2.5 years ago. It really hits home when everyone you thought you trusted is gone. I have no family left now. And yeah she's dating my "best-mate" now. I've already cut...
  17. N

    Ex GF got the POLICE onto me.

    I don't understand how i can be in trouble for letting people know the truth of what happened. The status i wrote was TRUTHFUL and she knows it. She's just angry because people are seeing my side of the story for once, and because i i'm over the fact that she slept with both my brother and...
  18. N

    Ex GF got the POLICE onto me.

    Because she keeps trying to get at me. She spreading rumors, turning friends against me, all that stuff. Deep down, i know she wants me and she will come running back. And that's why i want the AVO. To have the last word, i want it against her mum also. Because i will constantly run into both...
  19. N

    Ex GF got the POLICE onto me.

    Lol. So i broke up with my EX because she ****ed my brother, and was also seeing my "best mate" during our 3 year relationship. I basically wrote a Facebook status letting everyone know the truth, because she spread rumors saying i was the bad person. Anyway, the status got over 200 likes and...
  20. N

    Something about the NC Rule.

    I understand the point man. :) But the sex with her was great, GREAT. If i called her up now for sex she would come over and do it, but i want her to start feeling a sort of sadness, her to contact me, so i can game her again and have casual sex. (being upfront of course.) I want her to work...