Sometimes Stop to View Your Life


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score

Rough patch for me lately,

And I don't necessarily just mean with women, but in other aspects if life as well.

Sometimes we just get caught in the flow, we forget to live.

Its as if we're running on treadmills
Or sitting at lvl 50 not prestiging.

School. Work. Workout.

Rinse. Wash. Repeat.

Recently, I just stopped, I took a few days off from everything and put my life into perspective. I remembered some old passions and reignited them. I hung out with some old friends, I set some new goals, I feel awesome despite feeling under the weather.

Humans crave progression, we must be constantly moving, always improving.(I should be a rapper LOL)

But seriously, Life is very, very short.

The next day is not promised.

Don't forget to live & take those risks.

If you have the opportunity to try something new, take it. In the end your life sums up to two things:

The experiences and memories you possessed and shared.

And How your life affected others.

A survey was done which asked Elders: "If they could live their life again, would they change anything?"

To which the number one responses were:

"I wish I lived more and worked less"

"I wish I enjoyed friends and family more and the finer things in life"

So ask yourself these three questions:

Are you where you want to be in life?
If not, are you moving toward you aspirations?
What will you do once you get there?

I'll give you the answer to the last one, Keep Going.



Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Good Post OP.

Make sure you are always doing what makes you happy, not anyone else.

I really need to do the same thing you are doing ASAP.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah man.

I made myself homeless, and have been in the worst area of my life the past 3 years, and only now are things looking up. I have no family, no friends, ex-gf cheated with my "brother" and "best-mate". It almost drove me to jump in-front of a train. And before all this i was the most popular guy in my school, jacked, got any woman i wanted. It's crazy how life changes.

For every dark night, there's always a sunny bright day the following morning.

It's usually the most successful, happiest people that have been through some of the most unimaginable bad things.

I believe you only get what you put in, in life. If you aren't setting goals and achieving them don't expect to be anywhere.

Arnolds 6 rules of success are GREAT.
