A little lost


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, I discovered this forum about 2 years ago and I don't know what i'm doing anymore.
Ive read the DJ bible and pretty know what to do.

Im 24, short and not bad looking at all, ive been called handsome and even last week a random girl at a party said i was cute and put my face between her tits when she was even at the party with her BF.
Ive had a chance to lose my V card but I didnt have a condom on me and it was 6 am when she suddenly started to kiss me at her house, and didnt want to **** her bareback since I don't trust her. Apparently she even told her friends me and her we're together -_-.

I've improved myself in many ways and I still am, now I'm even quitting weed and haven't fapped for 50+ days and I have much more confidence then let's say a year ago. I also don't take sh!t from nobody anymore, most people have big mouths while they can't do anything, have no idea what to do with their life but to work a boring job until they die.
Anyway I'm prolly just a bit down and need to grab a new set of balls and keep going, but are there any tips you guys could give me? I don't really do daygame and maybe i should try to ask some girls at school for a date.

TL;DR : got tips or perspectives I should try


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
I don't see what you're feeling down about, from what you say you seem to be doing great. Get some condoms and give it another go.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
There's nothing wrong with you man. If you really want to develop the confidence and mindset to get the women you want I'd recommend that you read this book.

1. Don't Read This. Your Ego Won't Like It.

And this one.

2. The 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People.

See most people want a magic pill, a step by step way to attract anything in their life, money, women etc.

But it's not that easy. Pain and suffering happens to you for a reason. To learn and grow from it. Without pain, without suffering, we would have nothing. (fight club quote).

But anyway. I guarantee after you read them books you will want to jump up run straight down the street and talk to the nearest girl you can find. Looks really don't matter. Nothing matters. It's all a perception. Give it a go, make yourself the promise that you'll at least finish these two books before you judge.

I guarantee you will come out a different person.

Best of luck. :)


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
@Grewd : it happened a few months ago and I don't think shes attracted to me anymore like she was before. I also wasn't attracted to her at that time. and already got the condoms haha :D.

@nousername: Thx Ive started reading the first one