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    Sex problem
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    I just had sex.

    OH my thankyou. Could you please print me off a FANTASTIC sticker and 5 gold stars?! And i want a medal too, but one thats big enough to fit around my chest. :crazy:
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    I just had sex.

    It's been proven that steroids can infact make your **** bigger. People who mock steroids are hilarious. It's usually the 40 year old divorced depressed guys that do it, when infact if they were to go jump on TRT they'd feel like they're 18 again. I used to be against them too, until i...
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    I just had sex.

    WOW. WOW. WOW. Just invited a 9/10 girl over. Fitness model material. Within 10 minutes off my shirt came and we were at it doggystyle. She swallowed the load and all. Halfway through her blowing me i said "yeah do it better than *another girl i ***** accidentally, LOL she said "thats ****ed"...
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    Whats up with the obsessive trend of getting big

    Just walk into the gym and be like IM A ****ING MONSTER AND IM HERE GUYS. Do your warmup set of 600lb bench and yell CALL THE OLYMPICS TELL THEM ITS CANCELLED I WON. And yell aggressively at everyone smaller than you. Anyone thats bigger than you, you can either be nice to, or accuse them of...
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    Testosterones Effect on Women.

    I'm blasting and cruising. And yeah i know how to cycle that's what I'm doing, i've been lifting for 4 years lol, my ex made me quit the gym cause i was too much of a ***** to tell her no. My body is very lean and a bit bigger than Brad Pitts in fight club, I'm competing in a comp next year...
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    Whats up with the obsessive trend of getting big

    Oh i thought he was, my bad. Thanks for clearing that up. ...
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    Whats up with the obsessive trend of getting big

    The fact that you're calling them tards mean you're assuming that you're superior? How about helping some of the "tards" out so they can lift correctly and make good gains? Or just minding your own business and forgetting about others and focusing on yourself. Do you think James Bond...
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    Testosterones Effect on Women.

    Abusing it ain't good no. But on testosterone injections, all this "game" stuff goes out of my head and I just think of one thing when i look at a girl: "I'm going to make her mine." I believe that "naturals", or the guys that PUA's copy from all have high testosterone. You don't need to...
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    Falling in Love Decreases Mens T Levels.

    Lol.. When I'm jacked as **** and single, or in a relationship, it doesn't matter about social proof because women can smell confidence a mile away and if you have **** loads of testosterone, you have confidence like no other. Ever since I've been injecting test, I've had more women hit on...
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    Falling in Love Decreases Mens T Levels. Scroll down to the relationship part. That's interesting. Because we all know that the more testosterone we have, generally the more attractive we are to the opposite sex. It also increases a womens T, which describes how women cheat a lot on guys...
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    Combating Neediness

    The answer to combating neediness: Inject testosterone. Haha, kidding. or not. Seriously ever since i've been taking test shots i don't feel needy at all and women come flocking. My ex is trying to come back to me, my oneitus that i don't care about anymore. haha
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    Testosterones Effect on Women.

    Yeah well i've been lifting for 4 years also haha, but i never knew i had low t until i had no energy to do anything and got it checked. it's insane stuff. i'm planning on maybe blasting and cruising if you know what that is. just probably after i have a kid :)
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    Testosterones Effect on Women.

    Thanks guys. Yeah, i feel insanely powerful. Like i don't even care i can walk up to any girl and start talking on my terms, and i do it too. Testosterone should definitely not be illegal, it's 25 years jail if you get caught with it in Australia without prescription, in the form of steroids.
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    Testosterones Effect on Women.

    So recently i went to the doctors and got my Test levels checked. Came back very low for someone in their early 20s and almost low enough to be prescribed TRT off the bat. So i went out and got some Test E and started self-injecting and man it is a huge difference. Women can sense it on you...
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    What the actual ****.

    I feel like just using her for a bang every now and then, but it goes against who i am as a person, because i feel bad leading her on, even though she does it to me. I'm just asking for what you guys would do given the same situation?
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    What the actual ****.

    Dated and lived with 17 year old, for 3 years. Went through lots and lots of sh1t and i ended up breaking it off due to commitment and honesty issues. I went solid NC on her and got all suicidal, she's my oneitis. Anyway i'm jacked as fuxk now, back to how i used to be before we dated, muscly...
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    Woman That Don't Like Nice Guys.
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    Girl acts weird about me coming over to her place

    She could be shy about her living arrangements like you said. Or a combination of shy/embarrassed. Put yourself in her shoes and ask yourself if i was shy and i was her, what could this guy do to help this situation not be awkward. The best thing I've found to do is to just be straight up...
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    Once you have mastered the art of communication, not a word needs to be said.