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  1. N

    How to let them pursue you

    Thanks Zekko
  2. N

    How to let them pursue you

    I say it's harder because the dating pool shrinks at 30 and I for obvious reasons am not compatible or attracted to someone with massive baggage or history. The other option is to date younger, and have gone as young as 19, but I do get **** for that being creepy especially from my female...
  3. N

    How to let them pursue you

    Yeah, I understand all this **** on paper and read up the whole DJ bible before the last girl and still got told in the end she only wanted to be friends the whole time. Again this girl looks like a model (Think Sharapova...). I thought I was playing a hard game. First night we met, she...
  4. N

    Can I get my Coworker Interested and no f it up?

    Yep, going to let that one pass. Some other guy will get to enjoy her... Running out of prospects here, gotta stop hanging out with people my age. Not much of a dating pool that's single, still attractive or I can relate to. 20-24 is where the girls are, need to hit up that zone without...
  5. N

    Need help getting game in dance clubs

    It's the hardest place. Don't approach them, get a table, spend loads of money and let them come to you. Be smooth and if you're lucky, you'll take one home. But don't be surprised if she refuses to do anything in bed. Girls at those places just want attention and maybe some guy to spend...
  6. N

    How to let them pursue you

    Two conflicting lines of advice. Don't pursue, let them come to you. Why it works: Elevates status, makes the girl feel it is her decision, etc... Why it doesn't work: You may end up waiting a life time for a girl to come to you, many girls expect the guy to make a move, etc... Be...
  7. N

    Can I get my Coworker Interested and no f it up?

    -History, we occasionally order lunch together, common food interest. -We chat for a minute or two once or twice a week when passing each other in the kitchen. -I brought the really hot, foreign exotic girl I've been *****ing about on this forum to work the other day and that's over. My...
  8. N

    In Bed Again but She Stopped me Again

    On another note the cultural stuff does matter. I travel quite a bit and have a place on the other side of the world. I have some very pretty friends in Asia that dress sexy go to clubs and all yet are virgins in their mid to late 20's. And I have some Spanish master DJ friends that are...
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    In Bed Again but She Stopped me Again

    So the consensus is the key to success is to give up and you can't win? How common are girls that insist you sleep over on the first time you meet them and then refuse to do much in bed... Seems to be a thing for me. This was how the girl was when I first met her, not the only one...
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    Using dating sites in college

    Easier in person then on dating sites. Just make an active friend circle. I'm almost 30 and while I have a masters degree I went back to school for language studies last summer with a lot of undergrads and made a friend circle. I probably met more girls that were single than I did in the past...
  11. N

    In Bed Again but She Stopped me Again

    Alright Girl I was dating last year comes and visits, this HB9 model type every guy looks, etc... But also foreign, conservative and ambitious. Even when drunk her mind is taking control of her emotions and she makes rational decisions. I was NC for a couple months, and when I beak NC...
  12. N

    How do I not listen to a girls problems?

    Telling a girl you have romantic interest = instant fail, let's just be friends Showing a girl romantic interest by kissing, making out, indirectly persuading to sleep with you, etc... = you need to be lucky enough to have those opportunities and when you do it's great for a little while but...
  13. N

    3rd annual Anti-approach anxiety competition

    Approaching Girls with Confidence Looks Desperate Approaching women with confidence comes across as desperate. You may get a conversation, a number or a kiss but you'll ultimately hear let's be friends best case, worst case she runs away. Guys that have value don't approach. The key is to...
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    How do I not listen to a girls problems?

    Vidrio, very possible but if she's banging other guys are they getting the same treatment or do they know something I don't?
  15. N

    Ok Round n and Need to ready some Plays

    Check on not going to her party. That should add some value. What will make her chase me though? I can talk to her at work and ask how her party went, say sorry I couldn't make it been a long time since we go together outside of work want to grab dinner Fri night? Something like that...
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    How do I not listen to a girls problems?

    And yes, I would like to form an LTR something I can't say I've ever succeeded at. Not sure what the keys to LTR are...
  17. N

    How do I not listen to a girls problems?

    We are not more than friends... Well it's complicated we've been seeing each other on and off since last spring, sometimes no talking for over a month or so at a time. We've both seen other people because of living different places and countries and such (moving around a lot). But she clearly...
  18. N

    How do I not listen to a girls problems?

    Some people believe that if you listen to a girls problems you end up in the friend zone. What do you do if she starts talking about her problems or talks about serious stuff like her dreams for marriage and kids and stuff. And you're just dating, not an official couple. I've tried to be...
  19. N

    Ok Round n and Need to ready some Plays

    Ok, last girl just LGBF me again after us being a bit on and off since last spring. I think it all goes back to the fact that I slept with her on the first date but didn't take it all the way that night. I had plenty of dates and various levels of hooking up from making out to sleeping with a...
  20. N

    Getting girl jealous to turn into LTR

    I want to see an answer to this one...