Ok Round n and Need to ready some Plays


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, last girl just LGBF me again after us being a bit on and off since last spring. I think it all goes back to the fact that I slept with her on the first date but didn't take it all the way that night. I had plenty of dates and various levels of hooking up from making out to sleeping with a few other girls in between but nothing that left a mark on me.

In any case, I work in an office with a ton of beautiful girls. Some of which are the flirty type that I know are probably impossible to build a relationship with or get physical with because I've encountered the type before and I never succeeded. They lead you on and try to manipulate you. I have though tried some of the bad boy tactics with only limited success. And I don't want to risk too much at work, it's my dream job.

But there is one of those hard to gets, flirty types and in the sweet spot for me in terms of her life (23, which is very comfortable for me, while 29 myself, I'm a guy and aren't thinking about the marriage and kids thing and have a lack of LTR experience, those 25 and older have been a disaster for me). Anyway, this one is very aggressive about finding dates, she goes on blind dates like every week (probably arranged online)... My co-worker went on a few dates with her, whom I think is easily in his mid 30's and said she was too immature for him and plays games.

But any case, a few weeks ago a few of us ended up at this really cool nightclub and I managed to start dancing with her. I made the move gently, she took to it. She left to use the washroom, but came back and grabbed me for more. Unfortunately when I went to take her home, the rest of our party decided to come with...

Past few weeks, I don't give her much attention just say hi. But tonight she invited me to her party tomorrow and I asked for her number, we exchanged, no biggie. Can't make it though, I have another party tomorrow night that I don't want to go to, so this f'ing sucks

Anyway, where do I go from here without making a fool of myself? The fact we work together is a source of hesitation, but it should also make things easier. I am set on proving to myself and those around me that I can actually pull off an LTR (> 2months with someone).


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
I dont think you can make a fool of yourself here.
Dont turn up at her party, keep your game up.
I think she will chase you.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Check on not going to her party. That should add some value.

What will make her chase me though? I can talk to her at work and ask how her party went, say sorry I couldn't make it been a long time since we go together outside of work want to grab dinner Fri night?

Something like that? Or let her come to me entirely?


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
She will approach you. Don't say sorry, say you were busy.
Use game on her. You could of had her already & she knows this.
You have the power. I think she will try & get it back.

I would run game on her. Tell her i'm busy x,x,x, but i can do x.
Like you say..she is a player, so be careful. She sounds like a slu* too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score

You can go to the party you want too and maybe drop by to her party later on, so she is waiting for you, and if shes drinking...she may just end up jumping you haha