How do I not listen to a girls problems?


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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Some people believe that if you listen to a girls problems you end up in the friend zone.

What do you do if she starts talking about her problems or talks about serious stuff like her dreams for marriage and kids and stuff. And you're just dating, not an official couple.

I've tried to be noticeably inattentive in these situations and not be the therapist. Sometimes if I really show disinterest, I get called an ******* and things improve sexually a bit but then I later get friended for being an *******...

Don't get it and need some suggestions.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
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If you're "dating" a woman but she keeps bringing topic up of marriage, kids, etc, then she is probably one of two things.

1. She wants to date you in a more committed manner. If you don't want this, either tell her so she can move on, or decide if you want to commit (but it seems like you don't). Nobody likes being strung along though, so tell her you're not interested in commitment.

2. She's just really emotional or doesn't have many girl friends to discuss these things with.

I think you and her are more than "dating" considering you're around long enough for her to bring these things up.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
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This is less her telling you her problems and more her trying to get you to commit. You can only deflect for so long before she eventually gives you an ultimatum. You will have to decide whether or not you want an LTR, or if you know for a fact you don't want that then you can just tell her straight up right now, but you'd be better off using her for sex until the ultimatum comes IMO. You need to start spinning plates now if you aren't already.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Move her to a different location. This snaps them out of it and turns her attention back to you and her immediate experience with you.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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We are not more than friends... Well it's complicated we've been seeing each other on and off since last spring, sometimes no talking for over a month or so at a time. We've both seen other people because of living different places and countries and such (moving around a lot). But she clearly said let's just be friends to me twice in the whole ordeal. Once after I was overseas for a couple months and came back she said she had a boyfriend, which lasted about 2 weeks. I acted not concerned and said I never said we had to be a couple (playing it the non-jealous way that we learn here). I then visited her and she invited me into her room and complimented how I look, etc... I told her I had dinner plans and couldn't stay (I wanted to make her jealous). I actually ended up hooking up with another girl I met that night (if I hadn't I would have been a wreck).

A few months later I ask her to visit, she says she can't, a few weeks later she says she'll be in town and does spend the night. I convince her to sleep with me, she fine with me kissing her and touching her downstairs. She wasn't feeling well, so I didn't push for sex beyond that. But during that visit she talked about my ambition and having a wife and kids someday. She complimented my looks again. She was talkative with me by text the next few days.

Valentines day came and she asked about how I spent it. But at the same time she's made a couple visits to my city without telling me or coordinating, her best friend lives here by the way. And she was here for her best friends wedding. Sometimes I initiate chats with her (I usually try to do so sparingly) and just the past few days I did so and started trying to flirt a little over chat. Sometimes she's receptive to it but this time she said halted an easy going conversation with; "myname I want to make something clear, I don't flirt with you, you are a decent guy but not always, I think of you as just a friend. I don't even think we can be a couple." I responded like "wow, we are only friends where is all of this coming from?" and she was like "good". She then talked about the fantasy type of guy she was looking for and I tried to play into it but she dropped offline. I did not handle that well and probably sounded desperate at the end.

My only thoughts to recover from this are to ignore her for at least a month or so and start seeing someone else...

Sometimes I think she is just trying to test me or make me jealous, sometimes I think she is genuinely disinterested. It is difficult to tell.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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And yes, I would like to form an LTR something I can't say I've ever succeeded at. Not sure what the keys to LTR are...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
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ngdonjuan said:
And yes, I would like to form an LTR something I can't say I've ever succeeded at. Not sure what the keys to LTR are...
Bro...she clearly told you numerous times that she just wants to be friends. Girls do this all the time; tell you LJBF but continue to give you a little attention so you'll hang around and be an orbiter. She's using you to get attention, and probably enjoyed giving you blue balls, while she's likely getting smashed by another guy. Drop her and go NC. Not to get her back, but to move on and get other chicks.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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Vidrio, very possible but if she's banging other guys are they getting the same treatment or do they know something I don't?


Oct 20, 2006
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1) When a woman brings up unpleasant things it is your job to steer the conversation away from those things, otherwise she'll associate you with those things. Remember: if you solve a woman's problem you become her problem. (Louis/Copeland). If she keeps talking about those things tell her that you're not her girlfriend.

2) If she's talking about marrying you and having your kids that's good, if she's talking about marrying someone else and having his kids that's bad.

3) You shouldn't seek a LTR. You should get to the point where women keep coming back. That usually means limited contact as a rule. Waiting until they contact you - ideally she will initiate once or twice a week and you can initiate about the same amount as her, if not slightly less. Never text every day or you'll become boring. Eventually she should ask for a commitment.

4) You can't turn a friend into a lover. She most likely already passed you up as a romantic interest. You want to let your romantic interest known and have sex with a woman as quickly as possible. That way she starts thinking of the reasons why she likes you instead of the reasons why she doesn't.

5) Your only hope to get her is to get ripped. A dramatic weight loss (and/or muscle gain), but you need to do it in a healthy way with an organic diet and sunshine. It's the only way to increase interest after she's LJBF'd you (if only in her mind).


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
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ngdonjuan said:
Vidrio, very possible but if she's banging other guys are they getting the same treatment or do they know something I don't?
No. Whoever she's banging, it isn't you, and she has no intentions of banging you. Move on bro.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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bigneil said:
4) You can't turn a friend into a lover. She most likely already passed you up as a romantic interest. You want to let your romantic interest known and have sex with a woman as quickly as possible. That way she starts thinking of the reasons why she likes you instead of the reasons why she doesn't.
Telling a girl you have romantic interest = instant fail, let's just be friends

Showing a girl romantic interest by kissing, making out, indirectly persuading to sleep with you, etc... = you need to be lucky enough to have those opportunities and when you do it's great for a little while but doesn't lead to any kind of relationship

Being indirect and not showing romantic interest and telling her you just want to be friends ideally before she does = creates jealously and attraction when the girl is highly sought after by lots of guys if every one of them is showing romantic interest, she's going to want the one that says lets just be friends.


Oct 20, 2006
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"A successful seducer makes his romantic interest known right away." Louis/Copeland.