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  1. S

    Ever run a train?

    Please, if you had 6 nice looking chicks ready to get naked and suck your ****, your gonna say no?? ........... yea, right!! Me behind other guys? No way! Maybe if I was first.
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    Bi*chy Boyfriend situation

    I lost you at "So I decided to call her to see whats up.". I dont understand?????
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    Girl from Net Flaked on me.. Should I ignore her when using AIM?

    Hmmm, I never called a chick a douche bag...........let me know how it goes.
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    Getting Lazy and introvert

    Give her to me......
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    Really really need help on this, I am in a friken meat locker here!!

    Well, first of all, thanks for "some" input, I really appreciate it. No, I am far from lazy. I am not the greatest at putting things together. I have already spent at least 2 weeks, 8 hours a day searching for info and learning. I already read most of the bible, but, between that and...
  6. S

    Really really need help on this, I am in a friken meat locker here!!

    Hmmm, no one wants to help me with this delima, give me thier ideas, and, or experiences except for "go read the bible"? Damn, I thought this was a place one could ask for help? Guess I am not worthy of being in the "click" Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, great support guys!!
  7. S

    Screening her before you ask for her digits.

    Wow, thats all?? So much shorter than the DJB, I think I can follow that advice pretty easy ;)
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    Really really need help on this, I am in a friken meat locker here!!

    Come on guys, seriously, I need help on this one. What should I do with these women? How much of a professional attitude should I keep with them? How agressive should I get with them? You all are helping "Jayer" and he aint doing squat!! I dont want or need help at the mall, club or...
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    I bet you never heard this one before!

    College park, ehy? Your almost not too far from Fairfax to think about sarging along, lol.
  10. S

    Ever dated a foreign girl?

    trust me, besides the cultural differances, and they might be extreme depending on nationality, deep down, women are just women, they all have the same emotional traits. Maybe they done know about the games or how to play them, but, they are basically the same feminin ball of gobulygook to...
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    Ever dated a foreign girl?

    I have hooked up with a Ukraine chick in Sevastopol one year and a Moscow chick a few years later. Both were family(?) type women living with family and both times were awsome trips. They fvucked like beasts till I wore thier little kitty kat down and had a lot of fun, lol. Very sexual...
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    Hawaiian DJ's or ppl who've been to hawaii speak up

    If she is THAT cool, I am gonna marry her!!
  13. S

    My girl loves me but left me because shes been hurt

    Wanna bet? I was dating this chick and all was going fine. She was EXACTLY what I neeed. One time I was fvucking her and said "I could be with you forever". Tears swelled up in her eyes, and not the happy kind. I asked her what was wrong and she really didnt answer me. I figured, what the...
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    Why we are 'scared'

    I just dont like going up to a chick to give her the cahnce to blow me off for the simple fact that the more guys she can blow off, the hotter she thinks she is. Its a visious cycle that makes the giant serphants head grow and I dont want to be fuel for the fire. Not sure if I am actually...
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    Uglies pull first

    Amen, brotha!! If your not shallow about fugly women, get your pickle serviced and enjoy.
  16. S

    Really really need help on this, I am in a friken meat locker here!!

    Thanks, I am definatly going to read that, but, I need to know NOW what to do before I lose any more posobilities. It is gonna take mee weeks to read this and figure it all out, not that I mind, but, all that booty lost to 3(?) weeks?? I just need some personal input QUICK as to yes, go for...
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    # Close at Wake Last Night

    DinoCassanova, your a SLUT!! I'm jelous :D
  18. S

    My girl loves me but left me because shes been hurt

    Do you love her? If you do, Just go up to her and ask her "Do you love me?". If "she" says yes, then just stright out tell her "good, no if ands or buts, were getting back together so stop your crazy sheat cause I am starting to fall for you too, AND, you know we have a good thing going here...
  19. S

    Really really need help on this, I am in a friken meat locker here!!

    I know this is forum is about learning and using your own game, but, until I get there I am missing soooooo much. I need ALL the advice I can get on this one scenario and I swear I will learn the rest myself, I promise, cross my heart! Okay, my scenario: I work for a high tech company...
  20. S

    Eye contact, come on, I am sooo confused!?

    It has been a loooong time from where I got this info from but I think it has something to do with when your interested in a woman, at say a bar, you dont want her to catch you looking at her because then she thinks she has you, as in "yup scratch another loser on the desires me post"...