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  1. S

    Girlfriend is a headache!

    depends on what makes you feel comfertable. If you all want to chat for 6 hours and both are happy with it, do it. If it bothers one or the other, need to make changes. try to gradually wheene her off the time so she does not get all offended.
  2. S

    Eye contact, come on, I am sooo confused!?

    OKay, I need the non readers digest version here. I have heard that your not supposed to let a woman know your looking at her, but, a post in here says to walk the mall and stare your nuts off. I am slowly putting it together but I need some advice to keep me on the right track. Do you...
  3. S

    Should I go back and talk to her? Urgent Advice Needed

    "My opinion is that if I come up, pretend I need another tie, whatever, she's going to know I made the trip just to see her." Uhm, you told her right away you were there to see her, so, either way she will know. You could have said "you did such a great job, I wanted to see what else you...
  4. S

    Should I go back and talk to her? Urgent Advice Needed

    Well... 1) Props for going up there to talk t her, not sure if I would have made the second trip. 2) Should have never given her your number. Should have said "well, I am not gonna give you my number cause you will not call" 3 ) Asked for her email address (from DD, but great idea)...
  5. S

    Does engauging a woman give her the power???

    One reason I dont approach women is that I am afraid to give them the power. If they see a man come up to them and say "hey baby, whats going on" and they say "drop dead", they just aquired a defeat, sort of like "Highlander". Damn, I really dont want to add to some womans "my **** dont stink"...
  6. S

    Meeting women on the fly, whats your move? Need so much help!

    Well, "rub the jeanie in the lamp" was just humorous chat for us on this side. I would never say anything like that to someone I dont know. My biggets problem I think I have is I want to only speak if I have something that will awww them and grab thier interest. That is not gonna cut it in...
  7. S

    Meeting women on the fly, whats your move? Need so much help!

    Hello all, I am new here so go easy wih me, this is my first post. :) . One thing to know about me is that I live in a double edge sword delima. If you all want to share with me what my problem is, sounds great, I would love to hear it. I "think" I do not have a problem talking to women...